Post Humanity 2025
written by James Prentiss Mason 1/20/2025
With recent developments in the psuedo science community as the 3rd human test subject or “guinea pig”recently, has been implanted with the device called the Neuralink which a implantable brain-computer interface or BCI… We are indeed venturing into most likely VERY dangerous & VERY disturbing territory, unknown to mankind.
Mr. Transhumanism Kekius Maximus also stated that he plans to have 30 more test subjects within 2025… And I would just like to take a moment & go over some possibilities of what the future holds involving this abominable technology… As it seems, we have no reached the point of no return… With Pandora’s Box busted wide open… Iron (mechanical) mixed with clay (flesh)…. Merging man with machine.
Snake oil salesman~Elon Musk has an insidious plan ro utilize his Neuralink to merge humanity with Ai- manufacturing “the internet of bodies” along with other various forms of technological “advancements”(MrNa & biometrics for instance) ya know thejab… & well let’s call it for what it truly is: Bringing forth the mark of the beast.
It is ALL intertwined & interconnected. And I’m certain Quantum computing also has alot to do with this in itself I imagine. All of it traveling through other dimensions releasing abominations upon this world from the world unseen through witchcraft & sorcery. From beyond The Veil, which is the partition between our realm & the spiritual realms. Forging a dark path via the dark arts.
Hence the remark he made yrs ago,”We are summoning the demon”…. The kind of “forbidden knowledge”
The Watchers taught mankind in The Antediluvian Age (Time before The Flood)… Neuralink isn’t just a tool… It’s gateway into opening up a pandora’s box of sorts… We are already made in YAH’S Image… We don’t need to alter that Image… And this technology will certainly do so… In disturbing & horrific ways, at that. This is nothing more than the modern day equivalent to eating the forbidden fruit of The Tree of The Knowledge of Good & evil in The Garden of Eden.
It will come with “God” -ike abilities & vasts amount of knowledge. To merge man with machine. Iron mixed with clay. Iron does not mix with clay.
To sacrifice our humanity for technological “advancement”. It has a VERY dark & insidious plan behind it. This fallen angel tech is far more dangerous than any of us even realize… It will indeed give humanity superhuman abilities & at the same time will steal their souls in the process. .. What’s really at stake here, is the very soul of humanity… What Musk would have you to believe is that this insidious ideology is next “great leap” humanity, but it was this kind of “forbidden knowledge” that caused the fall of man in The Garden to begin with. I’m posting this here picture that makes me shutter, cause I could very well see this being the end game if you & posing a few questions that came to mind as soon as I saw this abomination… NOT making any dogmatic statements either so don’t get it twisted… Merely posing some VERY possible & VERY valid questions… Mere conjecture & speculation about much of this. Unpredictable & unprecedented times we are living in,Indeed!!!! I have a tendency to think outside the box when it comes to the realm of possibilities & as we know there are technological advancements “they” have kept hidden from the public for a VERY long time & gradually more & more of this “fallen angel tech” is trickling out to the masses all the time… But I will say,these thoughts had to have come from somewhere. And that’s how His Ruach/Spirit speaks to me… Like out of thin air at times… Outta nowhere I feel that “Still Small Voice” speak to me quite frequently. .. So now for the questions I am here to pose for all y’all here in Good Ol’ FB World… Could this very well be next on the wicked transhuman agenda??? Or have these abominable creatures already been made??? Is Neuralink a device that could possibly allow the “scientific community”(I use scientific VERY loosely,psuedo science more like it) in finding the missing link in bringing the dead back to “life” or keeping the dead from actually becoming deceased as we know death??? A reanimated corpse using cybernetic technology… One without a soul at that. Bringing forth a kind of immortality… Which were Musk’s own words when referring to Neuralink as a matter of fact.. Much like The Borg from the show Star Trek:The Next Generation… Most likely… Part man/Part Machine.. All Assimilated to serve the dragon. Could this how the possibility of a “zombie apocalypse” could actually occur? Will this be a part of creating the “internet of bodies”? Could these vile things be what it means in The Book of Revelation 9:6~”And in those days shall men seek death & it shall not find it; & shall desire to die, & death shall flee from them”… or in The Book of Daniel 12:2~”And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to Everlasting Life, & some to shame & everlasting contempt”? Is Elon Musk actually some kind of twisted Dr. Frankenstein in actuality trying to play “God”? Will these be some kinda “Terminator style “super soldiers” who are part once was man & part machine??? Will this be the 200,000 000 man army spoken of in Revelation 9:16–18 “IRON mixed with CLAY.” Merging man with machine giving “LIFE” to Ai… or in other bringing forth life to “the image of the beast”… Will this be one of the tools used by the enemy to help usher in & initiate the totalitarian tyrannical one world system of the beast? Only time will tell… But more so on rapid basis do we see the lines being blurred between fact & fiction all the time… Is science fiction in actuality the true reality? We shall see… As I said I am just posing a few questions that I began to ponder after seeing this particular picture, & as I already said, much of this is just speculation on my part, BUT I have been blessed by The Most High with a keen sense of putting pieces of the puzzle together. Because I know w/o a shadow of a doubt in these End Times, the adversary & his cohorts in the kingdom of darkness will come with many lying signs & wonders & we as humanity shall see many fearful sights in the days to come.. And all of this on the heels of “aLIEn disclosure” preparing to be brought forth to the public, full steam ahead.. That also plays a factor in all of this as well. I have had some very disturbing & vivid dreams over the course of the past couple yrs in which various different creatures & entities were unleashed here on the earth & unpredictable & unprecedented events began to unravel into all out chaos all throughout the world as a whole… Nothing is out of the realm of possibility when it comes to the wicked schemes of the enemy. He is referred to as “the prince/principality of the power of the air” after all.. So that means the invisible frequencies being blasted through the airwaves to make this fallen angel technology operational too. As Messiah stated in The Gospel of Luke 21:26~”Men’s hearts failing them for fear, & for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth. For the powers of Heaven shall be shaken”…. Who has The Keys to death,Hell & The Grave? Our Messiah does, that’s who! And I would say that if the undead begin to roam the streets that would indeed be shaking in The Powers of Heaven & the hearts of all of mankind would begin to fail them. We about to see some things that will boggle the mind & place most of humanity under a state of constant fear & confusion unlike any other time in human history… Prophecy & technology have now publicly caught up with one another. There are things in existence that far surpass that of even the wildest imagination. Don’t EVER forget ~Truth is MOST DEFINITELY stranger than fiction & we have some VERY strange things happening all around the world every single day now. As I like to refer to it as “High Strangeness” is afoot y’all & it’s only gonna get way stranger as the days go on…. Because as strange & bizarre things have already been, well y’all I sense in my spirit more & more on a daily basis we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! All that is happening all around us is just the beginning of a strange new world unfolding before our very eyes. Trust in Messiah & in Him alone. He is our ONLY Hope from the onslaught of carnage & calamitous events, the adversary has planned for mankind. Stay peculiar, stay the course, stay strong, stay courageous, fight The Good Fight~no matter the cost, remain vigilant, remain in prayer w/o ceasing, remain in The Secret Place of The Most High, remain armour’d up & march on, Soldiers!!! Time is VERY short… The hour VERY late & The days are growing VERY dark out here y’all!!! Hold on to The Hem of His Garment! #RoyalRemnantRisin’ #PackOfPeculiarPeople #SoldiersOfMessiah #MisfitsAmongTheMasses