October 2023, the state of the Replacement Agenda

Headshot Pros
3 min readOct 5, 2023


People: what about those FEMA signals to our phone on 10/4/2023 - yikes.

Me: what about all those signals CONSTANTLY bombarding us!

We are in a soup of electromagnetic warfare against our humanity. And this overlaps with witchcraft. Yes, literal witchcraft using electronivs/signals/Internet as their targeting and delivery method. We pray for protection and to overcome. We rebuke the weapons set against us.

Electromagnetic waves DO affect the human body. Our biology IS under attack. The key is to make things vague and confusing, and to unfold it slowly enough (slow boil that frog in the water analogy) so we stay stupid, passive and compliant till it is way TOO late.

Yes, it is real that the clot shots, the SWAMP of electromagnetics we are surrounded by do DEGRADE our DNA and do CHANGE our biology.

This harmful effect from signals was observed and proven back at WWII when RADAR was first developed and used. Just look at some of the many testimonials from workers who install the Cell Phone Towers — yikes!!!

There is a large CONFLUENCE from prolonged exposure. Complex interactions that ADD UP, just like radiation expose is cumulative. The stuff in the skies (the frequencies from so many sources) does interact, and know that this is proven, has been specifically ENGEERED to affect us in very specific ways.

The Globalists are ON RECORD stating that they want NO PURE HUMANS left on the planet by 2050. Not a joke. Not an exaggeration. The degrade-and-replace agenda is very real and explans most things going on. In the beginning stages we have what we have ALREADY seen — the death spikes the media won’t talk about. But are real and known by insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, etc..

I repeat: it is not there to happen in an instant, but gradual degradation and change at the cellular, molecular, atomic and sub atomic levels to not be noticed until the ACCUMULATION of the degradation/change then seems to suddenly manifest (in death, in insane violence, in other horrors), but LOTS of subtly and gradual change let up to that outward manifestation.

With the clot shot we have many things, but especially the literal demon possession of a person ONE CELL at a time — cell by cell. And we have 10 trillion cells. With the signals technology, they have the ability to turn on and off things that perfectly MIMIC many diseases like a lightswitch. They can digitally control it, which region, when and where. It is not a biological disease, but a digital signal activating/deactivation the synthetic biology already growing and taking over the people.

Thus, to the uneducated, casual observer, it is a mystery how diseases or heart attacks SUDDENLY flare up in specific areas and very specific times. It is the INTERACTION between the “Iron and Clay” that prophet Daniel was shown. Two natures that don’t normally interact, but are engineered and artificially forced to mingle till it all fals apart.

The key is to degrade the mind and DISTRACT the humans long enough till it is TOO LATE for their biology. Synthetic biology is very real. Morgellans was one early form of this. Too complex to go into, so I’m speaking big picture. The big picture is extermination and replacement. Satan hates the image of God in actual humans.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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