Persecution is Inevitable
The GOSPEL of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth DESTROYS the new world order. It shows their virtue to be FAKE. it shows their parading around to be narcissistic. It shows their pageantry to be UNNECESSARY. It shows their mandates to be FALSE authority. It unmasks them as dark.
And as Romans 1 said and as John 1 said — they LOVE THE DARKNESS because their deeds are EVIL. They fear exposure. They are at war with reality.
THUS the AUTHENTIC LOVE of Jesus, the real blessings, the frank relationships and direct communication in the Kingdom of God are ANATHEMA. The two kingdoms are in conflict and all those of the dark (and every temporary) kingdom are OBLIGATED to hate on the ONLY ONES with real innovation, wisdom and solutions in them — the believer, the Christian. The conduit of the Gospel. The conduit of the good news of GOD’s kingdom that will not promote THEIR fraudulent and criminal kingdom.
You will be persecuted. You have to be silenced and hated and repressed. You have to be PUNISHED for speaking truth. ACCEPT that the spiritually dead are indeed spiritually dead. They will only decay and stink — that is all they are capable of doing. But YOU be about love, truth, righteousness and justice. Even if they kill your body, you have an everlasting inheritance that far outshines them all.
They will bitch, moan, whine and complain about EQUIDY while also doing their worst to PREVENT you from any measure of fairness in this life. They will be what they are — rabid, cultish, hypocritical and self-contradictory. Evil cannot help but to stink because it is dead. They cannot rise above being petty, vindictive and envious. They need the Jesus they fight against.
They are in the kingdom of fraud, bankruptcy and deception. You are in the Kingdom of light, love and true virtue. They follow the dictates of their fallen master. You follow the King of Kings. They will hate you for that. They will try to stop you from any blessing or success. They will try to silence and erase you — stamp you out. They MUST do as they do. But even in this, the God in you is GREATER than the fallen angel in them.
In all this, the JOKE IS ON THEM. Because Jesus was persecuted to the max, he allows us to be persecuted and hated without just cause — like He was hated. He USES THEIR CURSING to bless you in the life to come. Stand firm.