The Striptease of the imagined “MORE”

Headshot Pros
3 min readMar 2, 2023


America is ADDICTED in many ways to chasing after the feeling of MORE, instead of the PERSON of Jesus. This sets America up for destruction, JUST AS it set Eve up for death.

The Babylon world, will always appeal to selfishness, but try to dress it up in seeming virtue. The dark kingdom is ruled over by its corrupted FLESH. Thus, the Babylon mindset will LIE to you that you get to make your life about YOU. That YOU are the center of your life.

No, even Jesus (King of Kings seated at the Right hand of Father God on His Throne of highest authority) himself CAME TO SERVE. He refused to make his life about himself. In total contrast, Babylon will say things like “look within” and “live your best life.”

A blatant serpent tongue — poison appearing as virtue to deceive. The false virtue: getting to be full of selfish ambition but not having to admit it is selfish.

Even the serpent in the Garden of Eden first stirred up and then appealed to Eve’s desire to “be all she could be” (you will become like one of the gods, knowing both good and evil, with eyes wide open), then then said the behavior to do that is something that included sin/rebellion against God’s instructions. Well that did NOT uplift her or make her “more.” It made her and us LESS.

America is ADDICTED in many ways to chasing after the feeling of MORE, instead of the PERSON of Jesus. This sets America up for destruction, JUST AS it set Eve up for death.

The BEST use of this life, is to get as close to Jesus as possible, as submitted to and attuned to (aligned with, in unity with) Jesus. And AS we all draw nearer to Jesus, (not more saved or more loved, but in a closer and closer relationship experience) we become more “in one accord” with each other. God’s Kingdom is not confusion and strife, but harmony and every virtue — meaning it is filled with loving service.

To be “yoked” is a metaphor for being side by side, so much so that you are in lockstep with God. Each step God takes, you also take.

There are many ways to put this closeness into language, but all pointing to the very same thing. Some places in the Bible it is called “walking IN the Spirit” or “walking WITH the Spirit of God”. Either way, we stick CLOSE, are YOKED to, are IN STEP WITH God Himself — His voice, His will. God wants us at his side, so close we are IN HIS SHADOW so to speak. Because, when you read Psalm 91, you find that this CLOSENESS (abiding in the shadow of the Almighty) is where the promises of God come alive, the protections and blessings of God come alive.

REJECT the fake prosperity, the fleeting pleasures of this world. Reject the fake MORE they dangle in front of us! Invest in your ETERNITY with God. Live as Jesus lived, to please/obey Father God. We need God’s power to do that and overcome our selfish flesh with God’s Spirit in/through us. Pray accordingly, friends.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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