The 501c3 church is the submissive bitch to the godless State.

Headshot Pros
5 min readDec 7, 2023


Meaning that the reality is that the 501c3 church will willingly DEGRADE themselves in order to get perks from the State as their “daddy”, and NOT God as their Good Father.

They also teach that it is your ongoing debt to give them money every week, when God’s Word says, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the Mosaic law.” — Romans 13:8

God’s instructions are never done away with, they are waiting to be LIVED OUT THROUGH US, and that is by divine love and the Father’s own life power.

Americans have also YET to make the link (I just made it eventually in the past 12 months) between 501c3 and MASONIC churches. The masonic mindset, the masonic pastors, and them LINKING UP with a masonic controlled fake church. God wants you depending ONLY on Himself. The Masonic church wants you depending on THEM (like the godless Catholic church also does), thereby perverting the Gospel and muddying the waters.

SO MUCH of the wrong teaching in today’s false church stems from:

• not understanding the Hebrew mindset, culture and MOST of the Bible was communicating to, and 100% written by. The Greek mindset disconnect leading to tons of misunderstanding.

• the MASONIC Gospel, confused with the Bible Gospel

It is much like the example of election fraud. There is a (a) disconnect and then a (b) SPIN on things. The result is (c ) distortion/inversion and control.

So people vote however they vote. Then the COUNTERS OF THE VOTES make things turn out VERY different (for control agendas) how the people voted. Likewise: God’s word says something, but then the INTERPRETERS in the form of Masonic pastors, give people the Masonic SPIN on God’s word, with the people not knowing enough and just taking the SPIN as to what the Bible actually was saying. The result is controlled minds, controlled pocketbooks, controlled behaviors. The result is we are not understanding what God’s Kingdom looks like, played out in daily lives and actions.

Also, any time you step away from the original and create a derivative or an institution, it WILL TURN INTO the agenda to keep the CONTINUITY of that institution. An institution supporting ITSELF first and foremost over and against the freedom and flourishing of the PEOPLE themselves. Thus today we have “continuity of Government” agendas and funding with zero “continuity of the people” whatsoever. Thus we have people trained, conditioned, and normalized to support the INSTITUTION that calls itself the church, vs a very different Kingdom of God.

Satan LOVES to replace the real with the false. You can spot this in millions of ways, but here’s a very obvious example: if America had a REAL (Biblical) church, then when the State tries to play the pandemic fear card, the real chruch would have stood up and REBUKED all infirmity and disease, and MANIFESTED from Heaven on behalf of Jesus all HEALING and WHOLENESS and JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS that is abundance in the Kingdom of God.

But no, we see the FAKE church collapsed, cowered in fear, and failed to be that force of healing and redemption. It is 501c3, thus it is the submissive bitch of the godless State.

The REAL church of God is way more powerful than any agenda of a selfish State. But the MASONIC church trains them to be dependent on the pastor INTERPRETING everything for them , trains them to be DEPENDENT instead of a radical force of love and goodness.

The church, the REAL church of God, would be GIVING YOU $100 of groceries, every time you met, etc, instead of taking your money. It would be a very literal form of obvious BLESSING to people. It would not be TALKING and virtuous game, it would be regularly SHOWING people goodness and love in ACTION.

1 Corinthians 4:20 “For the kingdom of God is not in mere words, but in God’s power.”

God’s power is there to set you FREE. To heal and restore you. To break all bondage in your life, your family, your lineage…. SO THAT you can be a family member — an AGENT of truly good CHANGE. Satan cannot have the church awake and alive and flowing in God’s power!!! That would quickly destroy his rule by fear and crisis and scarcity!

And all this Kingdom goodness SO THAT you play a significant role in extending outwards — God’s Kingdom is ALL ABOUT the Father’s EXPANSION AGENDA as we see form the parables of Jesus. (The tiny bit of yeast takes over the entire loaf of bread. The tiny mustard seed of faith becomes a significant tree… WHO GOES ON TO “fill the entire Earth’).

You want to know what Father God is passionate about? THIS IS IS, friends. God wants to ransom, redeem, and TAKE OVER everything with His Good Kingdom.

Thus you become healed, not just for you, but mainly so that you are a POWERHOUSE of healing for others, your neighborhood, your community, your entire region!

And there are so many ways to put this into language. In fact that is precisely what the entire New Testament is doing — distinguishing for us the actual heart of the Father and His Kingdom.

But how I like to say it is all this good transformation comes (in and through us by Christ) as we become CONDUITS OF DIVINE LOVE — loving every person we meet (our neighbor). This love is not just a feeling, nor it is virtue as the very limited religious mind imagines it to be, but rather it is God’s actual LIFE working IN and THROUGH you!

How often have you prayed to be a conduit of divine love, friends?

Here are 3 English translations of Phillipians 2:13

1. for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

2. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

3. That energy is God’s energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.

And as Jesus Himself said about his Earthly Ministry: John 14:10–12, “the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself (from my own effort and initiative as if I am taking control): but the Father who LIVES IN ME — HE is doing the works.”

Pray and ask the Father to live and move in and through you today.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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