Programmed to Not Question the Mainstream Religiosity
Courtesy of Evie Sonshine 3/13/2023
Why isn’t anyone questioning the religious system we have blindly followed, that changed pert near everything Jesus taught?
Times & seasons changed. The gregorian calendar marks time to where the new year starts in the dead of winter rather than springtime; the days and months were renamed to Roman numbers and names. The Hebrew calendar shows March as the 1st month of the new year and has a Hebrew name. Consider SEPTember means 7th, OCTober means 8th, NOVember 9th, DECember 10th… if you count back then that makes March the 1st month or New Year which is when Israel celebrates the New Year. The holidays or HOLYDAYS have been changed to where we now celebrate pagan UNHOLY days and forget the actual holy days God set out in the bible for His people to commemorate and share with future generations as reminders of what He has done and Who He is. And such days He calls feast days, will be celebrated forever. It is written. We should be recognizing those still rather than the counterfeit pagan celebrations marked on our changed modern calendars. More counterfeits and lies from the evil one that most all professing Christians blindly observe and call holy. It is idolatry and evil and not of God Most High.
Sabbath Changed
Even the Sabbath was set down to be observed on the 7th day from the beginning. Yet that was changed a few hundred years ago to the day of the Sun worship or 1st day we call Sunday.
Days Changed
Days were not named by Gods Chosen people on the calendar He inspired. They were simply numbered. He certainly did not inspire living by a calendar that names days and months after false gods with seasons and times of worship etc changed. That was yet another lie and counterfeit inspired by the father of lies. The foundations we are building on in modern churchianity, just in this alone, are wrong and not of God the Creator. It is false religion.
Tithes transmogrified
Tithes were NEVER money but rather food and herbs and spices. The priests were provided shelter and sustenance. Not worldly riches and fame and fortune as our modern day “priests” often are. We call them pastors and evangelists and various ministers and prophets. Most live rather high on the hog and far better than the generally poor congregants that enable and encourage and fund such twists of scripture.
Yes, a workman is worthy of his wages, however, nowhere in God’s word were His workmen living lives of ease and comfort as they did His will and work. Since we have need of “no man teaching us”, WHY are we foolishly setting up these religious leaders over us and paying for their nice homes and cars and childrens college and vacations etc etc, as well as funding the building of their temples on street corners, that we pay to heat in winter and cool in summer that sit empty and pretty MOST of the week, whilst some and many of their worshippers aka congregants/members are poor and suffering and homeless? All so they, the religious leaders (aka Profits and Hirelings), can “study scripture” all week in their comfort and ease and tickle our ears and put on a show every Sunday and Wednesday? Why??? Where is that what Jesus taught the Father wanted us to do? It isnt. It is a false religious system selling Jesus and adding and taking away from The Word and what HE teaches and modeled.
People met in each other’s homes, it wasn’t a biz in contract with government entities to trade the truth and speaking it forth for silver in the way of not having to pay taxes. They are virtually ALL a scam mixing lies with truth.
Temples & synagogues were built for purposes of idolatry & power & control of the masses & ease & wealth for the religious leaders. Traditions of men abounded in such places where they put on a show with hierarchies, pomp & circumstance & “pyramid schemes” if you will. The leaders were lifted high just like how the world operates in every area today and always has.
I am not a Hebrew Roots, Sacred Namer or Torah kinda person. I am a Gentile that was adopted in to God’s family by the Blood of Jesus of Nazareth. As such I am to study the WHOLE Bible and that prayerfully asking Holy Spirit to teach me and give understanding. I am to gather with other believers as Jesus taught and did. They met together DAILY in each other’s homes and went to JEWISH synagogues on the 7th day Sabbath. And they went to those as a witness against them from what i read in my bible.
When they were “sent out” by Jesus to do the Fathers will and work they went ON FOOT without a suitcase or change of clothes or shoes or money bags. They didn’t stay in star hotels and inns nor did they eat at fine establishments or go to the entertainment industry of their time or take expensive vacations on the love offerings of the poor and sick and lost and demonized.
There was true disciple-ing that occurred BEFORE they were sent out. They were filled with His Spirit of power and humility. When they went forth they went totally by faith on foot with nothing BUT faith in His power to preach the good news and set captives free with POWER. You knew they were the real deal BECAUSE they turned AWAY from what this world offers and received their HUMBLE wages of food and drink and sometimes a roof and bed pallet.
In my opinion, “churchianity” is a false religious system. From top to bottom and all in between.