We Exist On The Spectrum Between Free Love and Violent Reactions
“Trauma is extraordinary not because it rarely happens but because it swallows up and destroys normal human ways of living.”
— Diane Langberg, PhD
To which I say, we were born designed to naturally GIVE AND RECEIVE LOVE FREELY. This is our purpose and our natural state of being. What we get on this Earth instead is EVIL perpetrated on us. UNLOVE. Whether that is typical selfishness, greed and insensitivity… or cruel abuse, or full on systematic and calculated Satanic Ritual Abuse.
It is a spectrum of harm and trauma. We all get doses of this to their various degrees; and at various ages and stages of development. And to that degree, the pain and violations in this fallen world we experience RE-WIRE OUR BRAINS FOR SELF-PROTECTION.
From freely giving and receiving love, to self-protection. That can be withdrawal, to lashing out to turning outright evil from these wounded reactions.
The ENEMY of our souls is there to steal, skill and destroy. It wants to LEVERAGE PAIN that IS going to re-wire our brain (to the various degrees depending on the degree of violation and non-love) to self-protection. Change our associations.
The Enemy will give you its ideas (terrible ideas) of how to compensate for this. Do you ruin them before they get the chance to ruin you? Take from them? Never show weakness. Betray or abandon or reject others… as you feel you have been betrayed, abandoned and/or rejected? Be quick to distrust, etc.
There are so many coping methods and psychology talks a lot about them. But my point is that his world of “dominate or be dominated” is a reptilian paradigm, not the natural human mindset. The reptilian mindset is to take from a paradigm of scarcity where love never wins.
Jesus said for the disciples to go tell their fellows, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. FREELY you have received; FREELY give.” — Matthew 10: 8,9
In the Kingdom of God, your every need is accounted for and attended to, for the King of LOVE is also the King of Creation. The fallen human condition of the heart is always the tug between: from freely loving to self-protecting. A person may merely play games in the relationship or they may become a psycho killer. The various responses (reactions usually) are reflected in our society/culture.
Like I said, that can be moderate or severe, depending on what our survival calls for. At some point we ALL have the ontological experience of being ALONE IN A DANGEROUS WORLD. And whether that is mild or extreme experience, we develop COPING methods, COMPENSATIONS methods as a result of that traumatic experience. A protected self. From a necessary cautiousness, to outright guardedness, all the way to extreme hyper vigilance.
We are all affected to various degrees depending on our experiences. How much love was violated in our hearts? What is your hear’ts story of being wounded? We were meant for EDEN — where everything was TRULY GOOD and safe to say YES to. Where everything was abundance and we did not need to be on-guard. instead, we get the world of deception, reptilians, and fake helpers.
We have to turn our hearts OVER to God. For wisdom and discernment navigating other people/relationships. For healing and restoration (Psalm 23 talks about both restoration and about enemies).
The enemy wants to lock you into the bondage of the false self- the self that a heavy and dark cloud of cursing and negativity will produce. The anger, resentment, vindictiveness that the Bible so often describes. This is not always just some hurt person, hurting others that can be cured with the milk of human kindness. No, more and more as we near the end, this is deliberate evil, a GIVING one’s self over to the hate, revenge, and resulting violence.
We do tuly live in a dangerous world. And will will all have numerous times where we feel all alone. The GOOD SHEPHERD of Psalm 23 is essential. We must be guided. We must tune into and seek His voice, His presence, His guidance. His restoration, His ability to overcome what we ourselves cannot overcome. His resources, His protection, His deliverance, His power, His heart.
We need Jesus in EVERY WAY THERE IS to need a savior!
The enemy wants to re-make us into our WORST selves. God still has his GOOD purposes for our life. He wants to strengthen us, live literally IN AND THROUGH us, and restore/heal us and make us change agents out there in the messy, broken, and downright evil world.
You will not make it — your soul will not remain intact — UNLESS you deliberately hand it over to God. Trust Jesus to be who He is. Anything else leads to shipwreck and regret. It leads to the UNLIFE of cynicism, envy, resignation, bitterness, cruelty and vindictiveness. Choose wisely.