The Hottest 2025 Business Headshot Trend
Smart businesspeople at all stages of their careers are maximizing the value of their business headshots and corporate portraits, by getting both in-studio and outdoor headshots.
Think of your business headshot as part of your personal visual marketing communications. Your photo communicates things about your — your professionalism, your eagerness and vigor, how poised you are to deliver results for your employer or your clients, and so forth.
A studio headshot is a must for almost every professional, especially for high-trust industries like lawyers, doctors and bankers. It is preferred, but not a must for less “corporate” and more face to face business relationships like real estate agents. And these days there are industries where a less formal headshot is in vogue — those without a tie, like IT professionals and construction industry professionals.
Your studio headshot tells your audience, your business prospects and peers that you are serious about getting results. That you are competent and service-oriented. It is the more “serious” of the two kinds of business headshots, one focused on conveying your “competency” to do the job you do. And thus can be trusted to deliver results that both employer and client will appreciate.
An outdoor headshot is more vibrant, more personal. It tells your audience that you are approachable. It is best to use this kind of headshot when and where you want a client or prospect to reach out and make contact for your services.
There is a great solution for all these, which is to get BOTH — both studio and outdoors business headshots. It delivers the best of both worlds. When you get both the studio and outdoor headshot as a bundle, you’re getting not only two photos, but a significant savings over having two separate photo-shoots.
This helps business executives with the need to also present the trendy more-casual photo side of themselves for maximum “applicability” factor, while delivering what everyone loves, financial savings.
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