Let's stick to facts. First, you admitted the "halo" effect and feeling starstruck. Yes you were foolish for that, but that is a tendancy from any leader, from the local pastor, to a local judge, to a mayor, etc. much less when a whole CONTEXT is setup around Tony Robbins to amplify this effect. So it's understandable.
Second, you state "Statistically, only 5% of sexual assault allegations are false. That means there’s a 95% likelihood that the accusations will hold truth in them." Considering the fact that we are in the "me too" bandwagon, nearly EVERY SINGLE man of success/wealth and status as already been "me too'ed". Most every CEO had been "me too'ed" in the past year. The "me too" has turned everyone with money into a TARGET for accusations.
That makes you statement both false and misleading. When it comes to random people, then yet, most allecations of molestation are true. That applies only when the supposed abuser is a man or woman with no particular power/status/money. BUT when it comes to these known TARGETS of the "me too" movement, it is the opposite, 95% chance they are false, and this is opportunistic targeting.
Tony Robbins is VERY high profile, as we both know, and thus he will obviously have many allegations from various people, some of which he's never met, and any person like this will be swarmed/swamped with various opportunistic targeting. Furthermore Tony Robbins is smart (unlike many politicians) and has too much to lose to participate in such foolishness.
Testimony after testimony of men who have status say they have been targeted by these opportunistic "me too" themed sexual impropriety accusations. This goes all the way down to the local boss, so obviously when you get to a multi-millionare, you're Tony is going to make for a prime target for these scams. After all, maybe he will just pay the accuser some easy money to shut up, rather then the money it will cost for his layers to prove you made it all up, and then what? Collect reparations/damages from this oportunistic person targeting him? No, this is a cheap shot and these opportunistic accusers have no money from which to pay damages. This makes for the growing trend of scams to simply misalign any white male with status/money. Even when they prove the accusation was a lie it cost THEM far more than it ever cost the accuser.
If it happens to tens of thousands of American men with just SOME status/money, you know it is happening GALORE to high profile people.
Your article is also a cheap shot it simply lists other people's allegations without any proof to their validity or invalidy. And no, I'm not writing this as a Tony fanboy. My own research into any impriety by this man is one incident by an intern who said she felt uncomfortable and left his employment. No touching even. That is much as reality as I was able to find to these allegations.
So if you're going to write about this, you'd better not FAIL to make the disction betwen the money/power dynamics of accusing a nobody vs accusing a high profile person. I'm not saying any sweeping statement as to guilt/innocence in any case, as this IS a case-by-case basis. BUT we can say factually that, indepndent of the behavior of the target, (meaning guilty or innocent behaviors) the higher the profile, there is an EXPONENTIALLY increased swarm of opportunistic accusations coming against such people.
Given that your article overlooks this very key component, you are misleading people. If you have hard facts that you can absolutely back up in court as to molesation/abuse/rape by any person (male or female, high or low profile) then abosultely speak the truth about these facts. We need to know the truth. What we don't need are vague staements that mislead.
Use your life and your writing talents to make this world a better place, not full of smear without proof. Those that DO have any proof, please make a documentary or court case that proves your points. Thank you.