Today, I had an online conversation with a Satanist

Headshot Pros
6 min readSep 6, 2021


Now, she probably does not call herself a Satanist. She probably does not admit that her beliefs are straight from Satanism 101. But then again, it becomes evident there are many things she is not admitting.

It started “innocently” enough, a simple post on the topic of abortion, that said:

Killing an innocent human (the baby) is never the answer to a crime committed against a woman (i.e. rape or incest). Two wrongs never make a right.

Evidently that triggered this person, so she replied: (names deleted for privacy as this article is not about any specific person, but an example demonstrating rampant mindset of practical Satanism in the USA)

Evidently she believes there are cases in which two wrongs do make a right. So I replied: “The answer is the Church BEING the real church. That means communities taking care of each other and their needs — food, daycare for kids, etc.. The answer is people loving their neighbor as themselves — proactively addressing the needs around them in the love of Jesus.”

Because she tried to insinuate that I had no idea as to what was good for her, continued: “I know that sex outside of marriage is never good for you. And I also know that living in a Christian community would go a long way to rapes and incest not happening in the first place. I know that murdering babies is never the answer just because something negative happens to a person that they did not choose.” Another person replied:

To which she added:

To the first response I typed: “Wow, so you’re pro-trauma to the baby, and you call motherhood/pregnancy ‘traumatic’? Why, in the first place, was there ever pain in the day of childbirth to begin with? Because Eve had sex with the Nakash (reptilian) resulting in… AN UNWANTED PREGNANCY. (Genesis 3:16) And why do men have to deal with the trauma of hard work — every single day? (Genesis 3:17) Because they stuck with Eve, falling for her and with her, instead of leaving her to die. Facts, my friends. Both Adam and Eve terribly messed up, and also compounded that by blaming each other. Are you going to be a part of perpetuating that, or redeeming that, my friend?”

To the original woman’s assertion that she deserves choice in all areas of her life, as if that is a right she is entitled to, I replied: “11 year old Susie had a sin and a crime committed against her, and that was traumatic. Don’t compound that by sinning against and traumatizing the baby on top of that.

Abortion does not make someone UNPREGNANT. It does not solve anything or fix anything. Murdering a baby (born or pre-born) does NOT UNDO the original violation/crime/trauma; it simply makes them the mother of a murdered baby, nor does abortion give you your desired ‘choice in all areas of life’. Instead, it justifies hurting, traumatizing and murdering other people. Don’t get tricked into going to the ‘dark side’, friends.”

I continued in my next comment: “So you ‘deserve choice in all areas of your life’? Seriously? What have you done to ‘deserve’ that? Did you choose to be born in the USA? Did you choose your DNA? Or how tall you are? Chemicals can choose the hair color you present as, but you don’t even get to choose the composition of the atmosphere you breathe. You are being the poster child for delusional, self-entitlement. There are MANY things in life we don’t get to choose. What you DO have the opportunity to choose, is to choose life and not murder, my friend.”

So what have we learned here?

Let’s get to the CORE ISSUE, friends. She just WANTS TO DO WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO, and if another human (such as a baby — born or pre-born) is in her way, she feels justified in DELETING IT.

That is the EXACT belief of satanism: “DO as thou wilt”. In other words, I get to choose and do AS I PLEASE. In other words, life is all about ME and what I want, how I want it, and when I want it. My own desires are the highest thing in my own life. That is the Satanic doctrine that perverts freedom because that is what the flesh longs to do — perpetual self-indulgence without regard to God, morality, or other humans.

Anything America’s foremost Satanist wants, becomes permissible and moral under Satanism.

It is the PSYCHOPATH whose wishful thinking TWISTS liberty and freedom into a creed of “I choose all the time to do whatever I want.”

No, that is delusion and psychopathic rationalization. ACTUAL FREEDOM is the power to do as you should. Freedom is not to cave into the bondage and demands of a self-absorbed flesh. And liberty is not to justify murdering other human beings because they are inconvenient to you.

The “do as thou wilt” person, their flesh (their selfish drives/ambitions) twists CARING for a baby into “something traumatic to me.” Motherhood is not beautiful to her; it is traumatic because it is inconvenient to her perpetual self-indulgence. She needs to stop lying and justifying the basis for Satanism, so pray for her soul.

When I say “psychopathy” I mean something very defined and specific: a psychopath is only focused on themselves — their desires, goals, and ambitions. Anything in the way of that (a job, a person, a relationship) will be dealt with — eliminated and overcome. Everything in their life is just a means to an end. The only thing that matters to a psychopath is what they want.

Everything they say and do is them pursuing their ambition, come hell or high water. While that singleness of focus, that ambitious drive, also tends to make for a CEO (more than average of CEOs are psychopaths), the psychopath will rationalize anything, justify anything, and so that almost always means leaving a trail of damaged humans in its wake.

Narcissism is just psychopathy-LITE. A narcissist may be extremely selfish, but often they do take the consequences of the law and what other’s think into account. The psychopath is just a more hard-core narcissist, and so anything they decide they want becomes moral in their own imagination. Thus, hurting others becomes right in their own mind, if it helps them move towards their ambition.

What happened next?

And like a coward, in the face of the facts, rather than stop lying to herself and the rest of use, she ran away and blocked me.

True to form, whenever anything INCONVENIENT to her psychopathy, rationalizations, justifications, and selfishness shows up that might have her repent and change her ways, SHE DELETES IT. That included me on social media, just now.

And she made clear that deleting anything in the way of whatever she wants would also INCLUDE MY LITERAL LIFE and YOUR LIFE, reader, if you were a baby she decided was inconvenient. Her god is herself and her own convenience. How very “do as thou wilt” of her.

Well for her own sake, she needs to get Satan’s belief system out of her, and I pray she does wake up to both her utter selfishness and her need for the truth to give her the power of Jesus to love others instead of rationalize deleting them, aborting them, and traumatizing them whenever the inconvenience of love (which is unselfish) “traumatizes” her flesh.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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