This is accurate, and your best article, and I have to wonder if these experiences skewed your percpetions/perspective expressed in your other articles...
To be a model and be mentally healthy (rare) you have to just be you, and have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude about whether you are in vogue to any particular client, agency of casting director. And that is incredibly rare and hard to have at the main ages these very industries prey on? monetize? the young people that they do.
We live in a predatory world where beauty itself is the produce. And often that beauty is a subversive beauty-substitute.
What teen can have that self-assusance at that age to NOT be jostled about by the judgements/opinions/assessments of others? Very rare. And to the exact degree that you make any agreements with the external assessments are to how "modelicious" you are, you give power away to someone who is out to use you for financial gain, not a person who truly knows you or has your best interests at heart.
The fashion industry is about style, not substance, and appearance-is-everything, not character or virtue. It is there to serve itself, not you. It is not necessarily evil, well maybe it is evil, but it is not always a deceptive evil; it is what it is - a lure of the appearance of being happy and alive, just without the happiness or vitality, so it has to borrow that from very young peope, sometimes vampirize it in fact.
Its judgements and opinions are irrlevant to a human's core value. They are quite relevant as to how much money they can make off of you be using your looks to sell the image of a lifestyle or desirable way of being.
It is not there to love you or keeps its promises to you, just like very other institution from the Vanity Fair of Babylon. Know that going into it, if you are every to navigate its many pressures.