YOU are the Swamp
The Bible is always proven right and fools mock it because they hate the author — the Author of Life:
“When the righteous are in authority and become great, the people rejoice; But when the wicked man rules, the people groan and sigh.”
— Proverbs 29:2“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.”
— Proverbs 14:34
The sin a nation tolerates is the sin that destroys it. We’ve allowed debauchery to fill television and then pretend we don’t know why kids are committing more serious sexual and violent crimes. We treat our own babies as disposable! We exalt materialism and then pretend to not know why so many leaders are guilty of corruption. We treat people as disposable, spouses as disposable, relationships as disposable. We treat people at the safe distance of online and those serving us, like cashiers, as OK to dump our stress on and go off emotionally on. We are abusers pretending it is all justified. We are damn hypocrites.
We PRETEND to be against the “deep state”, but then proceed to entangle our lives with it in hundreds of ways:
- participating in its medicine and ‘healthcare’,
- its military industrial complex contracts,
- in big pharmacy,
- in big tobacco,
- in big oil,
- in big porn,
- its drug narcotics industry (aka Medical Mafia)
- and on and on…
All that “harmless fun”, its education/indoctrination systems, in its industry of fake religion. We learn our bank LAUNDERS millions and millions of dollars for the globalist oligarchs, CIA drugs and STILL BANK THERE. In these and millions of other ways, we conveniently imagine are very small things, we are not the “hands and feet of Jesus” — His bodily expression on Earth; rather we are the complicit enablers of Satan’s every agenda. We run to do every convenient thing Satan suggests! We have become the hands and feet of Satan — expressing his values through our actions.
We demonstrate with our lives that we LOVE sin — in thousands of big and small ways. We prove we love corruption. We pretend to be shocked and outraged when politicians have extramarital affairs or are caught skimming money or inside trading… when the average American is FRANTICALLY WORKING HARD to do all the same things, just at the much smaller scales within their reach, but the greedy heart IS THE SAME. The lust IS THE SAME. The fake compassion IS THE SAME. The public posturing IS THE SAME. The phony respectability in church on Sunday IS THE SAME as the political posturing and strutting we read about in the daily news.
The wicked heart is actually the SAME in them and us; we just can’t cheat on the same SCALE as our exalted leaders, but we APE their same drives and desires in countless ways, while pretending we condemn them when they get caught. Both them and us are living out how totally enslaved we are to the flesh and the world system that is against God.
We LOVE to displace and project our own wicked hearts onto them, because it helps us point the finger of hypocrisy and avoid our inner godlessness and lovelessness — our enshrined and fiercely-protected distrust of Father God to provide for and love us — being too busy diving in deep to the Vanity Fair of America Babylon.
We Americans are the “everyday hypocrites”, the “run of the mill corrupt”. We love to pretend to be against the things we are actually FOR. American culture is one big LIE. We love to pretend that GOD FAVORS US, when our lives are filled with breaking His very instructions. Worse, we pretend that WE LOVE GOD, while worshiping money, convenience, status, and our “Live for #1 culture”.
WHY do we engage in everyday blasphemy by calling God “Lord” when an objective analysis of how we spend our time clearly reveals we have no actual interest in doing what He says? In prioritizing what He values most? WHY do our hearts embrace that which God’s heart warned us against and makes HIs heart cringe? We are not friends with God when we love that which his heart hates.
The problem is that actually following God requires something repugnant to us — unselfishness. We love to think about ourselves and use our God-given minds to calculate how to best feather our nests, our temporary sandcastles — packing them to the brim with creature comforts. So on judgement day when the records are opened, our lives reveal we actually lived with a satanic agenda — pampering ourselves — while our Lord was out in the streets, weeping at how we treat each other. While heaven weeps that they cannot get into our churches because the self-righteous smug assurances have so filled every molecule of the church building that there is no room for the culture of heaven to get in sideways!
At the core of Satan’s Kingdom is justified love of self. And yet, we have tolerated the sin of living for ourselves, when our Lord clearly told us to die to self. But that would require ACTUALLY TRUSTING God, and we live with a fierce independence that fights love right out of our lives everywhere we might encounter it — refusing to truly trust and thus truly die… to truly live.
Thus, the reality is that our behavior shows we choose death every day. We kill off love and relatedness; we kill off compassion. We choose godlessness, because our actions vote for it again and again throughout each day.
Americans live as ENEMIES of the Gospel. We will be numbered with the hypocrites who did their utmost to plot the death of Jesus, the Pharisees in their self-exalted morality and internal lovelessness, who actually said “crucify him” while doing so in the name of following the Roman State as good little citizens.
Heaven sees that our lives today, just like theirs then, are screaming “we have no king but Caesar!” We want to “win” IN THIS LIFE, taking the age-old bait of Satan, and want nothing to do with the actual “King of the Jews.” He’s far too shabby for polite society! And thus our hearts, just like those of the Pharisees, crucify the King of Glory through our practical satanism, daily.
Follow any given day in an American’s life and see how many times their actions are motivated by “getting ahead”, gaining an unfair advantage, selfish ambition, obtaining some status or perk, living to look good in the eyes of other humans we don’t even actually respect or love. We are thus rabid worshipers of Satan, following HIS self-justified and envious heart to the TEE, and calling it “normal”! Calling every relief-seeking sin, “warranted” given the stress or inner pain we experience. We need “relief”, after all, we rationalize. (addictions of any kind from shopping to eating to sex to binge watching the latest media entertainment) And we are so full of bullshit that we complain when our hired prosecutors do not actually condemn public injustice — when our lives are screaming in millions of ways every single day that we actually ADORE injustice?
The fact is we CANNOT purge our leaders of sin or truly, follow through to condemn them, when we are envious of their lavish lifestyles, celeb status, or simply ape their lusts. We don’t like to admit it, but our behavior demonstrates we are envious of their corrupt “gains”.
We cannot divorce the sin we ourselves are sleeping with! The stream of corruption extends from the elites down through the workaday selfish American, the same godless mindset, committing similar hypocrisy and crimes against God, at the maximum, though smaller, scale our own limited social status permits. We will never truly “drain the swamp” when we are actually ACTIVELY STRIVING to be part of it — to play our selfish roles within its systems.
All the while, Jesus Himself is busy healing hearts, giving of Himself with compassion, being shamefully humble, being outrageously unselfish, getting kicked out of churches for looking too much like a homeless person… and so forth. God is TOO MEEK to exist within American PRIDE. The stench has become too much. America loves compromise. America loves greed. America loves to insulate itself from every discomfort. America loves corruption and idolizes it in millions of ways, calling it “going along to get along”, “playing ball”, or “looking the other way”, or simply “getting ahead.”
Thus God will GRANT America the ACTUAL desires of its heart, not its sanitized desires meant for public display, but the desires and values our actions demonstrate we truly idolize — Godlessness, rabid self-consumption and callous destruction. You asked for it; you got it.
© 2017