Roe v. Wade — what is really going on?

Headshot Pros
7 min readJun 24, 2022


What does the overturn of Roe vs Wade really mean? Going deeper than the surface politics.

Today, 6/24/2022, The Supreme Court of America overturns Roe v. Wade. That means it is not the Federal governments job to guarantee that American citizens have a right to an abortion. It puts most of this stuff back into the hands of each of our States. It does not automatically make all abortion illegal, but it does shift the battle against the theft of life to the State level.

In the “Age Of Inversion” the destroyers have tricked the minds of so many low-information Americans into believing:
• owning a gun means you have less freedom and are more in danger
• freedom means the right to life on your own terms, specifically that babies can be killed if you feel the interfere with your immediate goals

Those to things are the opposite of the truth, but despite that are widely-held beliefs, specifically with the young and with those who believe the mass media. As a result, they are trying to

What is going on at the spiritual level?

The Reality is that this has ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH rights and freedoms and promiscuity like they push. This has to do with SPIRITUAL authority, power and territory. Abortion is not about you being “more free” or “safe” or “empowered.” Those are just distractions and diversions to get you to be passive or cooperate with the abortion agenda and to trick you into not fighting against it.

Abortion has to do with HUMAN BLOOD. With life force. Yes, it also has to do with big money in selling human tissue for fake healthcare and ritual purposes. But it is mainly about the BLOOD/LIFE.

The currency in the spirit realms is not dollars, diamonds or gold, but blood. The fallen spirits have no connection to God. Father God IS life itself. They must find a life-substitute to make their dead existence more bearable. That substitute is sacrificial blood. Is forced pain and suffering. Is unjust death of humans.

The human powers, the politicians in their secret societies, cults and fallen angel worship, SEEK POWER for those that themselves lost to the armies of heaven. The Bible mentions two prominent bloodthirsty damned entities that love to trick human societies into willingly feeding them blood on a regular basis — Molech and Ba’al. This is what they do. This bloodshed gives them ACCESS to what they themselves lack — life-force. God is life and creates LIFE WITHIN HIMSELF.

The fallen angels have all rejected and rebelled against God, siding with lucifer in his failed attempt to usurp God throne (getting heaven as their realm, with the authority of God’s throne to control all other realms). In their FALL from the higher dimension of heaven to the lower dimensions of astral, atmospheric and the 3-dimensional universe, they are cut off from the LIFE of God. They are cast out of everything most alive and glorious. They needed to usurp God, because God is LIFE itself:

John 5:…25 Truly, truly, I tell you, the hour is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God (the Messiah, Jesus), and those who hear will live. 26 For as THE FATHER HAS LIFE IN HIMSELF, so also He has granted the Son (Jesus) to have life in Himself. 27 And He has given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man.…(aka the Messiah sent by and anointed by the Father God to destroy the destruction of Satan against humanity, bring salvation and redemption through His own righteousness and sacrificial blood)

Several other passages of Scripture, such as John chapter 1, talk about Jesus being the “Light of the World”, the “light of life”, and the one who offers the “water of life”. Namely, that which our SPIRIT BEING needs to enjoy true life, our fundamental connection back to God. Please study these verses for yourself.

So anything TRULY alive, must come from Father God. Technology can make FAKE LIFE — clones, hybrids, cyborgs, chimeras and so forth, but these are immitations, not TRULY alive. God made humanity in His own image, thus having a LIFE-CONNECTION straight back to Father God. A tiny spark of that which is infinitely glorious. Thus human life is incredibly precious. It is this life-energy the dead (fallen) spirits crave.

Abortion is not about granting humans access to end their pregnancy, not really. Ultimately, abortion is about giving fallen angels and demons (dead spirits) access to the life of God, as found within the human vessel. The demons want the life of God WITHOUT the presence, the person and the Holy Moral standards and judgement of God himself.

Evil people, having infiltrated politics NEED THE BLOOD to keep flowing. The need widespread abortions to pay the dues they have to pay fallen angels, in exchange fot them granting power, privileged on earth in this life. THAT right there is the core reason the wield lies in the media like a weapon against your beliefs to consent to let the innocent blood keep on flowing!

Think of it like this: a spiritual bank loan. The evil people have to ensure the life-force PAYMENTS flow unhindered to the dark forces they made deals with to maintain their positions of power on Earth.

Unless you understand this and keep this in clear focus, you will think abortion is something about civil rights, human rights, or politics. No, it is about the fallen angels, THAT CONTROL THE MOLECH AND BA’AL worshipers, aka almost every politician, because politics is about controlling the humans. It is about evil seeking to steal life. The political level is just one area where this piracy for human life takes place. And human life is ONLY valuable, because God created it in His Own image, and thus bears His signature, a tiny reflection of His infinitely good life.

Abortion is about the fight for life energy. That which empowers, not some unwed and pregnant teenage girl, but a fallen angel to wreak more havoc against all that is good on Earth.

The Moelch and Ba’al worshipers are BEHOLDEN and ENSLAVED to fallen angels. These evil humans are tricked into giving power to fallen angels, power and life stolen from victimized humans, unjustly slaughtered as currency in the lower spiritual realms. And they believe these fallen angels give them KICKBACKS, in the form of political power — rulership over mankind.

This is the real spiritual battle taking place and it is exactly HERE that we must pray against evil. That it is struck and cut down so as to not destroy humanity, destroy nations, destroy territory on Earth. The demons already swarm and overrun the Astral realm. But they want Earth to as their real goal. They need the CONSENT, the cooperation of humans, tricked into making deals with evil in the exchange of life-for-power in political spheres. All the while, it is the fallen angels that are getting the REAL power, the blood-power of a human life that God created.

Thus… thus we pray that these deceived humans WAKE UP to how they are being used to destroy themselves and everything around them. That the Molech and Ba’al worships WITHDRAW their consent and cooperation with life harvesting. With life-force piracy. With this theft against what God made and what belongs to God. With this usurpation of the 3D Earth, trying to turn it into literally “hell on Earth” — an open habitation of everything wicked, lifeless, and demonic, as through ritual-by-ritual these cultists hand over their authority to Earth territory to entities that deceive, devour, and hate them.

I could give you examples of prayers in this regard. There is some advantage but also some danger in that, namely the danger that you pray in a formulaic way. But the most powerful thing is to be taught by God Himself. So, first and foremost: pray to understand the real battle being waged. And pray to be taught by God of your specific role in warfare regarding this as not every “soldier for good” has the same assignment and role, just like literal soldiers have their various assignments that differ, though all are in the same army. Pray to God to be shown how to translate your understanding of the spiritual war against you and all of humanity to be translated into spiritual warfare prayers and also tangible actions — the specific prayers and actions God has you here in this life to do as a force who worships God Himself, not some fallen angel. Yes, voting can be a tangible action, but I’m talking about much more than that. Pray to be made into an effective force for good.

Thus, we pray and REBUKE the deception over mankind that has tricked them into ARGUING FOR their own destruction (the abortion that kills a young human). We rebuke the deception that is at war with God, rebelling against his loving commands. We rebuke the Luciferian mindset and inverted perspective. Lies of the enemy: be destroyed and crushed, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth! Truth, regarding God, regarding life, and regarding abortion, COME FORTH and by plainly evident to all people, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth!

Unlike the inverted Luciferian trickery that tries to make God out to be the gad guy, we firmly, fiercely and officially declare that God is GOOD and all God’s words, commands, and instructions are thus GOOD, for they flow directly from God’s good nature. We seek to humble ourselves, to obey God and align with His will being done on Earth, in us and through us, as He empowers us to love Him back, and to resist every form of evil.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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