Money and Hell

Headshot Pros
4 min readMar 3, 2023


Jesus spoke a lot about money and hell. But today’s pastors are afraid to speak much about hell for fear of losing money (donations). These pastors are very guilty of loving money more than loving the SOULS that God loves.

Their Jesus is friendly with only nice suggestions, not crucial standards designed to keep you out of eternal hellfire! They shrink and distort God and mar the Gospel, resulting in heart and culture and society that is NEVER TRANSFORMED into true goodness. A society comfortable in their compromise, in their road to hell.

Satan has them by their “spiritual balls”, in fear instead of faith, and so NEUTRALIZED instead of being the force of love, truth, and transformation that the Apostles were. They change nothing and experience bitter regret, seeing their lives and heart in the light of God’s face on His Throne.

Such compromised pastors are motivated by the earthly obsession with keeping the continuity of their physical operations, their personal lifestyle, and everything else they should know they cannot hold onto permanently. Only the genuine LOVE of God within them will have them CARE about what God CARES about — the humans made in His own Image — the souls that NEED to know the truth.

May the Holy Spirit convict them and lead them to repentance. Only someone who loves you will be fearless in telling you the truth.

These selfish pastors are #unfit and in dereliction of duty. They DISTORT God into a pathetic lover, NOT someone of truth, fierce and uncompromising love, relentless justice, and heroic HOLINESS. They distort God to whatever they feel with maximize their donations, not maximize the Kingdom Of God!

But in fact, we as those RESCUED out of the Kingdom of Darkness and brought into God’s Kingdom of Light — we bear the Holy Spirit within us that YEARNS for every human being to know the truth that Salvation has a Name, and that Name is Jesus (Yeshua).

Salvation has already been PURCHASED in full, at great expense by the Blood of Jesus on your behalf. You must receive it, receive Jesus, but in receiving God’s Son and the Father God who sent His Son, you are also entering into COVENANT RELATIONSHIP as a true child of God, one in the household of God, one in the Kingdom of God. One who TURNS AWAY from the fruitless and vain things of this temporary world, and abandons sin, having a NEW NATURE placed into him/her by the Blood of Jesus.

One who is in relationship with a HOLY God and pursues relationship with Holiness. God has a personality. A perfect personality, a character overflowing with all virtue. God has HOLY standards for relationship that NO one ever met but Jesus Himself. The vain teaching of this age with mere TIPS for more convenient living must give way to the truth that Jesus is your LIFE — your everything.

All “gospels” of convenience and sloppy and selfish living are TRASH. They are deceptive. They are incompatible with the Kingdom of God. God’s love is a HOLY love.

Let the FULL and TRUE Gospel go forth, through each of us, declaring that being in covenant with a holy love is your deepest and truest need. That salvation has a Name — the name of Jesus. It is not dogma that you receive, it is the Person who IS salvation.

You cannot enter heaven without RELATIONSHIP with Jesus. That means that your life here has, as central, the PERSONALITY of Jesus infusing and transforming your personality to be more and more like His personality His nature.

You don’t just read the Bible as some religious activity, or to check if off some moral to do list. You read the Bible to discover more and more the PERSONALITY of God, so as to bring your life into harmony/intimacy;alignment with who God IS. This is what you were created for and only in this do you find real life, real purpose, and holy love.

Colossians 1 9 We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge (relationship experience) of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has RESCUED us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Because we have REDEMPTION, our debt to our flesh has been paid in full. We are no longer obligated to cave into it — to be dominated by its vain and destructive desires. We are now FREE to be our God-intended selves — those who are filled with real virtue and become a force for redemptive change out in the world, because God Himself is in covenant with their/our hearts. We are FREE to be fully responsive to the true lover of our souls, and come fully alive in His victorious Kingdom and eternal Family. Such good news was never meant to be kept (a) misunderstood or lessened, or (b) to be kept to ourselves.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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