Killing You Softly
We’ve been highly conditioned to look to “medical experts” to fix what ails us. When we already know, as they knew back in the days of the Greek empire, that ALL “drugs” are poison, are toxic.
Today we would say it more like this: every drug HIJACKS the natural biological mechanisms of the body to FORCE it to do something unnatural — something it would not otherwise do.
The body always tries to “correct” itself, rebalance. And if you have forced it one way, there is a backlash, a pendulum swinging the other and opposite way by the body to restore itself. Liken it to being ambushed, violently shoved, and trying to not fall over.
Drugs are molecules that are formulated/engineered/designed to send signals to receptors to up regulate (get more of) or down regulate (get less of) some body mechanism.
Can there be times where we INTERVENE in a moment for something? Yes there are uses. Mostly, for example, a fever needs to run its course as the body is already doing what it needs to do to deal with an issue. Occasionally in extreme cases, you want to HIJACK and forcefully interrupt the biology to make it do something else in a crisis moment — a drug to bring down an extreme fever for a couple days. In extreme and crisis moments, it can help to take a drug that thickens the blood or thins the blood, etc..
But our culture has (for profit motives) gone to insane extremes to way OVER-intervene and not save it for crisis MOMENTS, but perpetually for ongoing profits. This BARRAGE of unnatural molecules that send signals to body systems that the body obeys only because it was tricked into believing the body authorized these molecular signal communication to be sent when it did not, creates deeply problematic imbalances. The body fights against the intruders — the highjacking molecules — and resist this unnatural molecular takeover, this coup attempt.
An easy and clear way to see this is all the AGENDA with messing to artificially imbalance testosterone and estrogen in people. The sodomite community, for example, largely embraces taking lots of exogenous testosterone to fuel/energize their orgasm-centric activities. The pedophile underground uses it to delay puberty, extending the usefulness of young humans reduced to the role of a recreational orifice. The Illuminati is said consistently by many whistleblowers to use it to create breasts in 9 year old girls to “enhance” its rampant sex trafficking and honeypot / assassin operations. None of these hormonal abductions are what a sane or moral society would want!
Messing with humans at the level of their hormones is criminal abuse. Even worse is messing with humans at the level of their DNA, mRNA, but that will not be addressed here.
Thus ongoing drugs DON’T END WELL except in a very few aberrant biology situations where you will die without intervention. In other words, the dysfunction and body brokenness would naturally cause your death except for an artificial molecular alteration. Here are some of the main offenders:
• Ongoing Weight Loss drugs
• Ongoing Mind-altering, mood-altering, drugs
• Ongoing hormone hijacking drugs
• Ongoing Pain Relief drugs
• Ongoing Cancer Drugs
• Obviously there are many more examples such as blood sugar drugs…
The Medical Mafia Industrial Complex LOVES the steady stream of profits that come from the programming to look to drugs to fix ourselves or not feel the pains of life. There are everyday pains, and there are moments of crisis pain. We have, in Babylon-ized America, so blurred and crossed these lines that anything “natural” is a distant memory in the rear view mirror.
We have so normalized molecular hijacking and the mass of backlash issues from the body’s re-balancing attempts, the side effects of these toxins, that we listen to the White-Coat Assassins, the Medical Mafia, to sell us EVEN MORE toxins to fix the side effects and forcefully MUTE our body attempting to use pain to tell us that it is being poisoned.
I’m just going to mention but not even get into how the money-loving reptiles in white coats will even block puberty and fake-switch genders or murder babies — if there are profits to be made. These are psychopaths engaged in serial abuse.
Did you know the average serial killer in the USA kills 3–7 people before being caught. Did you know that when they wrap themselves in the disguise of “healthcare”, and work as a doctor or nurse in a clinic or hospital, that they murder on average 60 people before being caught? True! There are special detectives who have caught onto this issue and are documenting cases and discussing how the medical system of abuses is the IDEAL place for a serial killer to go on a SPREE that lasts decades. Not in the scope of this article, but you can research it for yourselves.
Body Hijacking via Energy Fields
I will just mention and not go into how “drugs”, meaning interventions to hijacks your body and the mind connected to it are also highly developed (but hardly known) at the energetic and subatomic and quantum levels. Electromagnetic assaults. Biophoton assaults and drains. And on and on. These have gone far beyond molecular biology to the energy fields that underly it. Our energy fields surrounding our physical body are our energetic “body” and thus a very real part of us. Because of this, “digital diseases” can be broadcast (transmitted, transceived) and that gets into many things such as the Wide Body Network.
If our bodies could talk in language, they would complain that they are in an ABUSIVE relationship with us and with our lifestyle, and with our environment! They suffer from being abducted by foreign proteins (most, not all, of today’s medicine is protein-based) and hijacked by molecules sending cascades of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVADING MESSAGES that confuse and imbalance out body’s many extremely interconnected systems. They are also assaulted by unnatural energy fields, but this is beyond the scope of this post.
Use wisdom and discernment. The SNAKES on the caduceus were the Greeks way of constantly reminding themselves that all drugs are poisons. You can look up what they themselves wrote about it. Today we have snakes (reptilians) running massive fake” healthcare” systems for profits, for death, and for body parts (including blood hormone extraction).
So MANY of our drugs are essentially hormones present in human blood under various situations that are harvested, extracted, given a fancy name so as to charge insane prices for. It is human blood being extracted and repackages as pills and injections and the MASSIVE CONNECTION from these over-the-counter and prescription drugs alike is hidden from the ignorant-by-design public. Again, your own research is encouraged.
I do not consent to being abused. Bombarded. Manipulated. I do not consent to fake healthcare. Do you?
And here is what the website, “The Demonic Paradise”, said about it: The caduceus was a staff carried by the Greek deity Hermes, and his Roman counterpart Mercury, who were both the gods of messengers and travels. The object is a winged staff, entwined by two serpents. In more modern times it would become a symbol of medicine.
Hermes acquired the staff by his half brother Apollo, who got enchanted by Hermes’ music from his lyre fashioned from a tortoise shell, and was then kindly gifted it to him. Apollo in return gave Hermes the caduceus as a gesture of friendship. The association with the serpent thus connects Hermes to Apollo, as later the serpent was associated with Asclepius, the “son of Apollo”.
As a symbolic object, it represents Hermes (or the Roman Mercury), and by extension trades, occupations, or undertakings associated with the god. In later Antiquity, the caduceus provided the basis for the astrological symbol representing the planet Mercury. Thus, through its use in astrology, alchemy, and astronomy it has come to denote the planet and elemental metal of the same name.
It is said the wand would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If applied to the dying, their death was gentle; if applied to the dead, they returned to life.
The illustration from that webpage is made by “DaemonTheDemon”.
My POINT to putting arcane and evil images is that evil people CLEARLY AND OPENLY RECOGNIZE the dual-natured serpent as a force to be utilized for their dark and occult agendas. MY POINT is that half the original use of “healthcare drugs/poisons” was to literally “kill you softly”.