What the News is not telling you about the Ukranian / Russian Conflict.
The hidden corruption of Ukraine and the evil, fake leadership in the USA are JOINED AT THE HIP. Practically the very same people. Many of the Politicians in the USA are or have their kids directly working for, working with, and funding these evil Ukrainian operations at many levels.
Russia is attacking, yes, attacking the ACTUAL MAIN THREAT TO THEM. This is not NATO or missile installations (like the news will focus on); that is a lesser threat. This is the real threat: (these things all overlap heavily)
• the Kharazian Mafia and its gold reserves, its narcotics operations worldwide and through Mexico up into the USA.
• the sex trafficking, human trafficking, organ trafficking, child trafficking. Humans are used as food, as sex toys, as source of DNA, for organ parts, etc.
• the USA-Funded BIO-WEAPONS labs in the Ukraine. The evil forces in the USA (in politics, in military, etc.) do our NASTY WORK (the evils we don’t want to admit to or have found out) and do it overseas (aka in Ukraine as a main place, their remote operations) so they can better hide it from the citizens of the USA. We are building/engineering horrific bio-weapons. The CONTROL center is the evil people in the USA, the location they hide their operations in is mainly the UKRAINE.
THIS is the actual threat to Russia, and the initial round of attacks Russia is doing (yesterday/today) is at the EXACT LOCATIONS of these secret and underground bio-weapons labs. The corrupt and evil fake leaders running the politics and military in the USA ARE UP TO THEIR BUTT CHEEKS in all of the criminal abominations in the bullet points above.
Thus the USA must muster its propaganda machine and its military assets to “Protect Ukraine”, which actually means, to protect their criminal, drug, trafficking, and other evil operations going on in secret in the Ukraine.
This is all the same evil, so don’t get confused as to the two locations of it — the USA command and control, and the Ukranian Mafia engineer and manufacture location. Both the average people of the USA and the Ukraine are ignorant of these hidden crimes and agendas, BUT NOW YOU KNOW, by the grace of God, so that you can pray more effectively/strategically.