The Spirit of Child Sacrifice

Headshot Pros
16 min readJul 11, 2023


by Lynette Hughes:

Child sacrifice was intertwined with the pagan worship of Baal-Molech (Moloch) among the Canaanites, Philistines and Ammonites, and during Israel’s times of apostasy, many were attracted to their foreign gods and unholy practices. They were offering up their sons and daughters as human sacrifices. King Solomon, King Manassah and King Ahaz all became involved in this horrendous practice that God said had never even crossed His mind. [1 Kings 11:4–11] The worshippers of Molech engaged in massive sexual orgies [Jer. 32:35], and despite occasional efforts by godly kings, worship of Molech wasn’t abolished until the Israelites’ captivity in Babylon.

Molech was a giant, hollow bronze idol with the head of a bull and the bulging belly of a man with his hands outstretched. Each idol had a hole in the abdomen lit with fire. A child would be laid on the hands and would roll into the fire in the belly cavity. The worshippers believed that Molech would ensure financial prosperity for the family.

Every year the worshippers of Baal-Molech would offer their babies as human sacrifices in order to receive the blessings, favor and conveniences offered by their false god. Likewise, while no one today explicitly offers a child sacrifice to Molech, women who abort their unborn children and allow them to be torn apart limb by limb or burned with saline are effectively spilling the blood of the innocent and sacrificing them to the modern-day gods of personal convenience, financial freedom, and sexual liberation.

Multitudes of women kill their unborn children in the hope that their death will result in material blessings, such as a college education or a lucrative professional career. In both cases, ancient and modern, the life of the child is seen as something of far lesser worth than the temporal well-being of the parent. And in both cases, the parents callously murder their own children in cold blood, with the goal of making their own lives better. They offer their babies to Molech’s priests who in modern-day vernacular are known as abortionist doctors.

And what about the hypothetical “What if the woman was about to die and abortion is the only thing that can save her?” Less than 1% of all abortions have anything to do with saving a mother’s life; and over 94% are done primarily for the convenience. How about the hypothetical “What if the woman was raped?” Does the child have to pay for the sin of the rapist? Is the child at fault? Is it fair the mother must suffer the emotional trauma of rape, and bear the emotional and financial hardship of the child? No, it’s not. But it wasn’t fair for Jesus to die for us either, but He did it anyway. He showed us the meaning of true sacrificial love.

85% of all who have abortions are unwed mothers who do not want to be a single mother or is having relationship problems. Does the child have to pay for the sin of it parents with its life? We all know that the overwhelming majority of abortions happen because those women don’t want the responsibility that comes from their illicit sexual sins.

Leviticus 20:1–5 NIV: “The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molech is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molech, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molech and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molech.”

Abortion is modern day barbaric paganism perpetrated by so-called civilized people. In place of a physical idol of Molech, those who practice abortion worship at the Molech of choice and of pleasure (women’s choice and pleasure in sin), for the benefit of their god, self. They don’t want a child who would interfere with their education or work. This form of Molech worship through abortion is just as abominable and detestable to the Lord. This is especially true for Christians who are aborting their covenant children. Because of all this, the wrath of God is being stored up (Rom. 2:5) against those who commit such an abomination. As a nation, we rightly deserve the wrath of God to break upon us in terrible and righteous judgments for the sinful and detestable things we are doing in the sight of God.

John 8:44 states that Satan is a murderer and there is no truth in him. Satan hates children. If he can kill a child, he can usually accomplish several goals. The child is eliminated as a worker in God’s vineyard here on earth and he can wound the hearts and spirits of those involved in abortion. The death of a child is an attempt on Satan’s part to separate us from the love of God and bring into question God’s good name and character which is often called into question when a child dies. Nowhere is Satan’s hatred of children more evident than in his attempts to murder children through the hideous forms of abortion we have today.

Every abortion that occurs in our culture ends the life of a child who has been abandoned by their father, betrayed by their mother, and forsaken by our society. Every abortion sheds the innocent blood of children made in the image of God.

Many women who’ve had abortions carry understandable bitterness toward men who used and abused them, toward parents who pressured them, and toward those who misled them into a choice that resulted in their child’s death. They must make the decision to not walk in agreement with Satan or any of his works of darkness and confess their unforgiveness, bitterness or hatred as sin, and ask the Lord to forgive them. True repentance for the sin of abortion is an absolute necessity, and without it God cannot set them free from the cloak of guilt and shame. Abortion must be repented of for what it really is….. the murder of an innocent child.

Abortion is often linked to a self-hatred for allowing themselves to do such a thing followed by a spirit of depression {Isaiah 61:3 calls this ‘a spirit of heaviness’} and suicide. It is almost always necessary that women who have either attempted or had an abortion go through deliverance to be set completely free. It’s certainly possible to receive a measure of freedom without deliverance, but the sin of attempted murder, or murder, nearly always has allowed unclean spirits to gain entry. If evil spirits are involved, they will continue to have legal rights to launch an attack and bring them into spiritual captivity until they can get themselves delivered by the power of God from their evil grip. It is God’s will to see his people delivered and set free. It was for this reason Jesus instructed us to cast out demons.

A symptom common among women who have either attempted to abort, or did abort a child, is to have a strong dislike toward children, or an inability to form a true loving bond with her other children. If the child was the object of an attempted or considered abortion, the spirits of abortion and murder can enter the baby in the womb. [If a baby can be filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb, an evil spirit is also able to enter a child when it’s still in its mother’s womb.] A spirit of rejection may also enter a baby when one or both of the parents reject the pregnancy as unwanted or unplanned.

Many, who are the offspring of parents who attempted to abort or did abort a child, also have a spirit of the fear of death directly related to the fear of being hurt or murdered by their parents. This fear of being harmed by the parents is often difficult for the person to come to grips with, especially when their parents may have actually been very loving to them and there doesn’t seem to be a logical reason for their feelings. Yet their own spirit senses that a murderous spirit lurks within their parent. This is a spiritual thing we’re dealing with, not something rationally discerned.

A person who has been born into a family in which abortion has occurred or was seriously considered by the mother can encounter problems ranging from extreme feelings of rejection to themselves later falling into the trap of attempting to resolve their own problems by means of an abortion. Many women suppress the inner voice of their conscience and refuse to listen to it. But later in life, perhaps years after the abortion, many of them have very severe psychological and emotional problems as a result of guilt feelings which come to the surface. They were able to stifle the voice of their conscience at the time of their abortion, but their conscience was not completely seared or dead [1 Tim. 4:2], and later it produces very deep feelings of guilt.

2 Timothy 3:1–5 KJV & ASV: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION…….”, [GW says ‘…lack normal affection for their families.” ESV says “heartless.” NRSV says “inhuman.” NASV says “brutal.” NLT says ‘unloving.’]

In describing the extreme wickedness of the world in the last days, Apostle Paul uses the phrase “without natural affection.” Any woman who can kill her own child and allow it to literally be ripped apart or scalded to death in a toxic salt solution and pulled out of the womb in pieces, and denied even a grave or a marker, has been stripped of her natural affection. She loves herself, her body, and her freedom more than she loves her own baby. She is ‘without natural affection.’ There is evidence that an abortion can damage the mother-infant bonding in a subsequent pregnancy. Is it any wonder physical abuse and child murder by parents are on the rise in a society that has placed no value on human life?

There is a wicked spiritual dimension to abortion. The Bible tells us “Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12) Our enemy in fighting abortion is not the abortionist, the courts or those who are advocating for abortion rights. Our enemy is Satan and the spiritual forces of evil under his command.

Anyone who is struggling with post-abortion regret can find healing, restoration and redemption through genuine repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. God’s mercy is far greater than any sin when we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. But it is a dangerous thing to presume upon the grace of God and say before deliberately sinning, “God will forgive.” Those who say such things aren’t looking for grace, but for permission to sin. They assuredly will not receive the latter, and it is fearfully doubtful they will receive the former, either. Not because God is unwilling to give it, but because they clearly aren’t seeking it.

Grace never assures us beforehand that if we deliberately sin, we will be forgiven. Grace only assures us that there is no sin, sincerely repented of, that God cannot or will not forgive through Christ. It is a crucial distinction. No one has truly repented until they come to the place where, if they were in the same situation, they are resolved not to commit the same sin again.


Child sacrifice was intertwined with the pagan worship of Baal-Molech (Moloch) among the Canaanites, Philistines and Ammonites, and during Israel’s times of apostasy, many were attracted to their foreign gods and unholy practices. They were offering up their sons and daughters as human sacrifices. King Solomon, King Manassah and King Ahaz all became involved in this horrendous practice that God said had never even crossed His mind. [1 Kings 11:4–11] The worshippers of Molech engaged in massive sexual orgies [Jer. 32:35], and despite occasional efforts by godly kings, worship of Molech wasn’t abolished until the Israelites’ captivity in Babylon.

Molech was a giant, hollow bronze idol with the head of a bull and the bulging belly of a man with his hands outstretched. Each idol had a hole in the abdomen lit with fire. A child would be laid on the hands and would roll into the fire in the belly cavity. The worshippers believed that Molech would ensure financial prosperity for the family.

Every year the worshippers of Baal-Molech would offer their babies as human sacrifices in order to receive the blessings, favor and conveniences offered by their false god. Likewise, while no one today explicitly offers a child sacrifice to Molech, women who abort their unborn children and allow them to be torn apart limb by limb or burned with saline are effectively spilling the blood of the innocent and sacrificing them to the modern-day gods of personal convenience, financial freedom, and sexual liberation.

Multitudes of women kill their unborn children in the hope that their death will result in material blessings, such as a college education or a lucrative professional career. In both cases, ancient and modern, the life of the child is seen as something of far lesser worth than the temporal well-being of the parent. And in both cases, the parents callously murder their own children in cold blood, with the goal of making their own lives better. They offer their babies to Molech’s priests who in modern-day vernacular are known as abortionist doctors.

And what about the hypothetical “What if the woman was about to die and abortion is the only thing that can save her?” Less than 1% of all abortions have anything to do with saving a mother’s life; and over 94% are done primarily for the convenience. How about the hypothetical “What if the woman was raped?” Does the child have to pay for the sin of the rapist? Is the child at fault? Is it fair the mother must suffer the emotional trauma of rape, and bear the emotional and financial hardship of the child? No, it’s not. But it wasn’t fair for Jesus to die for us either, but He did it anyway. He showed us the meaning of true sacrificial love.

85% of all who have abortions are unwed mothers who do not want to be a single mother or is having relationship problems. Does the child have to pay for the sin of it parents with its life? We all know that the overwhelming majority of abortions happen because those women don’t want the responsibility that comes from their illicit sexual sins.

Leviticus 20:1–5 NIV: “The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molech is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from his people; for by sacrificing his children to Molech, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. If the members of the community close their eyes when that man sacrifices one of his children to Molech and if they fail to put him to death, I myself will set my face against him and his family and will cut them off from their people together with all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molech.”

Abortion is modern day barbaric paganism perpetrated by so-called civilized people. In place of a physical idol of Molech, those who practice abortion worship at the Molech of choice and of pleasure (women’s choice and pleasure in sin), for the benefit of their god, self. They don’t want a child who would interfere with their education or work. This form of Molech worship through abortion is just as abominable and detestable to the Lord. This is especially true for Christians who are aborting their covenant children. Because of all this, the wrath of God is being stored up (Rom. 2:5) against those who commit such an abomination. As a nation, we rightly deserve the wrath of God to break upon us in terrible and righteous judgments for the sinful and detestable things we are doing in the sight of God.

John 8:44 states that Satan is a murderer and there is no truth in him. Satan hates children. If he can kill a child, he can usually accomplish several goals. The child is eliminated as a worker in God’s vineyard here on earth and he can wound the hearts and spirits of those involved in abortion. The death of a child is an attempt on Satan’s part to separate us from the love of God and bring into question God’s good name and character which is often called into question when a child dies. Nowhere is Satan’s hatred of children more evident than in his attempts to murder children through the hideous forms of abortion we have today.

Every abortion that occurs in our culture ends the life of a child who has been abandoned by their father, betrayed by their mother, and forsaken by our society. Every abortion sheds the innocent blood of children made in the image of God.

Many women who’ve had abortions carry understandable bitterness toward men who used and abused them, toward parents who pressured them, and toward those who misled them into a choice that resulted in their child’s death. They must make the decision to not walk in agreement with Satan or any of his works of darkness and confess their unforgiveness, bitterness or hatred as sin, and ask the Lord to forgive them. True repentance for the sin of abortion is an absolute necessity, and without it God cannot set them free from the cloak of guilt and shame. Abortion must be repented of for what it really is….. the murder of an innocent child.

Abortion is often linked to a self-hatred for allowing themselves to do such a thing followed by a spirit of depression {Isaiah 61:3 calls this ‘a spirit of heaviness’} and suicide. It is almost always necessary that women who have either attempted or had an abortion go through deliverance to be set completely free. It’s certainly possible to receive a measure of freedom without deliverance, but the sin of attempted murder, or murder, nearly always has allowed unclean spirits to gain entry. If evil spirits are involved, they will continue to have legal rights to launch an attack and bring them into spiritual captivity until they can get themselves delivered by the power of God from their evil grip. It is God’s will to see his people delivered and set free. It was for this reason Jesus instructed us to cast out demons.

A symptom common among women who have either attempted to abort, or did abort a child, is to have a strong dislike toward children, or an inability to form a true loving bond with her other children. If the child was the object of an attempted or considered abortion, the spirits of abortion and murder can enter the baby in the womb. [If a baby can be filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb, an evil spirit is also able to enter a child when it’s still in its mother’s womb.] A spirit of rejection may also enter a baby when one or both of the parents reject the pregnancy as unwanted or unplanned.

Many, who are the offspring of parents who attempted to abort or did abort a child, also have a spirit of the fear of death directly related to the fear of being hurt or murdered by their parents. This fear of being harmed by the parents is often difficult for the person to come to grips with, especially when their parents may have actually been very loving to them and there doesn’t seem to be a logical reason for their feelings. Yet their own spirit senses that a murderous spirit lurks within their parent. This is a spiritual thing we’re dealing with, not something rationally discerned.

A person who has been born into a family in which abortion has occurred or was seriously considered by the mother can encounter problems ranging from extreme feelings of rejection to themselves later falling into the trap of attempting to resolve their own problems by means of an abortion. Many women suppress the inner voice of their conscience and refuse to listen to it. But later in life, perhaps years after the abortion, many of them have very severe psychological and emotional problems as a result of guilt feelings which come to the surface. They were able to stifle the voice of their conscience at the time of their abortion, but their conscience was not completely seared or dead [1 Tim. 4:2], and later it produces very deep feelings of guilt.

2 Timothy 3:1–5 KJV & ASV: “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION…….”, [GW says ‘…lack normal affection for their families.” ESV says “heartless.” NRSV says “inhuman.” NASV says “brutal.” NLT says ‘unloving.’]

In describing the extreme wickedness of the world in the last days, Apostle Paul uses the phrase “without natural affection.” Any woman who can kill her own child and allow it to literally be ripped apart or scalded to death in a toxic salt solution and pulled out of the womb in pieces, and denied even a grave or a marker, has been stripped of her natural affection. She loves herself, her body, and her freedom more than she loves her own baby. She is ‘without natural affection.’ There is evidence that an abortion can damage the mother-infant bonding in a subsequent pregnancy. Is it any wonder physical abuse and child murder by parents are on the rise in a society that has placed no value on human life?

There is a wicked spiritual dimension to abortion. The Bible tells us “Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12) Our enemy in fighting abortion is not the abortionist, the courts or those who are advocating for abortion rights. Our enemy is Satan and the spiritual forces of evil under his command.

Anyone who is struggling with post-abortion regret can find healing, restoration and redemption through genuine repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. God’s mercy is far greater than any sin when we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. But it is a dangerous thing to presume upon the grace of God and say before deliberately sinning, “God will forgive.” Those who say such things aren’t looking for grace, but for permission to sin. They assuredly will not receive the latter, and it is fearfully doubtful they will receive the former, either. Not because God is unwilling to give it, but because they clearly aren’t seeking it.

Grace never assures us beforehand that if we deliberately sin, we will be forgiven. Grace only assures us that there is no sin, sincerely repented of, that God cannot or will not forgive through Christ. It is a crucial distinction. No one has truly repented until they come to the place where, if they were in the same situation, they are resolved not to commit the same sin again.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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