The Fraud of Socialism

Headshot Pros
3 min readJan 23, 2023


Since when was prosperity or success created by taking from the successful and giving it to the unsuccessful? Never.

“The Problem with Socialism is that you [quickly] run out of other people’s money [to spend on yourself].” — Margaret Thatcher

All Socialism does his reward a passive welfare state, accelerating it towards bankruptcy. By focusing on redistribution wealth from the producers to the takers, (instead of focusing on creating wealth) it rewards victimhood and narcissism. In practice, it merely becomes yet another justification for the fat cats at the top to take for themselves the majority of wealth, while pretending to “redistribute” it.

And a quick aside: “equal opportunity” is a nice-sounding idea but impossible to implement and simply does not and will not exist. What we need is not equal resources, but encouragement towards RESOURCEFULNESS.

You see, resourcefulness focuses on finding a way — making a way possible regardless of the easily available resources. It is proactive and innovative. Behind most every failure is a breakdown in willingness and resourcefulness. No one can guarantee equal resources, but you do have the choice to be abundantly RESOURCEFUL.

If you subsidize something, you will get more of that thing. But if you reward success, you will get more success. America was built on rugged individualism — on the entrepreneur who realize they had to PROVIDE VALUE. On taking responsibility for your own failure or success. This incentivized achievement. If they expected to be rewarded for their labor, their labor had to be doing something that was truly needed and truly valuable to others.

In contrast to the work ethic that contributed to America being great in the past, many today have and seem addicted to the parasite mindset. The failure/under-performer role. They go to college, not to learn, but to select the easiest possible professors. They want the results without effort. The shortcuts. The style without the substance. They don’t want to actually do the work it takes to achieve, but merely to don the appearance of achievement. This is the person attracted to Socialism — the feebleminded promise of getting without doing the work. Of gratification without responsibility.

The pornographic society in current America is a clear reminder of this. They can merely wiggle their God-given butt on social media and Only Fans and make money — giving a skin-deep appearance of beauty without the internal virtue that makes a woman truly beautiful.

Make achievement too easy and it attracts the weak-willed. Through rewarding underachievement, the feebleminded and selfish among us can then also imagine themselves as “successful”, without suffering the pain of internal growth — the pain of feelings of inadequacy that is MEANT to drive them to work harder and smarter. That is called: gratification without responsibility.

When this happens, it makes it success in society meaningless as a result. Reward this fraud (the appearance of desirability without the internal fortitude and character that makes a person actually successful in life and desirable long-term), and you get more fraud. You produce a society riddled with scams, short-cuts, and professional victims. A toxic culture. A culture that promotes the LIE that gratification without responsibility won’t lead to insanity and destruction.

Today’s problem is that media, and the cult of celebrities, and lifestyles of the rich and famous, shows the simple-minded a fantasy world of immediate gratification — — one where they can be rewarded without any labor, without service to others. Remember the maxim: gratification without responsibility is the foundation of insanity.

The fake leaders (the takers pretending to be givers) have no such connection to God and His life and abundance. God is the real source of innovation and resourcefulness. As such, they have no resourcefulness. Thus, in their impoverished imagination and bankrupt souls, they are forced to come up with deceptions, scams, narratives and schemes to TAKE from those who are proactive, work hard (diligent), and connect to God for real innovation and resourcefulness.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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