WHO does the Modern Land of Israel Belong to?

Headshot Pros
4 min readNov 29, 2023


1. It is very True that God gave that land to Abraham. And as a inheritance to CHILDREN OF FAITH in God. To be a real CHILD of your father is to LIVE LIKE your Father lives. This is a core understanding across the entire Middle East. To be a child of Abraham is to LVE IN FAITH. To seek closeness and obedience to God, and the BY PRODUCT (not the goal) are many physical blessings. The blessings are to show and attract the OTHER nations to covenant relationship with God Most High.

Thus Genetics alone do not entitle living in the Land of Israel as defined by the Bible, (remember the Bible specifically talks about accepting the foreigner into your community IF IF IF and only IF they want to live in Covenant Relationship with God according to His instructions. )

THUS FAITH TRUMPS THE ENTIER GENETIC ISSUE. Only GODLY LIVING can lay claim to that promise, and living IN ORDER TO BE A BLESSING TO ALL THE OTHER NATIONS, not selfish or entitled living. Again, God’s purpose was always to use Israel to be an example to show Godly living to the REST OF THE WORLD and thus be a force of restoration and lawfulness on Earth.

Thus ONLY the HUMBLE SERVANT OF ALL NATIONS, who is actively living by FAITH if the God of the Bible can claim that promise.

2. The so-called Jews of today are NOT Abraham, nor the genetic descendants of Abraham. They use the word Jew opportunistically because the Ashkenazi (Romanian European / Syrian European) chose JUDAISM CULTURE and the EVIL religion of Judaism, but rejected the God of Abraham!

Land Of Israel

3. This territory was given as blessing to Abraham and sons (with specific borders that God defined that don’t match today’s Israel) ONLY AS LONG as they remained obedient. Meaning they lived in COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with the Most High God. Multiple times in the Old Testament the Israelites were NOT obedient, and were repeatedly REMOVED from the land as a result.

Moreover, God DIVORCED Israel as recorded in Jeremiah 3 fo repeated and chronic spiritual WHOREDOM. Israel CRAVES to be like other nations, TO THIS VERY DAY, SHUNNING GOD’S EXPLICIT purpose for their very existence — direct rebellion.

To divorce Isreal is NOT to forever discard Israel, but the Bible tells us they will ONLY return to God when the AntiChrist (who they will love, adore, champion and treat as their messiah) betrays and attacks them. Only then (in the future) will they repent and re-engage in covenant relationship with God out of sheer desperation. And with this key repentance, God IS FAITHFUL to restore them to a loving/obedient relationship with Himself.

Israel is currently in determined and stubborn UNFAITHFULNESS to God and is in a DIVORCED STATE. A state God used to spread the Gospel to the gentile nations. These nations don’t REPLACE Isreal; butthey benefit from God turning his attention AWAY FROM stubborn and unrepentant Israel and EXTENDING GRACE to all nations.

Why? Because whether Israel allows Him to USE THEM AS SERVANTS TO EXTEND BLESSINGS THROUGH THEIR NATION or not, God still does desire to love and bless everyone, if only they will come in FAITH. God’s big picture goal has not changed and is not ruined by Israel’s ONGOING WHOREDOM FOR SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS OF DEBAUCHED AND FLAGRANT SPIRITUAL PROSTITUTION.

4. The Israel of today HATES GOD AND SHUNS HIS LAWS. They choose the Babylon-Mixed Cultural Programming of “Judaism” instead — something GOD NEVER MADE, TALKED ABOUT, OR ENDORSED. To live is Judaism is to LIVE AGAINST God’s Torah.

The inhabitants have NOT found God’s blessing living there, NOR ARE THEY WILLING to serve as God’s agent of righteous blessing to EVERYONE ELSE — showing them the benefits of knowing God, loving, God, obeying His instructions, and demonstrating for the world what a FAITH RELATIONSHIP with God lived out, looks like, as a SERVANT of God and a SERVANT of every other nation (ethnicity). On the contrary, the inhabitants have only found WAR, STRIFE, MURDER, DRAMA and CONTROVERSY living there — the opposite of blessings.

This is called a BIG CLUE they they are neither the seed or Abraham nor do they share the FAITH of Abraham, and the land itself obeys God Himself by REFUSING to bless them. They live PARASITICALLY off of the hard work of Americans and our tax dollars. They are NOT BLESSING all the other nations, they are TAKING FROM THEM. Can it be more obvious? These are the OPPOSITE of God’s real people.

5. Conclusion: The Pagan, Opportunistic, Scheming, God-hating, AntiChrist-Loving, Deceptive and Conniving people living currently in Israel are: (a) not being blessed by God, (b) hate the Christians and Messianic Jews there, and (c ) have NO RIGHT to God’s land, no entitlements as they are there by the will of the Satanic Rothchilds, not God. They are there by DECEPTION, not by Faith. They are INFILTRATORS AND REPLACEMENTS without any legitimacy whatsoever.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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