The Hopeless Bankruptcy of all things Babylon
In the Babylonian system, people are things to be used. The population must thus be brainwashed into believing they need to be a “productive member of society.” You have value only to the degree that you produce.
However, in reality, you were personally intended and created by an all-good God. You have intrinsic purpose, value — being in the image of God and containing the spark of life, which can only come from Father God Himself.
In Babylon mindset, if you are inconvenient, it only makes sense to abort you. (and then sell your parts on the black market to the god of Mammon) In the Kingdom of God, you flow freely and naturally desiring to use abilities, skills, and desires (which God lovingly and intentionally bestowed on you) to create, to innovate — and all this in a culture of giving to others freely, and being freely given to. A culture of mutual service, appreciation, honor, understanding. You have things to develop and to contribute to those around you, and this provides a natural and deep satisfaction.
Force is not required because love is in you, around you and in everyone else too. The world becomes a better place ONLY AS you be and reflect the goodness of God in and through you. Conformity and inauthenticity are not the way to prosper.
This is the environment for which you were made and the ideal context in which to live, letting the blessing already inside you from your intimate connection with life, flow out, to self-express, and it is as you develop these gifts and as you self-express, others are blessed, in fact, everyone you meet receives a dose of divine love from you, and you from them. This is because The Lamb is the King of the Beasts.
But this Kingdom of God is only marginally where we live if we touch it at all. Instead we have Communist Marx trying to make a counterfeit world of wealth and success, that he promises, but never actually does, makes the common man have a higher standard of living. Systems of class struggle and the fat cats at the top having far more than they could ever use meanwhile a revolutionary bloodbath in the streets.
We have Eastern systems of culture, thought, and religion. Mainly trying to escape their suffering and calling that enlightenment (Buddhism). A reactive system running from pain, but never having the power to be a truly redemptive force in the world. Or else worshiping thousands and thousands of “gods” that the Bible identifies as fallen angels (Hinduism). But no matter how many gods you have, even all of them combined don’t make the world a wonderful place. Not in a meaningful way. Not even a little.
Instead you have devastation, desolation, strife, and mass impoverishment. No matter how much the fallen crave you to call them gods, they take, not give; they only curse, not bless.
You have system after system of TAKING from you, in the name of giving to you. Systems that enshrine their starvation, worship it, in fact, by giving 1/3 of the nation’s grain production to temples filled with literal rats, as a way of showing appreciation to their rat god (Karni Mata), in HOPES of finding favor in life. Seriously? You imagine you achieve blessing through participating in a hellish strategy of impoverishment? Participating in strategies that ENSURE starvation, disease and oppression? They praise their darkness as light, being most deceived.
And in America, that loves to turn everything into a corporation, we have the religion of materialism and its varieties, where you labor FOR the good of the corporation and live in credit card debt. Yet another system of false blessing. A system of false prosperity.
We have over 4,500 active religions on planet Earth, at this time, and NONE of them have EVER shown that they have the power to transform human nature for the better. Sure, we have standards of morality and behavior competing with each other. But we don’t have the power to use a religion, a system, an institution to make us truly GOOD from the inside out. Through moral codes we can stop some bad behaviors, and we can imitate more loving behaviors like an actor will act, but we cannot be full participants in either love or goodness by participating in any of them.
We have counterfeit heavens galore — hollow promises that we can have goodness without being in harmonious intimacy with the source of goodness, the Person of God Himself.