Why did God create mankind?

Headshot Pros
7 min readOct 20, 2021


When it comes to the first chapters in Genesis, many fail to make a very important distinction, because it is confusing because two separate kinds of beings/genetics are both called “man” in Genesis. But the male/female created at the same time are pre-Adamites, hominids, but not homo sapien sapien.

The Bible uses the word “Man” as a general term. For example, angels are not humans, but are also called “men” in the Bible, and so forth. (Genesis 18, Daniel, and many other references) The “men” that are created both male/female at the same time made by the Eloheim and called to replenish the Earth (Genesis 1:18) these are “men”, but not human. Hominids but not humanity.

These “men” were the ones that Cain feared might kill him if he encountered them (Genesis 4). Cain was cursed to “wander” and he lived in the “land of Nod”, Nod means to wander. He lived in the land of wandering. Cain and his seed were a human/reptilian hybrid race. (Cain’s mother was Eve and his father was the Serpent who copulated with Eve — that union was the forbidden fruit). The hominid pre-Adamites had replenished the Earth, not being homo sapien sapien, Cain was afraid they would kill him because he was MARKED by God for his murder crime of half-brother, the full human (homo sapien sapien) Able, who was both from Adam+Eve, whereas Cain was born from Eve+Nakash/Serpent/Reptilian. Cain LOOKED different than Able and also different than the Pre-Adamites, because he was genetically different. (too much to go into here).

These pre-Adamite hominids are the beings called to “replenish the earth after” it was rendered into a barren wasteland (Genesis 1:2 from the Luciferian rebellion and angel wars that ravaged and removed most all life in the entire solar system) and had to be RE-created. God did not create Earth as a barren wasteland, the angelic wars had devestated every planet in the solar system (in the universe???) and Earth needed to be RE-stored to a place of life.

These hominids were made in the image of the Eloheim. (let us make man in our image). Eloheim is a plural word for gods, not THE Most High God singular, but beings that God delegated some authority to and territory over in their own “realms”. Then there is Adam, made in the image of Yahweh Eloheim, unlike those hominids. Adam (the first Homo Sapien Sapien) was made in the Most High God’s image and had the Breath of Life breathed into him — unlike the hominids “men” who were made in the image of the watcher angels (the lesser Eloheim). A lack of understanding of the text in Genesis is rampant and causes many to have confused beliefs.

HOMINIDS: created before Adam was created in the image of the Watcher Angels — the lesser “gods” (plural), the subordinate spiritual authorities/powers, the Eloheim. Created male/female at the same time.

HUMANITY: homo sapien sapien. Created specifically by Yahweh Eloheim (the Covenant-Making God, the God of Gods, the Most High). First Adam, then Eve later.

ELOHEIM: the lesser gods, the beings God delegated authority/territory to before humanity was created, many of which rebelled and fell with Lucifer long before humanity (Adam) was created

YAHWEH ELOHEIM: the God of Gods, the Most High God, the Chief God. The source of all creation, including the creation of the Eloheim and the source of all life and authority. It is YAHWEH ELOHEIM who made Covenant with Abram/Abraham in Genesis. It is YAHWEH ELOHEIM who walked in the Garden of Eden with Adam before his fall. Christians call this “Father God.”

Jesus came as THE LAST ADAM (1 Corinthians 15:21–22; 15:45–47) — a perfect human DNA, what God intended homo sapien sapien to be, in His own, personal, image. This is significant and unique in creation. Whereas one third of the Angels created by God, sided with Lucifer in his rebellion and fell, now God (Yahweh Eloheim) is creating something not angelic, but in His very own IMAGE.

God’s specific intention for humanity is a being he can delegate power and authority to (big picture as a mature son/daughter of God) that is UNITED to Himself, in fellowship, the same values and perspective.

No, humans do not become all-knowing or all-powerful or all-present like Father God, but rather a being so like Father God Himself, that HIS OWN LOVE could find a home and resonate in humanity (in Adam/Eve and their offspring). A being that could grow up to be an INTIMATE ALLY with God in the redemption of the now fallen/corrupted universe (and multiverse). The fallen angels failed to trust in the goodness of Father God. God wanted a new and special creation, uniquely able to bear His own image, so they would truly GET the goodness of God, receiving it and reflecting it back to God — receiving God’s love and loving God back with God’s own love. This image-bearer, this homo sapien sapien, could enjoy a ONENESS with God that the angels were not designed for, a sonship/daughtership that allowed God to IMPART AUTHORITY to in a way the Angels were not created for.

A harmonious intimacy to use the Life of God and extend the Life of God (in them and through them) OUT, into the world around them. The point of being a child of God is to be like God — meaning to be united with God, fwllowship with God, be filled with God, overflow with God — to radiate God OUT into the territory around them. Thus being God’s representatives (kingdom ambassadors as 2 Corinthians 5:20 puts it) and a force for redemption/restoration… and of true fellowship.

God’s intention/purpose is that we are LIKE HIMSELF in a way, a capacity, an intimacy beyond the highest angel. We have inklings of it now, and it is still mysterious for our maturity is not complete, but that is God’s “end game” for humanity.

1 John 3:1,2 “Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him (Jesus). Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be LIKE Him, for we will see Him as He is.…”

God can command angels — incredible capacity, intelligence, and might. God can FELLOWSHIP with a human being in a faith/grace relationship with Himself. Human is a being that can RECEIVE DIVINE GRACE. and thereby “grow up into the fullness of God” Jesus’ blood was human, perfectly human, but had the LIVING CONNECTION to Father God (Yahweh Eloheim) in it. So it was not just (a) genetically pure like God made Adam, but also (b) spiritually ALIVE — able to hear God, connect with God, and fellowship directly with God Himself. Spiritually alive, morally spotless, fully one and connected to Father God’s heart, ways, mind, priorities, etc..

THAT is the blood that saves, restores us to be a human being (without reptilian/nakash/serpent seed DNA mixed in from Cain’s lineage — fall through inter-species breeding of Eve and the Reptilian). Jesus was not OF Cain’s Bloodline, but of Adam and Eve’s bloodline. The first Adam had God as his Father. The Last Adam, Jesus, had Mary as his mother and God as his Father (via the Holy Spirit to be specific). As the LAST Adam, Jesus restored everything that Adam lost (forfeited through compromise/sin/fall). He restored RELATIONSHIP, LIFE, and COMMUNION with God.

Jesus showed us how to live this earthly live in harmony with Yahweh Eloheim (in covenant relationship, in loving obedience, following God’s instructions because we want to as it flows from a core understanding of God’s love/goodness/worthiness to be obeyed and worshiped). God’s only begotten Son took on Human Flesh (Jesus), yet without Adam’s sin, to show/demonstrate/live out a life in proper connection/harmony to God as God intended.

Jesus incarnated (Mary + Holy Spirit) as the LAMB OF GOD, to show us how to live (following God’s instructions/Torah from obedient love), and also to die (be blood sacrificed as the Lamb) as a perfect human, so that united through Jesus’ lifeblood we too can have restored connection to God — a faith/grace relationship connection into God’s family and kingdom.

Jesus is coming back as King of Kings, to punish wickedness and enforce justice and righteousness on Earth, so His Father may be glorified — honored as Holy and Worthy of all worship and all authority.

We are to live and love as Jesus did, directly KNOWING God as Father, now that we are granted a grace relationship with Father God through and by the perfect incarnation/life/death/resurrection of Jesus as the Last Adam. We are to GROW UP as sons/daughters of God, mature in authority — to judge AS Father God judges, love as Father God loves, and be in every way as physical extensions of our Heavenly Father. This life in intimate relationship with Jesus and Father God shows the world WHO God really is.

But it does not end there. It goes beyond out physical life to an unending life in fellowship with God, in God’s direct presence, and partnering with God, not as full equals in power, but as intimate allies in redeeming everything off in the universe. This is why Jesus spoke that God’s kingdom with EXPAND like yeast throughout the entire loaf of bread, or like a tiny seed that EXPANDS to be a tree, continuing to become a HUGE tree that “fills the whole earth.” God has an expansion agenda — spreading His goodness everywhere, and he WANTS us to partner with Him in this glorious purpose.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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