Is Love Passive or Active?
Most fake Christians only look for more opportunities to RATIONALIZE, to JUSTIFY BEING PASSIVE and not taking a STAND for Jesus and the Gospel of Jesus as the ONLY way to meet God without total condemnation.
Even today, they continue post satanic crap like “We shouldn’t be afraid of evil, remember Satan and his demons are terrified of God..they know their doomed.”
Many FAIL to realize the BASIC Biblical truth that we are not saved by the Blood of Jesus to become passive babies. We are saved to grow up into ACTIVE sons/daughters that means acting just LIKE our Father God. We are to be like Jesus — the PERFECT Son of God. Real love is active love. Real faith is active faith. Passivity is of the Evil One for it is the exact thing that makes an agreement to wickedness taking over.
Real love is active love. Real faith is active faith. Passivity is of the Evil One for it is the exact thing that makes an agreement to wickedness taking over.
It is true that the fallen angels are obsessively terrified of the coming judgement from a Holy God for a good reason. And it is true that we operate from faith, not fear. We also know it is true that if you use the word “faith” as ANYTHING OTHER than direct and immediate obedience to the ongoing intimate CONVERSATION you are having with Jesus
• as you COMMUNE with him,
• as you “walk in the Spirit of God”,
• as you FELLOWSHIP with Him, as you seek to hear His voice, eclipsing all other voices (the voice of your flesh, the Babylonian World Systems media messaging, and the voice of the AntiChrist and team Satan),
Then your faith is FAKE. Vain and meaningless. It is in fact a satanic rationalization. You are now directly an “enemy of the Gospel” and you are a goat in mere WISHFUL THINKING that you are a sheep. Be very afraid of that.
Anything that attempts to justify less than radical and total obedience is from the Evil One. It puts you in loss of all eternal rewards. It makes you and enemy of Jesus. It makes you part of the PROBLEM that Jesus will have to incinerate in order to establish ACTUAL goodness, in His Kingdom.
Love is BOLD. Love, loving Jesus back as HE loves, is a commitment to destroy evil and establish righteousness. Accept no substitutes. I’m talking about the real Jesus of the Bible who said,
“But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.… (Matthew 10:32–35)
Love is obedient action. The fake love of Babylon is wishful thinking, nice sounding intentions that don’t ever manifest into unselfish actions, and everything else that Satan adores. A person “DENIES Jesus” when they embrace a fake, unbiblical love, incompatible with a Holy Kingdom ruled over by the standards of Jesus as King of Kings. A love that still lets them “do as thou wilt” — a love that rationalizes/enshrines/worships/justifies CAVING IN to your self-destructive flesh. Such a love is the satanic creed, a “do as thou wilt”, fake love that fails to stand for truth and leads you straight to your destruction.
This “sword” that Jesus brings, is the Truth of Himself and the Kingdom of God. This truth DIVIDES the real from the fake. Sheep from Goats. Those who “love the truth” vs those who “take pleasure in wickedness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:12)
Let’s give a few of the Bible verses that mention truth and love as inseparable. You can look them up in their context for yourself, if you care to understand.
Psalm 52:3
“You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.”Zechariah 8:19
“Therefore love truth and peace.”1 Corinthians 13:6
“Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.”Ephesians 4:15
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”2 Thessalonians 2:10
“…and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.”1 Peter 1:22
“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.”1 John 3:18
“Dear children, let us not love with words or mere speech but with ACTIONS and in truth.”
Now the Mission of the Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) is to LOVE and bring TRUTH by bringing Himself. He and all that He is is a WEAPON against evil, against every lie from the ‘Father of Lies’ (the original liar-in-chief), and
“He that sins is OF the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son OF God was manifested (incarnated as Jesus}, that he might DESTROY the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8)
If you are not destroying evil, you are not OF God, you are not in harmony with Jesus or Father God. And your love is MERE speech, not obedient actions that cause transformative change by God’s supernatural power in you. In other words, your violating your every reason for ever existing.
And note that we don’t “destroy” evil just to be destructive. We do that SO THAT good may flourish to the full. Just as you pull weeds out of the garden SO THAT the beautiful flowers may flourish. To the deceived and perishing, the Bible is clear that such people will INVERT all this, and do harm to goodness in the vain imagination that this will result in something good.
We don’t do as the FAKE Church does, by justifying violence (the Roman Catholics did in their witch hunts, inquisitions and crusades). Instead, we “destroy evil” by being OBEDIENT to Jesus in our daily actions. He is the one who decides what destroying Satan’s deceptive kingdom looks like lived out in your life, day by day. The Bibles talks of this in terms of “overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)
We are VIGILANT in prayer and actions of disruptive, bold love. We are DESTRUCTIVE to evil by speaking TRUTH boldly and not tolerating the error that is destroying the humans that God created in His image, and loves dearly.
You will know that someone using the word “Love” is fake if they ever associate that word with passivity. “Just let God handle it” they will argue. NO, God lives INSIDE US to live out THROUGH us according to the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Know that the fake lovers (love as goats love) are attempting to justify NOT destroying evil, NOT taking a stand for Jesus and the Gospel. They are those condemned eternally for “doing too little too late.”
Is this a message to “work harder at your religion”? Hell no. It is to fully surrender to being a vessel of Jesus unto righteousness (Romans 6–8). And from your transformation by aligning with the Truth of the Gospel, to have the PERSON (Jesus) who is the source of real love, live in and through you.
Does the Bible say “just be passive and let God handle it. After all, God is powerful and everything that happens must be His will.” No, it says BE FAITHFUL even to physical death and Jesus will give you the crown of eternal life. (Revelation 2:10)
You refuse to tolerate compromise and lies. You refuse to let satanic pride exist in your presence. You speak up and out when any DISTORTION is happening (justifications, fake love, rationalizations, religious deception, etc.). You use EVERY opportunity to be ACTIVE in pointing people to JESUS as the source of all love, salvation, virtue and goodness/greatness.
You don’t embrace religion; you embrace Jesus. You don’t embrace rules; you embrace the Rule-Maker Himself. And that means to live and act accordingly, participating in and aligning yourself with anything and everything God instructs you is His will. You realize the ONLY real freedom is in being a SLAVE to Jesus, to righteousness, to the Gospel, as the Apostle Paul frequently stated.
We, as God’s hands and feet on Earth, as obedient sons/daughters of God, SHOULD be afraid of doing Too Little, Too Late, as disobedient vessels whose alleged faith never translates into real action, causing Jesus to proclaim that He “never knew us”.