Rooting out Fake Virtue to Take a Stand

Headshot Pros
4 min readJun 27, 2022


This is about the abortion issue, much on people’s minds today. This morning I saw a social media post that said:

What a great opportunity to disabuse our social circles of rampant confusion. It sounds so “noble”, virtuous and mature to “respect” both sides and be so tolerant, so mature. However, tolerating demonized people that are pro-death and at war with reality (medical reality, scientific reality, spiritual reality) makes you part of the problem and an accelerant to the total destruction of individuals, families, and nations.

Fallen principalities have gotten many cultures throughout history to normalize human sacrifice and this is simply the version of it we face today. A little look into history will reveal common patterns of deception (warped belief structures) of how that happened in China, Japan, Central American, Middle East and many other cultures, and the horrors it brought.

We don’t respect error or tolerate a death mindset. We don’t love truth and error “the same.” That is not what adult means. Instead, that is the CRUELest thing a person could do and to dress that up as virtuous is so twisted. In contrast: we stand firm in truth and life. We do not make agreements with degradations and compromises to truth and love.

Our own culture is badly infected with lies that cause a dangerous confusion between being nice and enabling evil. We have a very anemic undestanding of what love actually is! The most savage thing we can do is respect and tolerate that which is destruction incarnate.

There is a positive intention behind the above post which has to do with the fact that violence towards others does not solve anything. That much is true. Just realize that being soft on evil is the best strategy evil has to completely take over.

Being steadfast in love means not falling for the trick of being soft on evil. I suggest people learn the difference, and reading the book, “Bold Love” by Dan Allender might help you get clarity here.

We are not here to respect lies from the pit of hell and the destruction they are designed to cause. We are here to LOVE people — boldly love them — and the only way to love a deeply deceived person is with relentless truth, because their soul and our nation is as stake.

In this light, there are many truths to being to bear. One truth is (aside from rape) a woman has ABUNDANT choices in contraceptives and abstinence to not get in any unwanted pregnancy situation in the first place.

Another truth is that the zygote/embryo/baby (just names for the same human being at different points in biological time) is NOT the mother’s body, and once pregnant, the mother as NO SAY over the life of a separate human, yes a human located inside the mother to receive nutrients over nine months.

The womb is an involuntary muscle precisely because the baby human is far too important to let the mother’s conscious choices interfere with its life!

No person has the right to kill another person, even if that person is temporarily located inside them so as to safely receive nutrients at their most vulnerable stage of life.

A MOTHER DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIFE/DEATH OF HER BABY — born or unborn. It is not “her’s” like owning some object. It is “her’s” in terms of stewardship — hers to directly love and nurture!
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER DNA.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER Fingerprints.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER Blood type much of the time.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER heartbeat.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER brainwaves.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER gender half the time.
The baby human does NOT HAVE HER personality.

If I hated a person, I’d let the distorted thinking they posted above go unchallenged and be passive in the face of destruction packaged with a respectful and noble veneer. However, this post is spreading the lie that being adult means to accept both truth and error equally. While on the surface that might sound calm and nice and thus “civilized” and “adult”, it contains the seeds of savage destruction. The truth is we can only love each other by doing VIOLENCE, metaphorically, to that which is keeping us from being our best selves.

If I love you, I will point the truth out, willing to disrupt lies and cultivate a better connection to reality. Thus empowering you to make and INFORMED CHOICE on the matter — one in keeping with both wisdom and truth, my fellow Americans. Therefore, CHOOSE to abandon false love, the mere trappings of virtue, and boldly step into true virtue as a radical force for the most good in your short life here.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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