The “Inconvenient Truth” soon to come on America
America’s main idols are:
• Money and Lifestyle
• Trust in our Military Superiority
• Being Libertine — do as I wilt. Sexual free expression.
• Healthcare: that has ALREADY stabbed us in the back and jabbed us in the arm, being disloyal and greedy.
And we could list others…
Thus these are some of the MAIN area’s that God’s judgement comes upon America. Every single thing not built on HIMSELF as its true foundation will be reduce to rubble. We don’t tend to think we IDOLIZE our military, but we do in Biblical terms, because we TRUST in it and let that (misplaced) trust make us SMUG (overconfident and indifferent to others not as privileged).
1. Our economy, our finances, our lifestyle will be JUDGED. God will allow internal and external enemies to succeed against us and ravish all our nice things. All trust in pensions, stocks, investments will fail. We will know poverty, scarcity, and the lifestyle that we would call a 3rd world nation level.
2. Our military will FAIL us, 100% of the time. Every conflict will see the army (and other branches) DEFEATED. Yes we have tons of great military gear — pretty up-to-date and of course very expensive (think the money-hungry military industrial complex). But our enemies will defeat America through both (a) very low-tech methods (think propeller planes, pagers) and also )b) higher-tech weapons than public knows nothing about — ray guns that boil your blood or desiccate you rapidly, burn your cities from space, hunt you down individually by flying drones and crawling robots, etc..
3. God says that those who have a promiscuous lifestyle, disrespecting and abusing the body and sexuality that creator God gave them, they will be hauled off by China and others, forced to work in brothels as sex slaves. Sex will be forced upon them as much as 30 times a day to anyone wanting to use them. Their orifices once dedicated to sin, will be re-purposed by their conquerors as individual profit centers for the slaver masters.
4. In these ways of selfishness and greed, instead of true love/service in God’s Kingdom, AMERICA HAS INVERTED the freedoms and become libertine (engorged on licentious instant gratification). We scratch each other, envy, scams to get MORE and MORE for ourselves, thus American will be left with next to nothing. Because we have inverted our freedoms from good to bad, God will allow America’s position to be inverted among the nations.
Are many other nations also selfish and worse? Yes, but think of it like “relative humidity” and “absolute humidity” — how much water is in the air vs how much water the air is capable of holding. Most other nations are also selfish and opportunistic too, but not with the SMUG PRIDE that America has in its sense of entitlement. Other nations have done MORE WITH LESS, whereas America (in the past 70 or so year) has done so little with so much. Thus our spiritual love relative index is quite low, and our spiritual relative greed index is quite high, as much as we’d like to try to deny it!
Our freedoms such as Bill of Rights, self-defense, speech and so forth will be torn to shreds. And while this has been eroding for decades, it will be suddenly over thrown as hater Kaballah Harris becomes president. Then Obummer will return as a tyrant with a power and fury that past Communist Dictators, mass-murderers all of them, could only have dreamed about.
In short, everything we count on, aside from God, will utterly let us down. East access to our every need (food, transportation, high tech toys, etc.) will be a thing of the past. The rights and privileges we take for granted (being able to buy food or have lots of options) will be removed. In the last 70 or so years, (ever since Project Paperclip), Americans have done so little with their advantages to significantly bless others, other nations, and expand God’s Kingdom.
Instead America has become a stench to the world — they rightly see the America of our lifetimes as bullies, economic cops, military monsters, greedy intruders. In this way, all trust in lesser things will abuse and disappoint Americans. All America’s idols will be destroyed in God’s judgement.
Some of these idols, these pet sins, are more centralized by the corrupt leadership and not the average person, BUT we the people have not fought nearly enough to purge our own government of satanic leaders. And thus the whole land is guilty either directly or as an
• ACTIVE ACCESSORY to the crimes of the satanic elites (getting military contracts, banking scams and money laundering, insurance contracts, manufacturing and construction contracts, etc. FROM THEM). This means they might not be an abortionist, but they will work in sales in the healthcare industry related to abortion, for example. Ways that they PROFIT from and get paychecks from systems and institutions riddled with evil and corruption. Instead of overturning the evil (crime, lawlessness, selfishness that directly hurts their fellow man), American greed compromises with it, and profits from it.
• or as PASSIVE ACCESSORY’s to the crimes (looking the other way, not voting them out, not fighting against corruption and for truth, etc.). So many Americans who protest judgement and who IMAGINE themselves as guiltless, are in God’s eyes guilty of being a passive accomplice to the criminal masterminds. Passive in the culture erosion. Passive against the moral decay, etc..
Even nature will turn against us: earthquake, sink holes, winds, floods, insect swarms, dangerous beasts, and more.
You cannot “save America” or “make it great again” at this point. All hope in the wrong place, all wishful thinking in the wrong place, all wrongly placed lust after a human savior to fix it all for you. This will fail. Even T will be assassinated. All of America will know these are all FALSE things to trust in.
You can seek God, pray for protection in the “storms” so to speak. You can repent of all the ways you have tied your life to the institutions, systems, and mindsets of Babylon. You can speak truth in love. You can evangelize. You can stand firm and worship,
God is not shocked at our faithlessness; He Himself will position our enemies to gain the upper hand, weaponizing American greed against the people. He will use the envious, bitter, abused nations to judge America and severely humble the people that survive.