The Pretty Poison of Religion

Headshot Pros
14 min readApr 13, 2024


The teaser quote of where this is headed, the sneak preview is:

Religion can teach ABOUT morality, but never had the power to make you ONE with God Himself. Perfection of fellowship through Jesus, the WAY to the Father. God can only accept Himself. Can only approve of and have intimacy with… HIMSELF. So unless you have been MADE ONE through Christ, you have nothing but rhetoric, dogma and religion. Religion makes a person FLAMMABLE.

Let’s begin. Part 1.

ALL religion is evil. It is control systems. None of it came from God. Adam and Eve had ZERO religion, and yet they had total intimacy/fellowship and conversations direct with God. Jesus came to restore that! In heaven, you will see that Jesus is the LEAST religious person you’ve ever met!

Religion teaches its flavor of Dogma. God is against religion. Instead, of giving us religion, He gives us His SPIRIT.

Judaism is the absolute WORST of all religions. It snuggles up close to the truth, and yet tries to MURDER Jesus when the Messiah is actually revealed. (remind you of Lucifer much — so close yet so far?) Religion tries the hardest to do all the APPEARANCES of virtue, but while rejecting God’s Living Spirit.

Religion is such a counterfeit for what God’s wants for us — and the worst counterfeits have many elements to them MIMICKING the real thing. Judas was zealous for Judaism and that made him the PERFECT candidate for betrayal. Saul/Paul was a world EXPERT on Judaism, and it cause him to violently kill the followers of the Jewish Messiah.

Religion will always lead to that — following traditions and dogma and orthodoxy INSTEAD of following the Rule-Maker, the Law-Maker, the Life-Maker HIMSELF! Following rules about virtue OVER AND AGAINST following the PERSON from which all goodness, righteousness and holiness FLOWS FORTH (emanates).

When Jesus had his public ministry he did not have his disciples studying Torah; instead he LIVED IT OUT right in front of them. Religious teaching and a live demonstration so VERY different!

I’m not against God’s Torah as delivered through Moses, God’s Instructions for life success, but I do call out an IDOL and a SUBSTITUTE when I see it — when I see it elevated MORE than dynamically listening to, following/obeying/responding to the voice of God’s Direct Spirit.

The ENTIRE POINT of the Gospel of Salvation is to get the sin issue OUT OF THE WAY (fully paid for and dealt with)… SO THAT we can dynamically walk in the Spirit, to abide in the Vine — what the Bible says over and over in different ways to get through to us. God did not save you so you can DO RELIGION BETTER. No. God came to restore true humanity — and core to that are a people that are FREED and EMPOWERED to conversational intimacy with Himself.

The AntiChrist will SOON set up a world religion that everyone can agree on. Everything feeling virtuous and moral.. but without the REAL Messiah at the heart of it. With the fake, substitute, god-like Artificial intelligence, and techno-miracles galore. BUT NOT GOD’S ACTUAL Holy Spirit. A fake spirit with artificial euphoria. This is where the religious impulse ends up — leads people straight to hell as enemies of God.

Part 2

Someone might argue: surely not ALL religion is so evil, like you claim!

Well to clarify, it is always a good communication idea to DEFINE TERMS. And my definition of religion is: any system set up by humans that is modeled on the belief control structures of the fallen ones. Any system has presents you with a code of morality, with certain behaviors more virtuous than others. Often having hierarchies. Often (but not always) having a priest class — a clergy, those more in the PROFESSION of administering/governing said morality code promotion and hierarchy systems and enforcement systems.

God’s Kingdom has structure, order and hierarchy. But does not have morality codes. Morality is God Himself, not a code or orthodoxy or dogma. For example: American Churchianity is a broad religion that consistently has a sin-management system for maximum control and profit. God has no sin management system. He directly DID AWAY with Sin through the PERSON (not the system) of Himself. His own perfection — total love, trust and obedience. This is God’s morality standard. All morality/ethics/righteous flows from Him Himself. Needing no middle management. No reporting back to himself systems, like most religions have.

God IS goodness. God Himself IS life. God is and embodies and emanates righteousness. He is the standard, the definition, the PRESENCE of Goodness/Righteousness/Holiness.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne. Mercy and truth stand in front of you.” — Psalm 89:14

God’s people follow Him, Himself, and not ANY SYSTEM whatsoever. God literally trained them to follow…. HIS PRESENCE in the pillar of holy fire, surrounded by smoke. (Exodus 13). It is the same today in that we follow the PRESENCE, the living Spirit of God, manifested INSIDE US through our UNION with Christ. In Christ, it is elevated (perfected, completed, made full having attained its goal) from following the external presence, to following the Internal Presence.

Systems will always be corrupted derivations, and but the pure and real Divine Love and Divine Goodness of God Himself. God did not make a single religion — ever. God did not give Adam/Eve religion; instead He gave them DIRECT ACCESS and harmonious, conversational intimacy with Himself.

God did not even give the Hebrew people religion. For them, religion happened in the Babylonian captivity. (yes they were also exposed to Egyptian religion in Egypt, and to Canaanite paganism later on, but as corrupting and evil as influences as those were, religion ITSELF was not BAKED INTO the Hebrew people until the teachings of Babylon, through the Rabbis — the pretend good religious class. Those who were the self-made experts at telling people what goodness looked like.)

Now, the term religion is thus messed with by the enemy to create confusion — strategic misunderstanding to trick people off of the pure and direct personal fellowship itself, and into some system that SEEMS good and moral, but 100% of the time turns out to be a derivation, a corruption, and INFECTED with the selfish ambitions of men who are following in the exact steps of the selfish ambitions of the fallen angels. Every single religion is thus, straight from Hell itself. Every single religion thus does EVIL, in the NAME of doing good, thus making it itself a Luciferian construct start to finish — through and through.

Back to our example of the Hebrews. God gave them instructions from a loving father on how to enjoy the maximum blessing in life. But a RELIGION (a system of control) turns the commands of God into fear of punishment and into something burdensome. Something no longer about the RELATIONSHIP with the PERSON of God, and something derived from it, removed from this fellowship and thus riddled with covert selfish ambition. Something that dresses in FORMS of goodness, but lacks the real substance of Goodness — which is the Person of God.

David GOT IT. He approached God’s commands in the right way, for his was never a religious lens, but always on the relationship (the intimacy, the harmony, etc.). And from that right perspective/understanding the Psalmist exclaims:

“I love to run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” (Psalm 119)

David has no idea of what a RELIGIOUS approach to God’s Torah even is, for he is engaged in the RELATIONSHIP of faith/trust that thus, having received God Himself as good, also receives God’s instructions as the opening to more life and freedom. This is the opposite of religion. David was always thrilled with any opportunity to be close to the PERSON of His love, His God Himself.

David’s relationship to Torah was that of a lover to a love letter — the exact way it was always supposed to be. David’s non-religious engaging with the Person of God cultivated friendship with God (not as equals of course) such that David had a HEART LIKE God’s actual heart. That came through seeking and spending time in the PRESENCE of God. And we know that only FAITH can do that.

The Hebrews were never instructed in religion. Not even their Tabernacle is a religious object. It all turned into religion during the Babylonian captivity. There they were exposed to the teachings of the fallen angels, their direct teachings. Thus Kaballah infused itself into their minds… and then RELIGION for them put them in total bondage ever since. In this way “Rabbinical Judaism” was born, not from God, but from the fallen angels.

You look into Buddhism, not the propaganda of Buddhism, but its actual practice, and you see the same thing. You look into the religions of Central America (Inca, Aztec, etc.) and you see the same thing. Yes, various religions have their pet morals and pet outward cultural expressions, but under that is always the same thing — worshiping fallen angels but dressing it up as good. Go to the Himalayas, and at the top of their mountains (their “high places’) you find the monks systematically raping 2 year olds. These same Buddhists are in reality satanists who physically meet with serpent beings and do their bidding. They are serving satan in every way they can.

Go to the highest ranks in Mormonism, and you find the EXACT same thing, in practice it all boils down to human sacrifice and raping little kids. It has stayed the same since before the flood, for all religion is run by the fallen angels, just like every civilization was founded/started by the Watchers.

Part 3

All civilization is of the evil one as well, but that is a different (but related) conversation. No civilization aligns with the Kingdom of God, its ways or its SOURCE of goodness. God never gave us civilization either.

It is the same for EVERY religion, including Judaism. God never gave anyone religion ever. He never gave us systems of morality. He did instruct us as to not shipwreck and curse our lives. But he never gave us behaviors that certify we are righteous.

Religions are systems run by evil humans 100% of the time, evil humans serving the fallen angels, that extend control over people’s lives, with lots of pretty makeup on to try to look good to the victims they control. This is a universal truth.

Satan wants to TRAP people in these systems, getting them to imagine them as good, envision them as morality, and place trust in said system to somehow make them better, or make the gods not angry with them, etc..

Rabbinical Judaism put in traditions, elevated the Babylonian talmud. Put in intermediates. To the WRONG thing, with lots of good intentions, justifications, etc. It became the PERFECT thing for the Edomites to infiltrate and voila, we have the Pharisees of Jesus day and the other religious control experts classes (Sadducees, Sanhedrin, etc etc.). But it it is not GOD HIMSELF, it is not truly good; it is disconnected from actual goodness (there is a gap and intermediaries to enforce some hierarchy system like the Reptilians use) and is forced to thus put on FIG LEAVES of propaganda, morality, virtue, etc. in order to push its fake goodness and its diabolical control.

A derivation from, an imitation of Goodness, is not the Presence of God Himself. Satans goal is to do a spiritual BAIT AND SWITCH — switch out the presence of God for any system of religion.

The purpose of all these religions is to enforce the LIE that sends them straight to hell. They are ALL thus, in the end, grooming systems for the lake of fire itself.

They might be like competing football teams at the lowest and most obvious/externalized level (so to speak), but at the end of the day, they are all playing football, and there is a common set of rules and patterns and expressions that makes football be football, makes religions be religions. Yes they have different power centers, different uniforms, different slogans, but they have the underlying common SYSTEM of football baked in.

Thus it was theseEdomite infiltrators that self-appointed themselves as the “morality police” and the “interpreters of God’s instructions” in Jesus’ day, teaming up with the godless state of Rome to try their best to KILL actual Goodness, actual virtue, actual love — Jesus Himself.

Quick analogy:

The religious experts and professional legalistic class in Jesus’ Day, INTERPRETED the Torah for the people, is much the same way as we’ve seen recently:

It is not about HOW THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES VOTE, but as how HOW THE VOTES ARE COUNTED that determines the outcome of an election. They INTERPRETED the votes.

Likewise, Religion inserts a DECEPTIVE extra step, separating the relationship from being direct, just as our government is not the DIRECT EXPRESSION of the will of the people. And therein lies all the corruption.

Religion likewise puts “spiritual representatives” into the mix, for evil control purposes, to pervert the intended Goodness of God from actually manifesting in a culture or nation.

Part 4

Religion always runs this same pattern 100% of the time because it is what it is. It is some system of morality or virtue or sin-management dressed up as good but without serving God DIRECTLY. Religion never ever has produced someone who can join with the psalmist in singing:

Psalm 119:32–34 “I love to run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart FREE. Teach me, Lord God, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it completely. Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.”

The religion of Churchianity, for example, will have their victim either imagine they are “doing it well” leading to pride, or “doing is poorly” leading to guilt. God never set up or endorsed anything like that. That does not set your heart free from the inside out!

This push/pull dialectic performance situation is classic mind control tactics taught by the fallen angels. All religions are fake goodness control systems.

In Christ we NO LONGER CHASE MORALITY, for the person of all Goodness lives inside us. We no longer TRY to be good more loving or moral or ethical. We are instead TRUE to the reality of who we are in Christ. We are aligned with our NEW selves. Selves MADE ONE with God’s Presence — His Spirit.

“He (Father God) made Christ who knew no sin (had never experienced falling short of perfect love, union, trust and obedience) to BE SIN on our behalf, so that — in Him — we would become the righteousness of God.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21

Did Jesus BEHAVE his way into being/doing good? No, Jesus ENTERED INTO ONENESS with Father by faith and he did that from the womb, from the Holy Spirit conception, and never wavered from that.

Everything “good” about Jesus flowed directly from His good FATHER living in and through Him. His actions were FATHER’S actions. His deeds were FATHER’S deeds through him. His goodness was the result of oneness with Father.

Again, religion will try to get you to say, “I am doing good works.” Or “thanks to God’s power I am doing or being good.”

But this is NOT what Jesus said. The only One who could possible say that NEVER said that. It was always about relationship oneness, NEVER about religion. We say with Jesus…

“Don’t you believe that I am IN the Father, and that the Father is IN me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (John 14:10)

Religion never produces ONENESS with God Himself. Jesus was not on earth doing good works! No, Jesus was IN the Father and the Father was IN Jesus, and the good works were the Father works that flowed naturally from the relationship oneness. It was not Jesus, but the works of the Father that were flowing through and out of Jesus, into the external world. THE RELIGIOUS MIND will always muddy, not clarify, this distinction.

I say again: Jesus was not on earth doing good works!

No, the FATHER was ONE with and IN Jesus, and it was the Father’s Works being done, not Jesus working to produce any goodness. Those words and behaviors were not of Jesus’ own initiative. they were the words and the works of Father Himself.

Jesus came to be the CONDUIT of the Father, not a worker of works, and thus not something with a performance or religious mindset. Because he was ONE (echad) with Father, he was FREED from a morality focus. He looked to his father and TRUSTED His Father’s love.

Everything Jesus did, he did from Relationship Oneness, from the harmonious intimacy of love/trust/fellowship with the Father as a proper SON.

John 12 (amplified translation)

44 But Jesus loudly declared, “The one who believes and trusts in Me does not believe [only] in Me but [also believes] in Him who sent Me. 45 And whoever sees Me sees the One (Father) who sent Me.

46 I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes and trusts in Me [as Savior — all those who anchor their hope in Me and rely on the truth of My message] will not continue to live in darkness. 47 If anyone hears My words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge and condemn the world [that is, to initiate the final judgment of the world], but to save the world. 48 Whoever rejects Me and refuses to accept My teachings, has one who judges him; the very word that I spoke will judge and condemn him on the last day.

49 For I HAVE NEVER SPOKEN ON MY OWN INITIATIVE OR AUTHORITY, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment regarding what to say and what to speak. 50 I know that His commandment is eternal LIFE. So the things I speak, I speak [in accordance with His exact instruction] just as the Father has told Me.”

Jesus speaks WHAT Father’s says and in the EXACT WAY the Father says it. Everything flowed directly from that, and not from any religion. Religion is the opposite of this; the tricky substitute.

Part 5

So then what is salvation? Salvation is being ONE with the person, the source of deliverance, righteousness and holiness. Religion is a system and set of regulations (rules, laws, principles, etc.). That is hopeless to produce UNITTY with God Himself because it is the substitute goodness of religion.

In religion the focus is on you and what you are understanding or doing. But this is the opposite of what Jesus demonstrated. When asked

Religious mind cannot say:

“For with You (Father God) is the fountain of life: in Your light we shall see true and living light.” — Psalm 36:9

Again therefore Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of LIFE.”

Religion can know some DATA ABOUT God, but never actually know God. In the same way we can know facts about Abraham Lincoln, but never encounter or meet him directly. Data does not transform us; dogma does not transform us, rather God’s PRESENCE transforms us as we respond in faith. Religion offers the EVIL BAIT of systems of fake morality; God offers HIMSELF and the result is real LIFE.

Religion is the opposite of freedom, it is bondage to some system of morlaity that can only PRETEND to be good, while in actual practice serving Satan to the core. Satan gave mankind the various and confusing outer presentations of religion to TRICK them into thinking the have any goodness to offer. That they will somehow get “better” through embracing said religion. They get people behavior focused, morality focused, but never interacting with Jesus directly. Thus intentionally and strategically MISSING the Person of goodness and righteousness.

I hope I said it enough ways, friend. Religion will never produce ONENESS with holiness Himself. And without oneness to the PERSON of righteousness, your only other place is hell.

Here is what salvation is and what the Person of Jesus provides, over and against all religion:

John 17: 21–23 “that they all may be ONE (echad); just as You, Father, are IN Me and I IN You, that they also may be ONE IN US, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one, just as We are ONE; I IN them and You IN Me, that they may be perfected and completed into ONE, so that the world may know [without any doubt] that You sent Me, and [that You] have loved them, just as You have loved Me”

Thus a person is either alive — meaning in the life/love of God, through this oneness whose access is faith. Or they are in fake goodness and systems of performance — making them a perfect candidate for hell.

Religion can teach ABOUT morality, but never had the power to make you ONE with God Himself. Perfection of fellowship through Jesus, the WAY to the Father. God can only accept Himself. Can only approve of and have intimacy with… HIMSELF. So unless you have been MADE ONE through Christ, you have nothing but rhetoric, dogma and religion. Religion makes a person FLAMMABLE.

So yes, when properly understood and not muddied by evil systems, religion is always a bad word. It was never about religion; rather the only thing that matters is Oneness with Father God through Jesus the Christ. Religion cannot help you get that. Only Faith in God’s grace can BESTOW that.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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