Job-Seeker Headshots
There are several kinds of job-seeker headshots. As a top headshot photographer in Dallas, TX — for business headshots and corporate portraits, I get to encounter it all. And here’s what you need to know:
Interns: Legal Intern Headshots, Medical Intern Headshots
For both legal and medical interns, these specific kinds of internships mean a LOT. As graduates of a significant money and time investment in their eduction, both budding lawyers and doctos need to make their absolute BEST impression, to get that internship at the law firm or hospital…
And why is this internship so crucial? After all, its “just” an internship! You see, the internship that a graduate is accepted into, assuming they do a good job, over 80% of the time, that turns into their first job. Which often times turns into a long time job. There is not as much of jumping around within your field when it comes to the legal or medical career paths. You select your internship applications quite carefully, for this reason.
And this is why it is so smart to invest in truly professional Dallas headshots. All your investment in education is considerable, formidable even! But we know that when it comes to be hired, or chosen in an internship, two similarly-qualified people — on paper… the person with the better headshot, is the one chosen.
In fact, this is true for ALL KIDS of job-seekers. The one with the professional photo conveys their professionalism. They business headshot makes them seem more real to the HR department. And a crisp image in your heashots, shows you are serious and ready to produce posiitive results for your employer.
Given how central your job plays to your life, and what all you’ve invested in terms of time and energy and money to get to this point, you’d be foolish to skim on quality when it comes to your photo image, your linkedIn profile picture and your reputation to prospects and peers.
Choose Top-Quality photo retouching with your business headshot: After all, it is about putting your best foot forward and looking your best!
Job-seekers in the Dallas, and Plano, TX areas, are free to call the headshot studio at 877–858–0071 to get answers to their questions,