The Gospel of the Image (revisited)

Headshot Pros
7 min readSep 2, 2022


Once you understand the GOSPEL OF THE IMAGE, it will blow your mind and make clear so much of Scripture.

There is so much confusion in terms… Hebrew, Jew, Gentile, Israel, etc..

The “Hebrew” people means the human people. Fully human as in genetics. Homo Sapien Sapien. Not homo something else or something close. They gentiles all had mixed DNA from a little or a lot of interbreeding with Nephilim DNA. God told the Hebrew people not to marry them. Even the half-breed Samaritans were not God’s will. Jesus did not shun the Samaritans; rather He came to SAVE them, to RESTORE them to the Father through Himself — the perfect humanity in Himself. It had to get OUT of Jesus (by being pierced) and INTO us (by faith). To be human means to bear God’s image/likeness — a oneness of being and behavior.

Those with PARTIAL genetic humanity to them needed to be restored to FULL humanity by the blood of Jesus. God can LOVE humans because humans are in His image, thought it is a broken and marred image by sin. God can lavish grace upon humanity, fallen, but only able to be restored through the lifeblood of His own Son, Jesus.

God is protecting the DNA, for ONLY HUMANS are made the all-important “image of God.” Jesus has carefully recorded lineage SO THAT it is proven he is fully HUMAN. The “Son of Man.” No nephilim DNA in him or he could not die as the atonement sacrifice for the restoration of all that Adam lost at the fall. The word Jew came centuries and centuries later. Jesus had to die AS a full human (aka a spotless lamb), and FOR the Humans — so that the Image of God could be restored in us who believe (by faith through God’s grace). God loves ALL humans (John 3).

God seeks to save mankind and restore the image of God in us. The lifebood of the perfect human had to get out of Jesus and into us by faith so that HUMANITY is truly restored. Jew and Gentile are now ONE IN MESSIAH because of the complete/perfect work in Jesus (his incarnation, life, loving obedience, death, descent, ascension back) he dies FOR us and AS us. His lifeblood in us makes us alive and reconnected back to Father God. We are now transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light. From less than human, to fully and truly human. Adam and Eve were PERFECT in their genetics. Untainted and thus fully able to ENGAGE in fellowship with Father God. Thus they could (before the fall) interact with God at a level MORE INTIMATE than the highest angel. They had unlimited and regular CONVERSATIONAL INTIMACY with God. There was no break or distortion in their ability to hear God.

Jesus came and testified that He could SEE spiritually what Father God was doing, and that was his direction for what he should do, and he could HEAR what Father God was saying. Direct connection. No distance of blockage. True humanity. The FULLY and TRULY human being is in God’s image with full access to conversational intimacy with the Father. After the fall we lost that. Jesus came to restore ALL that we lost. Only a fully genetic human could hear and see and connect to God. Only Jesus could connect to and show us the Father!

God told me that “Genes are spiritual territory and none of that territory can be claimed by the Evil One.”

Our salvation is by the BLOOD of Jesus. Jew and Gentile are not ONE (echad) in Messiah precisely because the lifeblood of Jesus is in them both. It is NO LONGER about our various levels of genetic corruption on Earth. It is about the BLOOD of Jesus and His genetics. We are equal and one because the SAME BLOOD of Jesus can be in us both, by faith through GRACE. We now longer focus on the genetics we came into this world with.

NO ONE since Adam had perfect genes but Jesus. ONLY a SPOTLESS lamb sacrifice was accepted on the Day of Atonement. No defect of any kind. This was telling us that genetic perfection was required to save humanity.

Those genes were not about winning a beauty contest, but they were necessary to connect to, hear and see and fellowship with all the way. More than even the best prophet. We now focus on Jesus. The Messiah is the author (initiator) and perfector (completion) of our faith. We are perfect (whole and complete) because Jesus was and is perfect.

We are JOINED to Him. We are HEIRS with Him. Because we are now IN CHRIST JESUS. People develop all these belief systems about Jews and Gentiles, but miss the point is that both need the BLOOD of Jesus to be made whole. Morally whole, spiritually whole, and genetically whole SO THAT we can have what Adam had — connection and fellowship with Father God. In John 17 Jesus prays to the Father that we are INVITED IN to the very core intimacy shared by the Trinity. This is scandalous to the religious mind. But this only makes since since we are In Christ Jesus. Father now looks at us and sees JESUS In us. He sees humanity he can connect with and fellowship with and bless. He cannot bless disobedience.

Father loves us EXACTLY as He loves Jesus. There are no more barriers. No more temple veil. We now are restored to access to the Father, and are given the Spirit of God that Cries “Abba Father”. We are given the Mind of Christ. We are place into Christ who had been given all authority and sits as judge over all creation. We are to be filled with the fullness of God! (Ephesians 3:19–21) We are restored family members, intended to “grow up” into all that Jesus is (Ephesians 4:15). Now, as a real human, a restored human, the Bible says: God is pleased to give us His Kingdom. (Luke 12:32)

If you know your Bible, you will know there are multiple Scripture references for ever single sentence written here. It is therefore NO LONGER about being a Jew genetically, or a Gentile genetically. It is about spiritual circumcision whereby we have a better covenant relationship of unlimited access to Father God by the work of Jesus and the grace of God.

We are perfect, whole, complete and saints IN Christ Jesus. The righteousness of Christ is BESTOWED upon us, giving us access… by the BLOOD. We are everything that Jesus is, because the Blood, the life, the essence, including the genetics) of Jesus is now IN us and we are IN Jesus. And because Jesus is IN the Father, we too are IN the Father and the Father IN us. We are now restored to being INTIMATE ALLIES. (John 17)

All the inhabitants of Earth had TAINT and DEGRADATION to their genetics. No one could thus connect with God or fellowship with Him. Tainted genes did not let us HEAR the voice of God, much less please or fellowship with Him. Jesus SAVES us. He RESTORES what we lost.

And this is an important distinction: we are not saved to be religious or moral. We are saved to be LIKE God. We are saved to BEAR HIS IMAGE. To REFLECT God to all creation. We are saved to by INTIMATE ALLIES with God — active forces of redemption, grace, love, restoration and extensions of all that God is. We are not here to merely perform to some moral code; we are he to be literally extensions of the Good Heart of Father God out into this world. THIS is why the Blood Of Jesus had to restore our humanity to us!

Isaiah 53:5 — But He (Jesus the Lamb of God) was pierced for OUR transgressions, He was crushed for OUR iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way (our being and our resultant behavior is now corrupted/degraded/deviant), and the LORD has laid upon Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all. (taking it away from us, like the transfer of the sins enacted at the Day of Atonement)

Satan’s attack at the fall was on the IMAGE of GOD, and by that on Adam’s authority over Earth and Adam’s intimacy with God (that satan was envious of the glory/authority/territory, having been kicked out). Satan was after the territory of this Earth (the genetic territory and the spatial territory and with the spiritual territory, the glory that came with that , having lost his original place in heaven and the presence of God’s glory. Creation was NO LONGER that which God created, but that which the serpent degraded. Jesus RESTORES all that. He restores it so we can participate in the fellowship, intimacy, life, power, love of God Himself. Christ is the last Adam and we are In Him.

Remember what Satan tried to use to tempt Jesus with — the TERRITORY, the AUTHORITY and the GLORY. He would trade all that for Jesus (the second Adam, the Lamb of God) to worship Satan, making Jesus DISQUALIFIED to save the humans for he would no longer be sinless and spotless. See for yourself in Luke 4:6.

“I will give You authority over all these kingdoms and all their glory,” satan said. “For it has been relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish.

I repeat and underscore: it is no longer about OUR genetics. It is about the genetics of Jesus. The perfect humanity as the Son of Man that can have spiritual LIFE through connection (intimate oneness) with the Trinity.

You can get hung up on the mixed meanings and interpretations of religious terminology. The nephilim cannot receive salvation. Those without the Blood of Jesus are not saved. Salvation is for HUMANS in every sense of that word — the God-intended sense of that word — to be Human means to BEAR GOD’s IMAGE.

Because of Jesus, both fully Son of God AND Son of Man, Father God now looks at us and sees HIS OWN IMAGE RESTORED IN US, because we are placed IN Christ Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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