Who Has The Real Vote?
Not only do we have videos going around on Twitter (August 2024) of random foreigners and America-haters fraudulently registered to vote in a USA election, we have already had a foreigner waltz in and ACT as the president — Obama.
The EXACT person our laws say is specifically prohibited from even running as president. Someone with at least 3 different, CIA-crafted, false identities. The embodiment of fraud with a fake and shifting identity, fake and shifting religion (sometimes claiming Christianity, sometimes claiming Islam), shifting sexual orientation (straight in some circles and homosexual in others), fake and shifting nationality, fake marriage, fake kids, fake education, fake origin (Indonesia, Hawaii, etc.). A usurper. A tyrant and deceiver to the bone.
Every rule, every law, every boundary the Constitution and founding documents set up, satan must smash it, circumvent it and see it thoroughly destroyed by outright inverting it — meaning to turn the original law into its exactly opposite. Thus we see in America the phrase “liberty and justice for all” turning into abuse, tyranny and usurpation for all and justice for none.
A psychopath only gets pleasure from VIOLATING the victim’s boundaries, and Satan is the original, and expresses his heart through willing frauds.
The political situations are a reflection of the spiritual situation. America has cooperated, as submitted to ILLEGITIMATE spiritual rulers. Frauds with no legitimate authority, but in practical terms may as well have authority, because we’ve submitted to them.
Is the answer Civil War? A physical overthrow by violence and physical force? NO, it is not a physical rebellion. Rather, it is breaking spiritual covenants with lies, darkness, fallen powers and territorial rules. It is getting into covenant obedience with the Source of all real Authority The Father and the Son to who the Father has given all judgement and authority. It is parting ways with the Deceiver and all deceptions that flow from the deceiver. It is in taking up spiritual dominion. We submit TO God, so that His authority can flow in and through us (this is what salvation won back for us, though the Western church focuses on forgiveness much more than authority). We USE that spiritual authority to bind and loose — to command the territory.
We have to get our focus foremost on the spiritual dynamics. Otherwise, all the social action, all the philanthropy and charities, all the
All the false little would-be rulers have to BEND THE KNEE in submission to the King of Kings. This happens at lots of levels, lots of scopes from personal to regional to national to worldwide. The worldwide subjection of all the rebellious nations/ethnicities will take an involved process that the scroll Revelation goes into.
And while that WORLDWIDE victory is still in the process of unfolding in God’s exact time (Revelation 11:15), the local/regional/personal battle needs to be fought and engaged in — God’s Kingdom and Jesus’ Victory over and against the false rulers — first the spiritual powers/thrones/rulers, then on to their physical minions/agents/puppets.
We are not to be passive. The Word of God is ACTIVE. (Hebrews 4:12) It is DYNAMIC and EFFECTIVE…. to the undoing, the dismantling, the dethroning of all the spiritual wicked structures.
Colossians 1:16
“For by Him (the Most High God) ALL things were created in heaven and on earth, entities both visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all these structures and entities were created and exist through Him [because of God creative actions] and for Him.”
Thus this is the rightful order. All these spiritual structures and entities needs to be BROUGHT INTO SUBJECTION, such that they are FOR the Creator and Most High God. The rebellion overcome through the goodness of God (Romans 12:21).
This is why we are here. We are FORGIVEN, not to just sit around feeling special and self-satisfied, but SO THAT we can be filled and restored with Holy Spirit Life/Power. That is something very… ACTIVE and DYNAMIC. We are united with the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit so that we can be these holy extensions, these conduits of God’s Kingdom into the physical realm of Earth.
An important questions arises: how exactly do we actually effect change for good? Not spin our wheels in frustration and futility, but change the situation at the CORE?
We defeat abortion through binding the spirit of Molech, etc.. We stop illegal immigration through removing the root AUTHORITY behind it. Meaning we stop allowing the FOREIGN things of this world to get into our Spirit Man — our Vessel, our Temple of the Holy Spirit. We keep the fakeness and fraud of the world OUT of our minds, wills, souls, and spirits.
James 1:27 “…keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” We don’t sing their songs, celebrate their holidays, attend their events, we don’t fill our hearts with their materialistic and sexual values, etc.. We be our REAL selves — redeemed in Christ Jesus to be Holy.
The border crisis is the red light on the dashboard saying that something, usually inside the engine, has a problem. The border crisis tells us that we are allowing into our mind and spirit that which is FOREIGN to us. That which is INVALID, illegitimate and does not belong.
We lift up Jesus and live lives where He is King and Lord and Judge and then there is no more ROOM for the evil in our territory (physical and spiritual and linked, so both the seen and the unseen territory). We CAST DOWN IDOLS. We don’t let the wicked flourish — things like evicting EVERY SINGLE MASON, and other cult groups working to sabotage and control our territory OVER AND AGAINST the legitimate rule of our own land!
They, these “workers of iniquity” (Romans 1), are hard at work to dedicating this territory (I’m in America and talking foremost to Americans) to the Evil One. They are ACTIVELY INVITING THE SPIRITUAL ILLEGAL ALIENS IN and giving THEM all the rights and priledges! The invader should not have the rights, responsibilities and priledges of the citizen! We lift up the Standard of Jesus and resist this inversion.
And we are at work setting that right side up, and dedicating America (expanding out, first ourselves, our family, our community, our city, state, nation) to the MOST HIGH God — the valid authority. And to God’s Kingdom — where love and justice and righteousness reign in humility and unselfish, mutual service.
We don’t get into agreement that the World Health Organization has any authority over our own bodies. We don’t let the satanists make the laws of the land! So yes, we are fighting on many fronts.
The key question is, are we fighting STRATEGICALLY? Or reacting? Are we receiving marching orders from the Head? From Christ Himself, so that we can BE His church, and not some twisted human organization or institution merely calling itself a church? We resist… IN Jesus’ NAME. We overcome… in Jesus’ NAME. His Authority is the key to everything good and meaningful.
Are we DISARMING the fraudulent spiritual authorities? Those evil revels SQUATTING in our territory? We have to explore, how have we capitulated to giving spiritual rights over to illegitimate things to rule, to dictate, to control us in the physical?
We go to God to teach us spiritual warfare. We will get the level of corruption, degradation and darkness THAT WE TOLERATE. We will get the maturity and overcoming level that we passionately pursue, for …
“Therefore, openly acknowledge your sins to one another, and pray for each other, so that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” — James 5:16
Are we even praying FERVENTLY ?The USA is not openly acknowledging its sins. Its many failures. Its failures to be the liberty and justice for all that it advertised itself to be. Now we cannot expect the unsaved to do so. They are committed to DISTORTING the perception of reality in order to try to make themselves look better than they are. But we, the believers, can be RUTHLESSLY HONEST. Vulnerable/transparent (without guile) before our God on the Throne of Grace.
What did Jesus do at the Cross, Death, and Resurrection / Ascension?
Colossians 2:15
“And having spoiled (ruined and disarmed) principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”
So the question is, are we following Jesus? Are we DISARMING the dark powers with the REAL power of Grace and Salvation — with the PERSON and the VICTORY of Jesus?
“And do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good!” — Romans 12:21
Does this mean POLITICAL ACTIVISM? Well it could include that but it is not primarily that. Rather it is breaking covenant with the falseness/darkness/deception/oppression of the evil One and its minions in the higher, unseen, spiritual realms. America and the American church has a LONG way to go on this first step.
And it means REESTABLISHING covenant relationship with the Covenant of Grace, whereby the Righteousness of Jesus is BESTOWED upon us, giving us a new identity — and Identity that can PARTICIPATE IN the good authority (true goodness, true righteousness, loving morality, etc) of Jesus can flow in and through and out of us into that which is around us.
Adam originally managed/governed the Garden of Eden, not through sweaty labor, but through AUTHORITY. Through His God-given authority to command Nature. He lost it, but JESUS RESTORED IT through union with Himself — the ultimate judge and authority. Jesus has restored authority to us, but are we using it or are we letting illegitimate rulers dominate us at so many levels?
Those preaching a powerless Gospel are not helping you! They are keeping you from the reality — the POWER — of the actual Gospel. Take UP your authority in Christ Jesus as a MATURE son/daughter of the Most High God. Not to inflict some petty and egotistical will upon things, but to EXTEND God’s will through you to all things around you. This is how we see that Jesus lived and demonstrated in human form.
God’s will is to BLESS AND UPLIFT. That can get perverted and withered into a fake love that confines itself to some idea of mere “niceness.” No, love and goodness are POWERFUL things — they are forces of CHANGE. Change for good. Not some vague “hope and change” like the Illegitimate Obama tried to twist and redefine it.
Instead the power to be good and to reflect your Spiritual Father. There is no room for selfish ego in this picture. There is not room for fleshly ambitions in this picture. There is mutuality of love and service. There is humility. Humility is powerful enough to serve, and not some weak thing as the fallen world imagines it to be. It is ALIGNING with Authority. One who has Aligned with Authority (with God Himself) can then have that authority flow THROUGH him — from the spirit first out into the physical manifestations.
As believers, WE are these conduits. We are to be the conduits form which the good will of our Father in Heaven manifests on Earth. We don’t do that through focusing on all the social issues to combat. We do address things at all levels, BUT we fix our eyes on that which is ABOVE — from the source of AUTHORITY.
Hebrews 12:2
…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter (Jesus initiated it and Jesus also completed it) of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.Colossians 3
So if you were raised along with the Messiah, then seek the things above, where the Messiah is sitting at the right hand of God.[a] 2 Focus your minds on the things above, not on things here on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God. 4 When the Messiah, who is our life, appears, then you too will appear with him in glory!5 Therefore, put to death the earthly parts of your nature — sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed (which is a form of idolatry); 6 for it is because of these things that God’s anger is coming on those who disobey him. 7 True enough, you used to practice these things in the life you once lived; 8 but now, put them all away — anger, exasperation, meanness, slander and obscene talk. 9 Never lie to one another; because you have stripped away the old self, with its ways, 10 and have put on the new self, which is continually being renewed in fuller and fuller knowledge, closer and closer to the image of its Creator. 11 The new self allows no room for discriminating between Gentile and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, savage, slave, free man; on the contrary, in all, the Messiah is everything.
12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with feelings of compassion and with kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.So, who has the real vote? WE THE LEGITIMATE SONS/DAUGHTERS OF THE MOST HIGH do! But are we living as sanctified in our real identity? Or are we world-compomised and flirting with the lesser things? Are we TAKING UP the victory Jesus won — first and foremost in the Spiritual level of connecting us to Father God in harmony and covenant of Grace.
Our Father is KING OF THE UNIVERSE. So what does that make us? The immature/selfish seek entitlements. The mature seek to LOVE AND SERVE. To extend righteousness. To demonstrate intimacy with the Trinity. (John 17) Are we identifying with the old, SIN-DOMINATED self? Are we setting our eyes above? Are we walking in the Spirit of God? Are we abiding in the Vine Of Jesus? Are we bearing fruit for God and His Kingdom?
The answer comes, the solution, comes from INTIMACY. It is BECAUSE OF THE COVENANT, the BLOOD covenant Jesus established at the cost of His physical body, that we have connection, have intimacy, have power, have a NEW IDENTITY.
We get to choose to live in reality or delusion. Are we living FROM the Renewed Covenant? Are we living in the delusion that our old identity gets to run the show?
Who has the real vote? The CITIZEN does. The illegal invader does not. We have the real vote as to whether God’s rule or whether lawlessness manifests in America, and every day our focus and our behavior is demonstrating whose kingdom we are voting for.