The Unspoken Universal Cartel System
If you’re new to Planet Earth, one of the main things to understand here is that the money must be controlled. If something makes significant money, it becomes a CARTEL. And then people have to be BEHOLDEN and INDEBTED to the cartel to grant them access/acceptance to that system, and ONLY THEN do they get promoted and a “slice of the pie.”
This can mean anything from a doorman in Las Vegas to the president of a country. They are both compromised — in systems of favors and being on the take. It is the same in principle, only the scale is different.
They accept being degraded and compromised IN ORDER TO get a slice of the pie, the Mammon of Babylon, in whatever system is going on around them. It can be drugs, trafficking, money laundering. It can also be a church. The various local cartels have their specific culture, rules (conformities) and their specific benefits. These local cartels ARE IN TURN BEHOLDEN to larger and international cartels.
If oil/gas is making significant money in a specific region…It becomes a cartel.
If a Christian college is making significant money in a specific region… It becomes a cartel.
It Taxi/Uber/Lyft is making significant money in a specific city… It becomes a cartel.
It a police station is making significant money in a specific region… It becomes a cartel.
It a wedding venue, or hotel or vacation resort is making significant money in a specific region… It becomes a cartel.
If can be an small real estate brokerage or a mortgage bank franchise — make ENOUGH money and it becomes its own cartel.
It can be a credit union or a world bank. It can be a specific hospital or the World Health Organization.
It can be a small casino or the mayor of Las Vegas.
It can be any size, from a ferry boat, to the Suez Canal. But the principles, hierarchical structure, oaths and agreements, the dividing of everything into privileged insiders and excluded/marginalized outsiders is the SAME.
This is the opposite of “liberty and justice for all.” There is a hierarchy. Some people are “more equal.” The insiders are privileged, and rewarded for going along with the flow. For cooperating with the system. Those cast out of the system, even if they are more innovative, smart, hard-working, and talented are pariahs that the system condemns to struggle at the bottom of the heap.
The whole world runs on this — that is why it is the physical manifestation of the spiritual Babylon system, the Beast system. The controls of each system can be just hinted at or enforced with open warfare. Whatever level of pressure is required for the conformity is what will happen.
It can be a “nod and a wink” or it can be a nuclear bomb, the system and its principles are the SAME at every rung of the hierarchy. OBEY those above you or else, tax, take from, extort and abuse those beneath you.
Conform or be cast out. If you want that a “slice of the pie”; if you want a “place at the table” then you make your agreement with the system (to look the other way, to take the bribe, to pervert justice, to exclude the regular Joe and not serve them, to give your fellow Mason a lower interest rate, etc.).
Babylon runs on a UNIVERSAL, understood tit-for-tat agreement system. You must PAY TO PLAY.
We have all these phrases in our language to point to “that which must not be named.” To the “supreme commander” as Bob Dylan called it. To the “powers that be.”
The individual goes up against any of these systems, their insider dealings, their secret oaths, their unspoken agreements, then 99.99999% of the time, that system CRUSHES them. It can be subtle or overt. Conform and get promoted, resist and have your life persecuted or ruined. It is the SAME for actors, models, business people, politicians, inventors, law enforcement, medical personnel, etc..
It is always an IRON FIST at the core. On some cartels there is a lot of “felt glove” over that iron fist because its victims are already very compliant. On some cartels there is hardly any velvet glove. Ultimately, the core is the sheer force of the iron fist. When there is more “velvet glove” on the exterior, we call this “society” and “civilization.” But mark my words, if whatever you start doing and have ambitions for starts to succeed OUTSIDE of the control systems of the local cartel, they will MOVE IN and demand their cut. Conform or be cast out. Become one of them, or be destroyed and replaced.
In totalitarian China, it is out in the open. If you are a successful businessman in China, multi millions.. then the government simply moves in and either demands a huge cut of our profits, or simply takes you business away from you. Not much felt glove in the cartel’s iron fist.
But in the more “civilized” and “democratic” regions, the contrast is veiled. Babylon is a spiritual predatory system, a rigged casino so to speak. The house is not there to LOSE; it is there to TAKE. Anything threatening the status quo of their TAKING will meet with force — whether Chinese police or spiritual unseen harassments.
As a Child of God — a recipient of God’s grace, the world hates you. You are a threat to Babylon, whether you mean to be or not. Even if you mean no harm, without even trying, your TRUTHFULNESS, your AUTHENTICITY threatens the cartel systems aka the casino systems of this world. This is because your straightforwardness, your innocent questions might
(a) threaten to expose their evil operations, their mafia extortions, etc.. to the public or
(b) the Holy Spirit in your might disrupt the demons pulling their strings.
So whether the threat to the “cartel” is a more physical level, it is also ALWAYS happening at the spiritual level. The Spirit of Truth vs the spirit or error and deception. The Spirit of Life, vs their Spirit of Death. The Spirit of giving — grateful generosity and contribution and service, vs the predatory Spirit of taking — of stealing, killing and destroying.
Christians are in a SPIRITUAL WAR whether they acknowledge it or not. Be WISE. Fight in WISDOM. Get your directions from God or be trampled on by the predatory systems of Babylon. They HATE you to try and succeed WITHOUT BEING BEHOLDEN TO THEM. The FEAR you winning without “licking their boot” so to speak — degrading yourself in subservience to THEM.
The simplest and easiest way to see this is with money, and how Mafias, Casinos and Cartels operate. How they deal with threats. How they demand subservience and degrading agreements from their participants.
Even FRATERNITIES and SORORITIES always have some HUMILIATION RITUALS the participant has to go through in order to be a INSIDER. But then you are in a club with other degraded and compromised people… which means you can FEAR them, but never truly RESPECT them. You exchange favors with your fellow insiders, and you tell yourself the abuse was “worth it.” But anything good and worth having is never BUILT ON A LIE.
Fraternities and Sororities are this way for a reason. They prepare you for more hard-core degradation/conformity in the adult world. They show you how the world ACTUALLY runs. They are grooming you for what they call “success”, but this is just conformity to Babylon — very temporary cartels with nasty foundations.