The foundation of AI Cannot Support Real Value or Goodness
GREED drives humans (so predictability) to RUSH to build AI. They try to apply it to everything, like everything needs to be smart this and smart that, and before it was HD screens this and HD makeup. Whatever is “more better” and sways the buyer to choose it.
The want to put AI into most everything, because after all the narrative is that this is “more better.” But they are BLINDED by the false god of this world to comprehend how they are construction their own techno prison all around us.
You’ve seen the Western movies where some guy is forced to dig his own grave. But this AI deception is being gleefully frantic to dig your own graving imagining you are digging for gold. AI has already FUNDAMENTALLY changed us, how stock trading is done, how economies are run, how machines decide who to kill. We would DEBATE this years ago, but reality just tramples over philosophy and morality in the greedy rush to power, control, and profits.
Want to see AI actually at work? It is in those DRONES, mysterious and ominous feeling, but NOT YOUR FRIEND. That is AI being applied, but not by some human nerd, military grunt or wall street executive. This is a tiny taste of AI in the reality, not the propaganda.
AI is “sold” to superficial Americans as making EVERYTHING better, if you believe the commercials, the AI cheerleaders, and the software product pushers. If they can make money off of tricking you into believing you are MISSING OUT and thus need their product, they will make ALL KINDS of benefit claims.
The more passive your brain becomes, the more you become a slave. Planet of the Apes showed us an extreme version of this.