Trump is a Tool for Civil War
See, the film “Sound of Freedom” was presented at this specific time to be used by Trump to claim the moral high ground and further CEMENT himself as an IDOL and champion of the USA. To get lots of Americans lined up behind their hero who will take care of everything for them so they can stay mostly passive and safe.
Reality is that Trump loves HIMSELF. He will be unalived in service to the Globalist agenda of Civil War to very much WEAKEN the USA — divided and ripe for invasion by our enemies. It is a SETUP that looks so good and right to many that they can’t help but salute the manufactured hero figure.
He says all the right things to appeal to a demographic of America. And while I agree with many of the words in principle, his promises are all hollow and designed to LURE us, to trigger us, into civil war. A significant portion of the USA population is being setup to put our all EMOTIONAL HOPE (in the face of increasing desperation everywhere else), this rug of emotional hope will be rudely YANKED out and away from the American people when T is unalived. Thus triggering the rage and civil war.
When you look at Trump, you are looking at a globalist TOOL for civil war. Almost all of what T says is indeed good, but it is setup to sound perfect to our patriotic ears. America is deeply in the sin of IDOLATRY — misplaced values and hope in man instead of God. T will not and cannot save America. God is faithful to remove our economy and severely humble America.
Remember how the Jews in Jesus’ day wanted a POLITICAL savior and King to lead them in victory against the Rpmans. They did not want a meek Messiah, a true restoration of right spirituality, but only a political/economic figure to make them all a powerhouse, like they used to be under Solomon.
Thus when Jesus did not do what a significant portion of the Jews wanted him to (be merely a political King that would kick the Romans out) did not look like THEIR version of the Messiah… they threw God’s Son “under the bus” so to speak in requesting Barabas to be freed and Jesus to be crucified.
Many of the Jews ONLY wanted a messiah on their own terms. And that led them to a horrible sin that made then enemies of God. In turn, leading to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 with horrors and massive loss of life.
We have SAME LUST after the wrong savior today. Same crime of idolatry. A significant number of Americans’ don’t want the real God, only an egotistical winner who lets them feel good in their American pride and their ambitions of self-enrichment. God is faithful to crush this pride soon.