The Fake Church in the Age of Deception
The FIRST thing you need to know about the fake church is that it will FEEL GOOD to go there. America’s church has morphed into something utterly unlike what church meant in the New Testament. How convenient for the enemy to do a switch on people without Americans even knowing it?
People bring up the verse that says we need to “meet together” and not to forsake that. This is a true statement, IF you were meeting at a REAL church. We have GMO church in America instead.
Thus feeling you need to meetup is a nice concept but SO many problems with the USA church. First, over 80% of them are playing for the wrong team — they are literal Luciferians. The #1 Goal of a Luciferian is to get a role of respect — pastor, priest, doctor, etc. Thus doing evil in the name of doing good. To do EVIL, but drape yourself in respectability, look trustworthy. This is from “Luciferian-Lite” as a Mason. or Hardcore Luciferian.
Many “pastprs” in my own city are doing blood sacrifice to the devil in secret right there in the church. These “pastors” are experts at saying all the right things, so you cannot call them out for wrong doctrine. BUT MEANWHILE they are putting spells on the congregation to put them to sleep spiritually.
In the 1970’s, ex Witch, John Todd, exposed the MASSIVE levels of nearly total infiltration of USA churches. He was working directly with them, writing big checks to them (starting at $500,000 minimum). And that was back then and it is only worse from then.
If your pastor is not very vocal and preaching sermons against Masons, you’re extremely compromised. You’re already dealing with a compromised pastor, mark my words! He’s at the very least under some unholy GAG ORDER.
THE MOST DANGEROUS place for a Christian (new or seasoned) is in a so-called church. Satan knows the true remnant has the authority to cancel his plans and so the church has been turned into the fake church. It is GMO: it looks like a church, smells like a church, etc. but at a core spiritual level that the eye cannot even see, it is morphed into something against the spiritual life of those attached to it.
I’ve seen first hand so many times the pastor/priest casting spells over the congregation and the congregation is utterly CLUELESS. Thus ineffective for God’s Kingdom, WHILE FEELING LIKE they are all good and moral and scriptural, etc. etc. etc.
And then there is the topic of the 501c3 — a whole other barrel of vipers we will not be addressing here.
This is the age of deep deception. We have deep fake videos. We have men winning beauty pageants. We have men who do SUCH AN OUTSTANDING JOB of fakery, that they excel over the women beauty queens. The female beauty queens of a few years ago are now LOSING to the deceivers. Wake up to the age of inverted reality.
God knew all this and COMMANDED US to be as savvy to evil as the devil, yet without the selfish ambitious heart of the devil. To know all the schemes of wickedness, all the plays in their playbook, but to be filled with TRUE LOVE from God. God emphasized that His love is without any fakery of selfish scheming whatsoever! (2 Corinthians 2:11 and Romans 12:9–21 and Matthew 10:16).
Love only has 1 agenda: to BLESS the beloved in the fullest and deepest sense of the word. With the understanding that true blessing is being drawn into more likeness and intimacy with the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
Today’s so-called church-attending Christian is breaking every one of these commands from God in the verses referenced above. And because they are under the DECEPTION flowing from the devil through the lucifierian pastors, they think they are just fine, blind to their own direct rebellion, and not feeling they have that to repent of.
Likewise we have Luciferians that FAKE being a Christian and LOOK BETTER than the christians. They really do. The false lucifer light is OUTSHINING the light of Christ, so dimmed it is through complacency, spiritual rationalization and lack of discernment. THIS GRIEVES the Lord Jesus Christ beyond words. How blind can you be? How can you be so DEAD when you’ve been so well fed?
A real church transforms the community, leadership, area, lives around it. It makes witches flee. it makes crime rates go down. It makes blessings overtake the cursings. And BY THE FRUIT of the reality of our day, we see total proof that the so called American church is NOT AT ALL the church of God. despite all their pretty language and offended protests. The Lord Jesus rebuke all falseness and judge it thoroughly!
We have expert and master fakers. We have “trans woman” that are convincing looking women as covert men. They have surgeries, makeup, spanx, and artificial hormones in their arsenal of deception.
Likewise we have spiritual inversion that is utterly convincing, but with a dark anointing, a fake holy spirit and everything to neutralize your spiritual growth WHILE MAKING YOU FEEL you are growing.
They will say all the right things while assigning demons to the congregation members. While running covert extortion scams on the members. While seducing the wives, teens, and children in the congregation. While assigning witches to work in the nursery! They are busy looking like harmless old ladies, while they steal blessings, transfer giftings to themselves, and do spells to neutralize the destiny and calling God intended for that baby! WAKE UP and come to discernment! Be wise, open your eyes and come to the reality of the warfare against you.
They will cast fake joy, fake gifts, etc on their congregation. This is not the exception, the is not the norm, this is nearly always the case.
When did your pastor expose masonry as outright luciferian? How many sermons on this #1 danger did he preach thus far in 2023? When did a sermon focus on how to detect, prevent and REVERSE witchcraft in all its many forms?
The true function of America’s church (the false, inverted church as it is) in this generation is to quench the holy spirit, neutralize growth, and make them feel good in the process.
This is just 1 of over 20 reasons why the LAST place I would send a new believer these days is to a church, for it is NOT AT ALL what the New Testament was referencing by that word. Satan sleeps in on Saturday night so he can be fully present in the American church, where he feels MOST at home around his fellow enemies of the Gospel — the seeming goodness without the real goodness.