The Key is Intercessory Prayer
All the world’s leaders worship satan (perhaps under different names and in different clubs, but the evil overlord is always satan pulling their strings). Biden is a puppet for Obama. Obama is working as a destroyer, both for and with China. China is the red dragon and they are working with the satanists in Israel. Of course there are more players than that, so this is a simplification, but an accurate one.
So there is a series of “hidden hands”, all to establish the New World Beast Order, and the West HAS to be destroyed to do that, specifically America. The globalists literally publish public documents where they admit at at least 200,000,000 (of the roughly 320 million) Americans must be slaughtered they calculate. Killed and replaced with those much more COMPLIANT with tyranny, those submissive to their dark and lawless agendas. Once you know this, a person can see why all the evils going on day to day in the news are they way they are.
America’s leaders serve the globalists, and so they HAVE to lie to us and make decisions we see as “bad”, yes, bad for US and in violation of their oath of office to serve us, but in alignment with these leader’s ACTUAL job assignments. Pushing us further and further into destruction, death, crisis, chaos is their ACTUAL job. They are not fools; they are doing their job. Engineering specific crisis at specific times and sequences to stimulate calculated REACTIONS in various segments of the public — reactions that are designed (via the Hegelian dialectic) to confuse, traumatize and pacify us.
They want our CONSENT as they lead us to the slaughterhouse. Or at the very least, they want the population to do TOO LITTLE TOO LATE and miscalculate the amount of resistance to tyranny, while. So they BAIT us with false promises, DECEIVE us with false statistics, POISON us in the air, food, water and fake healthcare organizations, and so forth. It is all about wrangling the population into the control mechanisms, and slaughterhouse so that by the time we can SEE our destruction is at the door, it is too late.
ONLY those connected to God’s spirit can understand the Bible (God’s word) and use God’s WISDOM to take Godly action. We see their games, their motives and their tactics. While we don’t have the money or power they do; we do have the ultimate weapon — INTERCESSORY PRAYER.
The satanic globalists know this as well; they know their worse enemy is a God’s church that is praying and fasting for God’s will (not the globalists will) to be done. So, like any evil overlord, they want to be “steps ahead” and keep the real church of God divided, confused, immature and asleep. Their plans DEPEND on that.
I simply want people to know the agendas set against them… so they can be paralyzed with fear and complain. HA, no, not at all. SO THAT they can pray BOLD prayers in humble intercession that are informed prayers against the dark agendas and for the winning of souls. Only knowledge that is applied in spiritual warfare makes a difference.