Perspective & Prayer for Today
Hell is bankrupt. All that the Kingdom of Darkness does through their Babylon system on Earth is rape and pillage of all value, all resources. They are LOCUSTS. They devour, leaving nothing. They make DESOLATE. They make bankrupt at every level.
Heaven is not in scarcity. Heaven is prosperous and multiplying. Heaven is in LAVISH riches, becuase the true source of all VALUE — Jesus the Holy Son of God — reigns as King of Kings. We so much NEED Him, His life, His ways, His leadership, His Lordship, His Majesty, His perspective / values / heart — to INFUSE OUR LIVES in a fallen world.
As the Bible says, “Apart from Jesus, you can do Nothing. But as Jesus INFUSES you with HIS strength, you can do everything you need to do!” (paraphrase of John 15:5 & Philippians 4:13) Jesus is your life and your victory. Your resurrection POWER for overcoming all schemes of the enemy, to steal, kill and destroy.
We see this at the level of our bankrupt, greedy, banking systems. We see this that the education system is bankrupt of knowledge, and only have indoctrination and hellish propaganda. We see shithole cities. We see war and famine and persecution and collapse — all the trademarks of corruption and godlessness.
We see this everywhere in every Babylon system. Babylon is confusion and failure. It is desolation pretending to be glamorous — like some drag queen. When you SEE THROUGH the spell of Bablon over the mind, you realize it is FAKE goodness and it is disgusting.
We need Jesus, not just to save our soul so it can do be with Him forever in heaven… we need God’s power to BE A FORCE FOR GOOD in the here and now. Just as the fake religious leaders of Jesus’ day are still working their evil systems, their pretense of morality, their religious spirits TODAY. We need to overcome their striptease, their charade, through REAL LOVE. Sincere love. Unselfish love. Bold love. Courageous love. A love like Jesus showed us!
We have enemies who have studied how to distract and subvert us. They are expert at wooing us away from our first and TRUE LOVE in Jesus. It is not easy; it is a battle. But we fight FROM VICTORY. And we also overcome through the PULLING IN OF REALITY into the Babylon systems of illusion trying hard to get us to agree with them. Let us not be enticed and seduced by that which glitters, but is not pure gold.
We must RELY on Jesus, not our own understanding. Things are not as they seem. The wicked traffic in deception after deception. The wicked love to parade around AS IF them and their ways produce WINNERS. As if we could imitate, adore, worship, and ape them. But no, keep it real, keep it humble, Keep your eyes on Jesus Himself.
Jesus is the Pearl of Great Price (well his Kingdom is, to be specific). Jesus is the REAL value. The treasure that LASTS. Seek more closeness, more alignment with the PERSON of Jesus. Heaven is so drenched in wealth that it uses pure gold as road pavement.
Jesus did not die to give you the gold/riches of this physical and temporary world. He wants far better prosperity for you that that! He put his life AVAILABLE and INTO you to be a force for good — a representative of His own HEART of love and grace, in the face of a needy, deceived, broken, bankrupt and fallen world. Help Jesus, this day, as only YOU can!
Pray: “Jesus, give me a FRESH revelation of you. Give me discernment to see through and sort our between the false and the real. Give me strength and conviction and followthrough to do the right things that will not disappoint or produce bitter regret like all the fakeness and bait of the Babylonian world will. Show me, I pray, where I have curses on me. Where I have made semi-conscious AGREEMENTS with your enemy, and its kingdom, its ways, its values. Where the enemy has been at work in my life, let YOUR RESTORATION more than break forth, to Your Glory and my own FULLNESS of life, as is Your Will, Jesus.a
Give me clarity and the conviction to BREAK ALL THESE AGREEMENTS with everything ugly that holds me back from Your GOOD WILL and glorious destiny, both today and forevermore. Show mea and help me to desire as you desire, and pray as You would have me pray. I trust in You and the truth that You want my HEART WHOLE — healed and in NON ENTANGLEMENTS with lies, curses, evil strongholds, addictions and bondage to the dark one. Jesus, You are my life, my destiny and my present power to make love REAL. Help me love truth for You ARE truth. Help me to love HEROICALLY as you do!”