The Cultural Trendy TRAP vs the Love of God’s Instructions:

Headshot Pros
5 min readJul 28, 2020


The dark side of Churchianity is religiosity when following Christ has nothing to do with an religion. There are legalistic people who try to force people into a mold that is not even Biblical. That is legalism. Religion comes with lists of “do’s” and “don’ts” without the HEART — the love understanding intimate reality of aligning with God himself. Religion focuses on behaviors, various behaviors that look MORAL to the context of their day and time.

Rather than merely looking moral in the eyes of other broken humans and TRYING to make that pass as “spirituality”, the reality is that knowing Jesus is spending tie with him in His word and His presence such that His personality gets INTO and all over your personality.

You literally become LIKE Him (what the word “sanctification” means) and this is what salvation and redemption actually mean. Where the Bible is clear; we must be clear. When you go beyond that to the trendy and cultural, you cannot get dogmatic to judge people.

What the world tells you is trendy: degradation in your gender/sexuality (homosexuality, lesbian, bi-sexual, etc.), tattoos, dabbling in magic, and many other related things.

Those wishing to justify their distorted behavior will likely promote “homosexual Christianity”, or “tatooing for Jesus” and not to be pro-gay is somehow “dark.”

I don’t think such people even realize the origins of homosexuality. They are a victim of willful ignorance. Of superficial deceptions.

The fallen angels and the hybrid offspring, the Nephilim practiced and taught humanity homosexuality. They also taught divination, tattoos, cannibalism, drugs and more abomination. Many of these things are very trendy and popular these days. Many practitioners of these behaviors will argue that rejecting the practice is somehow rejecting THEM. This is another lie.

The real reason to not fall into any of these practices, is that God LOVES YOU enough to warn you away from the behavior of those forever damned for their rebellious ways. If you don’t know how many currently trendy things are completely rooted in the Nephilim — tattoos, piercings, homosexuality, etc.. then you are ignorant of history. Look at the book of Enoch, the book of Giants, even the secular historian Josephus — this is all explained and known, but the Church is guilty of not teaching this truth for the most part.

The Bible is very clear: to actually love Jesus is to obey him and follow his loving commands. To love Jesus is to seek to draw near him and be like him. That means Jesus PERSONALLY. To “know” in the Bible means not Western head knowledge, but deep experiential and intimate contact — THAT is how you know. To know Jesus is to do time in His presence. Anything less is just the vanity of playing with religion or morality — things that never save anyone.

God loves you and does not want you to be DEGRADED with any of the ways of the damned. That is not “hatred” or “rejection” to speak this truth; it is love, though the cultural lies of today will try to brainwash you otherwise. Clearly, those wishing to whitewash the behaviors of the Nephilim don’t even know the nephilim or what they did and are still doing to this planet — to humanity itself. Their ignorance of history is a weapon being used against them.

The pro-gay movement will use terms like “inclusive” to try to SPIN things as if to agree with God (and His word in the Bible) on certain behaviors is unloving. They want to promote their preferences as “overcoming” what God has explicitly warned us away from. Friends, free yourselves from this lie and come to the reality of what God loved you enough to explain in His Word. His word shows his heart, his ways, things that don’t let you be degraded, but uplifted and so forth.

A person might gravitate towards any of these practices of the fallen (magic, tattoos, homosexuality, etc.) for a variety of spiritual and psychological reasons, including familiar spirits, generational curses and bloodline iniquity. But you cannot escape this truth: friends don’t let friends be degraded, even if they imagine they are not being degraded.

If you CARED ENOUGH to really know God and His ways, you will research, study and align your heart with His, and you will understand. Otherwise you can simply flow with the cultural lies of your day, and suffer NEEDLESS consequences. Be blessed and choose wisely.

Sin comes to use dressed as “freedom” and “expression” and other nice-sounding wrapping paper. It lies that by doing it you will somehow be more, get more, and be more “alive” when in reality you spiral into death.

If a person really understood the agenda of how Satan has sought to subvert humanity from the Fall in the Garden of Eden onwards, you’d understand the larger picture — the context of why what culture embraces as “inclusive” is not loving, but a trap keeping you from the fullness, the wholeness, the peace and the real LIFE Jesus wants to give you and live in/through you, on OUR into our world as a force for real love, heroic love, true love, unstoppable love, and this holy love does not compromise with evil, rather it OVERCOMES evil with good — with the very Goodness of the Person / Personality / Heart of God Himself (Romans 12:21).

Look at what the Bible says: 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such WERE some of you. But you were WASHED, you were SANCTIFIED, you were JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

Past sinful behaviors from a heart disconnected from God’s presence are dirty and dead — they need to be washed away. It makes zero sense for a person having, been washed, to just rush back into filth.

A person comes to God for the life they desperately need. So don’t rationalize engaging in ANY of the practices of those who send themselves to hell through things opposite of God’s heart: lying, promiscuity, homosexuality, stealing, being under the influence of alcohol, etc. (you just saw a partial list in the verse above). You either want to be like God, or you want death, but don’t try to rationalize your own pet sins/addictions as somehow OK because that is abusing yourself; lying to yourself. Love does not want you abusing yourself.

The gathering of believers in Jesus, that community of people called OUT of the degrading ways of the world, is the opportunity to LIVE FREE from all the old and dirty pagan things you used to rationalize as OK. You come to Jesus to get FREE FROM YOUR DEAD SELF, not to justify continuing to lives in ways of degradation and death.

None of those things FIT with God; they are contrary to His being. You need God and the power of the Holy Spirit to OVERCOME the evil behaviors of everything that entraps you. So don’t justify your pet sin; speak the truth, and humble your heart that His way is right and “doing your own thing” does not lead to any freedom, but to death. God gave his lifeblood so you could LIVE, really live, not imitate the lifestyles of the dead and dammed. Choose wisely and be blessed.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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