Where is real virtue, justice, and goodness?

Headshot Pros
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Those who are incapable of judging a person by the color of their heart, are left to the merely irrelevancy of judging by the color of their skin.

However, so many African-Americans confess the truth that blacks have never been so privileged in America as they are now. Their whining about inequality and injustice, when ALL the facts are out on the table, is shown to be largely, just opportunistic selfishness, for if blacks TRULY sought to uplift themselves and their fellows, then demonstrate it, for example, by all going to a place like Somalia and make it great.

Anyone truly seeking justice would absolutely refuse to engage in or tolerate the strategies of failure — whining, complaining, blaming, avoiding accountability, responsibility and integrity. Instead of merely TALKING virtue (words like justice, etc.) in convenient moments; they’d instead actively SHOW THE WORLD virtue in building, in cultivating, in developing, in exhibiting the highest standards of morality, in acts of radically unselfish love, etc..

But they WON’T because they CAN’T.

Only the Holy Spirit within a person provides the POWER to be truly good. They can merely signal their virtue, never truly participate in virtue. They cannot exhibit the Fruit of God’s Holy Spirit, such as self-control, because they simply DON’T HAVE God’s Spirit within them. All virtuous talk is meaningless talk and used in manipulative and conniving GAMES on people’s minds for political agendas of worldly power/control, because, lacking God’s love within their hearts in the person of Jesus, it lacks any real SOURCE of goodness from which to draw on for good actions. So, since the hearts of those who have rejected Jesus, cannot BE virtuous, they focus on merely SEEMING virtuous.

Today, what we are seeing is that many Americans, while they don’t know much, they know this: that they are NOT HAPPY. They may not really know why, and that only God can fill the hole(s) in their hearts. So DECEPTIVE STRATEGIES are presented to them (by manipulators such as by the deep state / globalists we see today), as holding out the promise of this vague happiness they feel others are enjoying more than themselves.

Again, we all do want to be happy, but the STRATEGY by which we seek this happiness can be legitimate or illegitimate. It can be mature or be infantile. It can be wise or foolish. It can be based in reality or based in lies/deceptions.

All forms of Government other than God’s Theocracy only have the power of offer lies — to offer FAILED STRATEGIES to fulfill the human heart. Because none of these strategies for a blessed life have the God’s own love and goodness at their core, nor can they, as long as they are resisting the truth/reality of God’s total goodness, and with that goodness is God’s rightful authority.

America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights acknowledged the truth that God is the source, the provider (providence), the ORIGIN of our rights as human beings. Government can acknowledge the truth and respect GOD-GIVEN rights, or fail to acknowledge that reality, seek to be “god” themselves as the supposed “giver” of our rights, turned into privileges of the godless State, and then plunge into madness, chaos and collapse.

Each day the choice is ours to be in REALITY, namely that all goodness, lawfulness, uplifting and virtue comes from God alone, or PRETEND a person or a government can be at all good apart from God Himself — the Moral Judge, the Holy Father.

When the State plays “god”, the people moan under burdens God never designed them to bear. When the Spirit of God, though the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ/Messiah reigns in a person’s heart or in a government, there is LIBERTY, which is the freedom and power to no longer be burdened by sinful ways that destroy, but rather to live specifically as God INTENDED mankind to live — in loving service of each other.

Satan is RELENTLESS in trying to lure the minds of men into the notion that there can be some goodness, some beatific vision, some worthwhile goal, some “golden age” to achieve/attain, that does not include the Lamb of God on the Throne — the center from which the standard for authoritative goodness flows. Satan is lies and failure. Satan cannot generate even the smallest goodness, and so can only vampirize it from the deceived.

In contrast, God is life, love and liberty. Let me say that another way: real life and true liberty and a society where we uplift/honor/respect each other is ONLY found in a life connected to the person of Jesus Christ.

This truth, this reality, is born out again and again, throughout history and also demonstrated today. Accept no substitutes. Accept no deceptions. Choose wisely.

Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous flourish, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord God is the Spirit, and where the Lord God is, there is freedom/liberty.

Galatians 5:13 For you, my brothers, were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for the sinful nature (worldliness, selfishness), but through love (God’s kind of love) serve and seek the best for one another.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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