The Fake Christian System
The so-called Church is running a racket and the key is to engage with the real personality of Jesus.
We have the American church systems that are the way they are by design. Godless by design. Important to transform the society around them BY DESIGN. Thoroughly infiltrated with luciferians, and that way by design.
These churches (which are not churches in the Biblical sense), give you a FAKE Jesus. They distort the key point — His PERSONALITY. The program the people, not set them free. They put their false religious overlay like a fog or film of junk BETWEEN the churchgoers and God.
Lucifer is no longer lucifer. It is fallen and kicked OUT. But it loves to PLAY at its old role as an angel of light, in order to DECEIVE in its cruel, spiteful and vindictive nature. Thus its operatives LOVE TO PLAY AT VIRTUE. They get positions of public respect (doctor, pastor, etc.) in their community so they can do great evil IN SECRET while being applauded openly by their community. They love to pose as what the community rightly wants — as HELPERS, as LEADERS, as SERVANTS, when they are in reality the opposite.
RUNNING A RACKET: in the 1920’s when alcohol was made illegal, a massive underground industry of supplying alcohol sprung up. You would have a seeming nice restaurant you can walk in the front, and everything feels respectable. Meanwhile, in the back room, they are a major hub of distributing liquor to that city. They are engaged in massive organized crime! But the front of the restaurant looks nice and desirable. They show you the good, while in fact being an organized crime hub in secret. If you only engage with their front persona, it all seems great. But the main profits come from the organized crime happening in the back.
This was fairly normal and came to be called “running a racket.” By acting like a friendly restaurant the organized crime can locate themselves strategically in the heart of a city, close to their supply chain systems, their distribution systems, etc..
The fake church is the same thing. They are running a racket. They have the front persona. If that is all you engage with, the church seems nice and good. Meanwhile they are profiting off of rape, of torture, of impregnation, or programming people, of killing babies, of doing many secret rituals to the devil. This is the reality.
But the SUPERFICIAL AMERICAN IDIOT is still pretending they are not in a place of massive organized crime dedicated directly to satan. They have bought into the front persona, intentionally designed to deceive.
Perhaps the saddest part of all is that most Americans DON’T WANT THE TRUTH. They don’t want to know. They want to live in the land of pretend and say it is only a nice restaurant. There are no code words to get illegal substances. There are no secret things to eat, not on the printed menu. They are largely IN AGREEMENT with the false persona, and thus COMPLICIT in the continuity of the organized crime system. If they can just stay in the facade of the nice restaurant, they don’t have to CONFRONT EVIL — the very evils in front of them. In this way they are COLLABORATORS with evil and will be judged ALONG WITH those consciously dedicated to the organized crime.
The highest achievement for a luciferian is often to get a pulpit. This is what they are all about. To infiltrate and do EVIL in the NAME of doing good. They are the masons and others that are there SO much and for SO long, that we accept their PERSONALITY DISTORTION teachings on Jesus’ personality as normal. So much and for so long that their distortions SEEM right. They get accepted as normal. They can then operate OPENLY and still not be seen for who they are.
They become the FLOCK LEADER only in order to lead the flock ASTRAY. They don’t know the real Jesus and cannot lead you to the real Jesus. The learn the Bible to FAKE being a good person in the eyes of those they seek to deceive.
America is RIDDLED with luciferians in their pulpits. It has been this way for 150 years? There is no exact point in time, but the potential America had to be was quickly swarmed on my all manner of evil and fake religious leaders will installed. Today it is SO prevalent… the house is not just infested with roaches.. the roaches now form together to masquerade as the people and walk around in the house openly, even with the lights on.
America is more than ripe for judgement. When a church or a pastor or religious leader is SUCCEEDING at growing, the luciferian fake pastors are envious and STUDY him and all the church methods. BUT NOT TO BETTER SHOW PEOPLE ABOUT JESUS. No, only to study tactics to MAKE MORE MONEY. It operates like they think, like a secular for profit corporation. For this it will be judged.
Satan is here to accuse, to steal, kill and destroy everything from God. A real pastor would be out there BEATING THE DEVIL UP that has been trying to beat you up.
Instead, the luciferians focus on perfecting their ACT and perfecting their money-extraction methods. Their control tactics — to keep the masses CONTENT AND SATISFIED with meagerness, with the lack of blessings and purpose the devil wants for them. They devil’s kingdom CANNOT SUCCEED in the face of people that know the real Jesus.
Thus the #1 priority is to emasculate the church, to divert, deceive, distort, cripple, etc.. … but while making it seem FINE, OK AND NORMAL. To ROB you of what God wants while you think this is perfectly fine.
One example: the lie that the Gifts of God’s Spirit are over and no longer operate, like healing, like prophecy and such. Such a stinky lie. But you see, to get the people to accept BEING CURSED WITH MEAGERNESS, when God wants His people leading others… so that through their knowing of the REAL Jesus, they lead others to the real Jesus!
Only through a blocking of the personality of Jesus can satan’s agendas to steal, kill, and destroy go on in continuity without fear of disruption and collapse.
In fact, it is SO BAD that the whistleblowers who report on abuses are ATTACKED by the chuchgoers so that their distortions and pleasant lies stay undisrupted. Meaning the organized crime system enjoys the continuity of both its damage and profits.
The real Jesus gave you His Holy Spirit. The real Jesus gave you blessings and authority. Everything God gives is for the setting free, the blessings — and blessing is about INTIMACY WITH HIMSELF. Not the distortion the fake church has around blessings — yet another perceptual distortion strategically in place to keep people running in circles instead of running to the Cross of freedom through the Blood.
The MASONIC church is so thoroughly in place in America that if feels: right, normal and good. God must burn the abomination down. But God wants to rescue you from these deceivers and restore you through intimacy and time in His Presence — His PERSONALITY.
There is a big list of distortions, but the only way ALL these distortions can stay in place is when the PERSONALITY of Jesus remains hidden and a fake personalty is installed, making people MISREAD the tone of Jesus’ own words.
The fake personality from the luciferians is the LINCHPIN to their own system of attacking your intimacy and harmony with God, and all the blessing, freedom and power that comes WTH (as a byproduct of) intimacy and harmony with God.
The fake church is godless for they DISTORT THE PERSONALITY of Jesus. And thus you can read the words in the Gospels but walk away with a lesser and distorted idea about them, for the distorted LENS OF PERCEPTION is installed between you and the real Jesus. You can read the words, but not get the IMPACT.
You can read Jesus words, BUT STILL NOT BE TRANSFORMED. Satan does not want society transformed, but rather conformed by the perceptual distortions coming from the institutionalized church system. You will put the WRONG TONE to Jesus’ words because they work hard to keep the personality warped.
In this light it is clear the answer is fervent prayer — to pray for the real Jesus to show himself to you. God does this one soul at a time. He is the savior of the whole world, but he is YOUR savior too. He is seeking you to know him, so that his personality can infuse and transform your personality. This is why he SPENT LOTS OF PERSONAL TIME, day in and out with His dimples. They had no choice but to be affected by the PERSONALITY of Jesus, not just the words of his teaching. In fact they mostly did not even understand the words of Jesus at the moment Jesus spoke them. But THROUGH ENGAGING WITH THE PERSON AND PERSONALITY of Jesus, distortion could not enter them once they received the Holy Spirit.
Pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to you. Then you can rightly understand the words of Jesus in the Bible. Then you can be a force of redemption. Not a teacher of dogma, but a powerhouse of God’s Spirit for you are in alignment with the Real Jesus. You are in love with the real Jesus and brought to the heart obedience to Himself that alone can set you free to give your life away for His Kingdom.