Headshot Pros
3 min readNov 11, 2021


Myonie, show me just one literal second of Mia fighting for her life to not get raped at any cost — screaming and using every ounce of strength she possessed — because THAT would be indicative of actually not wanting to get raped. THAT is what a person who does not want to get raped actually does. They engage in any and every behavior possible available to them, including lethal force, in that moment to stop that moment! They are saying with their behavior, their actions, that his is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Show me the court cases where she is suing for this alleged “rape”? She will say whatever serves her public perception in any moment, but does NOT engage in taking it to court, because the actual evidence and behavior shows her to be a pathological liar, and this being revealed in court does not serve her perpetual goal — to be bad but be though of as good. This is what actually defines and encompasses her life. She is both delusional and self-contradictory. This is not hate; this is an accurate conclusion based on her actual behaviors.

No, Mia used “rape”, not as an actual experience, but as a word and as a feeling — as a feeling of regret for what she CONSENTED to in that moment. She rationalized and re-framed it afterwards, which is also to say that she is lying, not only to everyone else, but to herself as well. Just because you willingly engaged in behavior and later decide to re-frame your feelings as feelings of regret does not magically edit reality and change the past from consent to rape.

Now, even if she SAYS she did not consent (because she says all kinds of different and contradictory things from moment to moment), her BEHAVIOR — which is the highest form of communication — does says it is consent. Show me Mia saying, with her behavior and not merely opportunistic words to get even more attention and play the victim card addiction, of Mia demonstrating fighting off a rape attacker.

Post sex rationalization that you change your mind and decide you feel that you did not like in this moment, what you agreed to in that moment, is not rape; it is opportunistic rationalization.

If Mia were to be HONEST, which we have yet to see from her, she would say: “No, I was never really raped. I was pressured to go further than what I had experienced sexually in my past, and I chose to go along with it. I agreed and did not fight it. And we both know that, after all, I have pursued for years, sex work in an industry where that is their actual JOB — to push sex actors beyond their past performances. So being pressured is a well-known part of the job and to be expected. But despite my consent, I don’t want to be though of as dirty, so I lied, conveniently, in the moment I mentally re-classified consent as rape. This is just one of the many ways I am self-contradictory and delusional in my life. and these opportunistic mental and verbal gymnastics, rationalizations really, are a large pattern in my life.”

It is not rape any more than simply feeling like a different gender at any given minute somehow makes you actually that gender. Any person can SAY this or that about their subjective experience of desire towards their gender in a moment. Meanwhile, trillions of cells within their own body are not engaging in delusional rationalization, and are thus still perfectly clear which actual gender they are. Wishful thinking does not create reality.

But today’s culture is encouraged to engage in the lie that “belief makes real”. And from that lie, they falsely imagine that they can go back in time, mentally, and re-classify things according to convenience, or as we see with Mia’s consistently habitual way of opportunistic, attention/status-seeking, and self-contradictory speech — speech that is not congruent with her behavior. Mia has her actual BEHAVIOR, and Mia has how she wants to be perceived by others DESPITE her actual behavior. Her life story thus far demonstrates that these two things within her are at war.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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