The Role of Torah in our lives

Headshot Pros
15 min readJun 8, 2022


Subtitle: Why Judaism is utterly Satanic

Today, there is much bad teaching leading to much error and confusion over the tole of Torah in our lives. Since Jesus is the total living Torah, there is no more written Torah as the Holy Spirit lives in the heart, instructing us on what the Word of God (Jesus Himself) wants, second-by-second. In the New Covenant, our instructions for right living have been RE-POSITIONED from external to internal — a MUCH HIGHER standard that the Mosaic Law.

This is why the Mosaic Law is “done away with”, is “fading” and “obsolete” (Galatians) — not because there is no longer any instructions from God, or that God changed. Rather, the be all and end all of the written Law is no longer in stone tablets in the Ark in the Holy of Holies in one specific Temple, but inside US (believers all over the world), for WE are now the true Temple of God.

The written Law on stone tablets fades away, just as the literal earthly stone temple fades away. Simply NOT NEEDED. Why? Because we have the fullness of the real thing, alive in your heart — the fountainhead of everything we desire and do. Anything less is NOT following Christ, and thus not Christian.

As believers we are now in intimate communion with the Law of God Himself — the Word of God — the Person of Jesus! Here’s an analogy:

When you and your lover are apart, you write each other love letters. But when you are standing in each other’s actual presence, the love letters are no less true and real, but they FADE FROM VIEW in light of the presence of our Lover! WHY focus on THEM when the fulfillment is present! In fact, to TURN AWAY from your lover and back to obsessing over the love letters is insane. It is EVIL to turn from the greater to the lesser.

By loving our lover, we actively express that which love letters could only describe and talk about. We are no longer writing it; we are LIVING it. The letters are obsolete, not needed in the Lover’s presence. Our desire is complete — fulfilled in loving & blessing our heart’s total desire. THIS is what it means to be a Christian, not some religious institution.

The Law given by God through Moses described case after case of love-in-action. God has not abandoned His instructions, His Torah; He has in fact RAISED His standards for right living — raised them to everything Jesus IS and everything Jesus did for us and as us. At one point, we only had “love letters” in the written Torah. Now in Christ we have divine love FULLY MANIFESTED, and not just that, but literally placed IN OUR HEART — our core. Our hearts BEAT AS ONE. And not to enjoy this union (to abandon ourselves to our lover) is a crime — a crime of love.

We are now bound & judged by the Royal law of divine love. Every failure is at core, a failure to love as God loves. And since love is action, it is also to fail to do as Jesus would do.

In the sense of the Law as only external written instructions, the Law is done away with. But in the sense of love-in-action, the law is RE-POSITIONED inside our heart to be MORE IN EFFECT — more relevant, active and alive, then every before!

It is the “law of love” but this law of love is not a “Law” (as in a task to do for fear or repercussions) so much as it is our WANT TO — our total heart’s desire. Our experience of this new life in Christ is not law-focused, but Christ-focused, and Christ (the embodiment of law and obedience and torah demonstrated) is EVERYTHING AND MORE that written law could not be.

That is not a failure of the written law, because the Torah of Moses DID TRULY describe rightly living in loving behaviors. But in the actual PRESENCE / PERSON of divine love, any written reference is no longer needed. We don’t focus on obeying written instructions; WE FOCUS ON LOVING JESUS BACK.

And in so doing, we have surpassed the merely written instructions for right living. We now have the POINT that the entire written instructions were pointing us to.

Now that we can reference Jesus Himself, we see the example that was LITERALLY EVERYTHING the Law of God give to Moses was after. We already have the total Law/Instruction in the Person of Messiah Jesus. We are not judged, not by adherence to external actions to written commands, but by how much our heart is or is not like Jesus’ heart. And our actions are or are not as perfect as Jesus’ actions.

Do we LOVE as Jesus loves? Do we OBEY the Father as Jesus obeys the Father? Jesus said,”the words that I speak are not my own, they are the words of the Father. I say ONLY what the Father tells me to say, and I say it only EXACTLY as He tells me to say it.” (John 12) We are given oneness in Christ. Are we living in that oneness?

This is the Royal Law of Love. This is pinpoint precision obedience Jesus’ entire existence on Earth. This is our standard and what will judge us. If you are obeying the Royal Law of Love, you are in total alignment with Jesus, and thus, from the inside out, you are actively keeping everything also written in the Torah given from God through Moses. Any other understanding/interpretation is not of God.

So do we just go and do as we please? Yes & no. First the “NO.”

We are not set free from sin SO THAT we can go right back to sinning. We are not rescued from hell in order to lead a life of fleshly indulgence like a son of hell. We are not to use this freedom from the Mosaic Law we have in Christ to violate the heart of divine love. We are to use freedom to LOVE ALL THE MORE.

Galatians 5:13 For you, brothers, were called to freedom; but do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. Rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”…

God and his standard has not changed; it has been elevated/repositioned/enlivened from a few external written instructions to a constant, 24/7 requirement to love God and others with God’s own love, and nothing less!

Now, with the resurrection power of Christ living in us, we are to be that which we truly are — agents of divine love in action. We be who we are, image bearers… through loving actions straight from God’s own heart! Anything less than perfect love, every moment, is a betrayal of your own true nature in Christ Jesus.

So do we just go and do as we please? Here is the “YES.”

In fact, Martin Luther, upon actually reading the New Testament specially wrote: “love God and do as you please” because he was struck with the reality of the same thing I am saying here — the full Gospel.

In our fellowship with God in Christ and our new nature (something the written law was powerless to provide) to do as we please is to be TRUE to our real selves. Our real selves have been “UNITED with Christ”. We have been “Filled with Christ.” We have been “filled to the full measure of Christ.” In fact we are SEATED WITH Christ in the place of honor and authority, at the Right Hand of the Father no less.

To do as we please is to have hearts made ALIVE in Christ so that what we most desire is the Joy of the Father. And like Christ, we now LOVE to LOVE the Father! Which is to say, we are eager & earnest to OBEY every word that proceeds from the Father. God’s Word is Jesus. God’s Word is LIFE. God’s Word is Spirit. God’s Word is the exact representation of His Heart.

We live to please Father God, for being IN Christ Jesus, with His ACTUAL blood in us, making us alive/responsive to the Holy Spirit, we are in intimate union with the Trinity — again something FAR BEYOND AND ABOVE anything a written Law could accomplish (John 17). For us to do as we please is to love as God loves. To obey as Jesus obeys. Anything else is being untrue to what we most desire.

How else can the Holy Spirit instruct Paul to write: “For me to live IS Christ Himself! And even physical death is gain to me (for it takes me into Christ’s full presence).” (Philippians 1:21)

And again it is written: “for you have died, and you your life is hid WITH Christ IN Father God.” (Colossians 3:3)

Learning German

This is a great analogy in a story I heard someone tell years ago. This boy fell in love with a German girl. Head over heels in love! And he only spoke English. She only spoke German. He quickly enrolled in learning to speak German.

To him, studying German is a DELIGHT, an expression of his heart’s desire, for it is a way to communicate with, to get closer to, this love of his life! Studying German is directly connected to expressing his love. It is not a burden, but a delight!

To anther person, studying German because of some external requirement, but NOT FROM LOVE, is not a delight. It is a burden. A requirement to go through the motions and have the external passing of the test only.

This is the Gospel: realizing who Jesus is and what He has done for us and as us, makes us want to RUN TO HIM. He is our life. He is our salvation. He is all the love that this world could never give us. He is the faithfulness we have needed all along. He is the understanding our hearts ache for. And so forth and on and on. We want to RUN to him and be as close as possible, because we understand that He is the lover of our souls. There is no love like His love.

We thus see in the Torah as all these expressions and descriptions of LOVE. We GET it. We understand the core of the Torah because we have encountered the living divine love of Father God IN the person of Jesus of Nazareth. We study God’s word, including the Torah, because we are IN LOVE WITH the author. Because we grasp the LOVE behind it.

The religious person merely studies Scripture because they SHOULD, not because they want to with all their being. This is the difference between actual spirituality and mere dead religion. Both have good intentions. One gets and connects to the LOVE; the other goes through the motions from a sense of duty or morality.

The life and work of Jesus re-positions all those instructions in the Torah of Moses from LAWS (things to do or else face negative repercussions) to WANT TOs. As laws, we do them because we SHOULD, and don’t run to them as WANT TOs because they are total self-expression and joy.

The DOING of the studying of German was a joy to this man for it was totally connected to GIVING AND RECEIVING LOVE from this girl. Communicating and expressing, connecting their hearts closer! But without the core of love driving you, studying German becomes something dead. A mere requirement. A burden, in fact. It is no longer a WANT TO, but merely a SHOULD.

When what we most want is to give and receive love directly from God, the love letter of the Torah is something we WANT to understand as it is directly connected to understand the heart (values, motives, nature) of God who gave it. But when the lover appears, we use the speaking of the love language of true spirituality to ENJOY INTIMACY with our creator. We WANT to obey. This makes ALL the difference. One is life; the other is dead.

Judaism and Christianity Defined

Judaism is the man-made system of traditions (oral and written) thoroughly contaminated by the black magic that the Hebrews learned in their Babylonian captivity. The same system and religion that the fallen angels deceived the rulers of Babylon with.

It offers ritual and tradition, but not spiritual life. Now they will call that being “spiritual”, but there is no true spirituality. True spirituality is what Adam and Even originally enjoyed- daily conversational intimacy with God.

That is no religion, no tradition, no dogma — it is direct relationship with God as intimate allies. Any attempt to define spirituality or religion as LESS than that is false, is degraded and deceptive.

Christianity is following Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshua) as Messiah (Christ). There are all kinds of corruptions and fake things that degrade into religion, traditions, dogma, and all the usual morass that CALL themselves Christian without actually being Christian. Accept no substitutes. Christianity is receiving Jesus as all that he is and has done for you and as you.

It takes the whole New Testament (written by Jews to Jews, with the only exceptions being that the letter to the church in Rome and the Revelation of the Christ recorded by disciple/apostle John were to churches that were non-Jewish) to fully explain what Jesus did for you and as you.

BUT ESSENTIALLY… to sum it up, what The Messiah accomplished is the re-connection of humanity back to Father God, through his own perfect blood (no genetic or nephilim corruption) and sinless being (in constant harmonious intimacy with Father God).

Messiah RESTORED the conversational intimacy direct with God that Adam and Eve originally had before their sin/fall. True spirituality is having and walking in this conversational intimacy. This is Christianity. This is what Jesus, as the Christ (the anointed One, the Messiah) accomplished for those that put their trust in Him. This is the perfect sacrifice that the Tabernacle and Temple systems were pointing to all along. The Tabernacle, Mosaic Law, Temple in Jerusalem — all foreshadow Jesus as the perfect saccrifice, meaning thatno more sacrifice for sin exists. It is done, once and for all, throughout all time.

Judaism is against this truth — this reality. And against true spirituality. Judaism is an ISM, and is the most satanic thing ever as an inverted system of pretend goodness. It grew DIRECTLY from the black magic systems taught in ancient Babylon by fallen angels.

This is what came to be the “rabbinical Judaism” in full effect by Jesus’ incarnation. INSTEAD of enjoying divine love, divine grace, and exercising real FAITH in all the Law and Prophets taught, the put in human intermediaries. They thus BLOCK AND ABORT the conversational intimacy that is Father God’s will to restore all along. The put in “wisdom from below” and reject the “wisdom from above.” They put in systems of traditions, rituals, human opinion and exalt that OVER AND AGAINST what God actually taught and calls for. This is as evil as it gets. They are Anti-Messiah.

Considering that the MOST JEWISH thing a Hebrew person could ever do is follow their messiah, Judaism is Anti-Christ and Anti-Hebrew. A Hebrew is a genetic descendant of Abraham. But Judaism is a man-made and Babylonian black-magic-rooted system of fake spirituality (the appearance of morality but without forever atonement for sin and without the conversational intimacy direct with God that is Father God’s will, not just in some distant afterlife, but here and now).

Now add to your understanding that the Rabbinical Judaism system by the time of Jesus was thoroughly infiltrated with and replaced by Edomites — non-Hebrew people. These are not Jewish spiritual leaders teaching Torah and leading people to freedom, forgiveness and direct spiritual intimacy with Father God. Instead, they are fallen-angel-inspired Edomites (the Canaanite bloodline of humans mixed with nephilim, and thus of reptilian genetics, not truly human).

Jesus speaks the direct truth about them to them: you are NOT sons of Abraham (John 8, Galatians 3), you are a brood of reptilians (Matthew 12 — literal human hybrids between “blood licking” reptilians whose father is the Devil. Edomite literally means “blood licker”. The Edomites were descended from reptilian Cain, not Adam. So do understand that the CONTROL SYSTEM of religion traces itself straight back to Nephilim, along with the Black Magic Systems of Babylon and Cain.

THIS Edomite-hijacked and Babylon-inspired substitute was the system controlling all that was Israel “spiritually approved”, aka orthodox by these spiritual fakers — these Edomite hypocritical control freaks.

The Rabbis, Pharisees, Sadducees and Sanhedrin (They were all Edomite infiltrated and even King Herod was an Edomite — all fake Hebrews — all non-human genetics pretending to be Jews) led people AWAY from true spirituality and Torah not TO the freedom provided by Messiah. They put burdens of religiosity on them that, while claiming to promote/enforce Torah, were anti-Torah.

Here we see the usual Luciferian inversion tactics. They had their traditions and their black magic (blood magic, sex magic, divination, etc.) in full alignment with Molech, Dagon and Ba’al, but could never provide Torah righteousness. Judaism is thus satanism dressed up and pretending to play nicely with actual Torah when it in fact loves its traditions and the continuity of its deadness and burdens, but is powerless to do ANY of the things that Humanity (Jew and Gentile alike) truly need s — namely the RESTORATION of intimate fellowship with Father God whereby we LOVE GOD BACK with God’s own love in and through our hearts. Traditions and Rituals are fake goodness — substitutes for real life and spirituality.

Judaism (aka Edomite traditions and Torah perversions/corruptions) are described in the Old Testament here: Proverbs 21:16 “A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead.”
If you don’t understand the heart of the Father is to send His Son to show us the way to restored harmonious intimacy with Himself, you are prone to fall for religious substitutes for actual spirituality.

Judaism keeps you dead in your sins BUT PRETENDING that you are good, moral, and spiritual. Such a satanic deception!

Without the perfect blood required for the “remission of sins” (Hebrews 9:22) it has no power or source of Goodness, and is thus of no true benefit to anyone. It cannot impart LIFE to your dead spirit. In fact, it is a distraction, a fake religion along with all the religions, that offers a substitute righteousness which is no actual righteousness at all. A diversion. It merely has the appearance of goodness without any true POWER to BE good (2 Timothy 3:5). So deceptive!

Judaism can give you rules and traditions, but cannot do the only thing that matters — unite your heart to God’s heart, alive and responsive with God’s own love at your core.

The most Jewish thing a Hebrew person can do is follow the Messiah.

Be set free from dead tradition, mere human attempts at morality, and become TRULY GOOD from the inside out — a transformation, a true redemption, a salvation. You need to go from being spiritually dead and unresponsive to God’s heart, to alive and joined WITH and In God’s heart. God accomplishes this very thing by placing you IN Christ Jesus with His blood and righteousness applied to you. Thus to say that “Judaism is Satanic,” is not mean or hateful or prejudice; it is in fact the only true and loving conclusion there is, having examined the facts of the matter.

BE NOT DECEIVED by fake goodness, fake spirituality, mere dogma without divine connection and divine love. Only following Messiah offers restoration and forgiveness/atonement/propitiation and a heart alive WITH God and alive with God’s LOVE. Judaism cannot offer this. Catholicism cannot offer this. No religion can offer this as no religion is from God. God never created or taught any religion; He wants us to Bear His Image — to love as he loves, give as he gives, and be agents of Grace / Lovingkindness (Chessed).


If you are focusing on the written Torah MORE than the PERSON OF MESSIAH HIMSELF, you are violating both the Torah and the Law of Love. You are thus MISSING everything Torah points to. You are sinning — you are “missing the mark.”

To love law-keeping (Torah following) more than intimate communion with Jesus is the most satanic thing a person can do, for it is to have the seeming APPEARANCE of morality without the heart of God’s love driving your every expression. God gave the Hebrews descriptions of Love in Action in the Torah of Moses, SO THAT is would point them to Messiah Jesus.

Eventually, the Hebrews (complicated history of many steps) turned that into mere JUDAISM — the most satanic religion the cosmos has ever known — SEEMING SO GOOD and having good intentions GALORE, but without the life/love/communion as a lover of God driving it.

God never gave humanity the ISM of Judaism. Instead, He gave us HIMSELF, in the person of Jesus. Accept no substitutes — no derivatives lest you be a violator of God’s Law of total love. Religion is NOT spirituality, it is the appearance of Spirituality without your spirit being alive with and in love with God.

Loving Jesus back is EVERYTHING. All the religion and morality in the world, but without a life centered around passionately loving Jesus Back… is NOTHING — nothing but a ticket to hell. But you can only do this, this genuine loving Jesus back, with Jesus’ own blood and heart alive IN you — by Divine Grace through Faith/Trust. Since the law of Moses cannot put this love INSIDE you, it cannot save you. It cannot make your heart alive or connected to God and your purpose. Only Jesus Himself, and not some religion or derivation or set of dogma, can save you.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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