Is it OK for Christians to Get Tattoos?

Headshot Pros
5 min readJun 1, 2020


I recenly read an atricle that was full of outrageous lies. It is that “sloppy grace” we come across all to frequently. It admits that the Old Testament CLEARLY commands us not to get tattoos. But then went on to claim that none of the Old Testament apples to Christians. This is dangerous ignorance and heresy, so let me explain:

Christian tattoo nephilim behavior
A tattoo “artist” that markets himself to Chrsitians tried to justify how h makes his money.

This tattoo artist claims to be “inking for the Lord” and that becuase Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament laws, that now you CAN get tattoos and eat pork and do everything the Old Testament said you should not do. I have to wonder if this person, who “feels called” to do tattoos would still be doing it if there were not big money in it.

He says “We’re not bound by the fulfilled Old Testament laws. I think Christian body art is beautiful. I like to tell people that you can always take off your cross necklace or leave your Bible at home. But I can’t take the cross off my arm.” So are you “not bound” to those laws like “don’t murder”, “don’t lie”, “don’t sleep around”, or “don’t have anything higher (more respected and more revered) in your life than the Most High God.” Do you really want to say God’s instructions magically don’t apply to you, simply because those instructions are writting in the part of the Bible called the Old Testament?

Why it it THIS instruction regarding not immitaing the pagan nations that worship the fallen angels, specifcally, that you magically feel “freed in Christ” from following? Could it be that you make money from it? So is this “Chrsitian tattoo artist” really exercising his supposed “freedom in Chrsit” or is he opportunistically justifiny how he makes money by cashing in on a culture that has lost all moral bearings?

Beware of those that cooperate with Babylon and justify cozying up to its ways becuase it is socially trendy and financially convenient! You can’t be loving money (mammon) and loving Jesus, and anyone who claims different is actually a liar and a rebel.

He goes so far as to say “Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Decorating your temple is a pretty good thing.”

Let me reply: It is socially popular to get tattoos these days. So many people will try all manner of ways to rationalize it. Let’s cover a biblical undersanding of (1) “freedom” and (2) WHY God gave us His very own LIFEBLOOD and HEART/NATURE.

It is socially popular to get tattoos these days. So many people will try all manner of ways to rationalize it. This article tries hard to rationalize it because they make money doing tattoos.

In Christ we have LIBERTY, but we are not to be “libertine.” So many fail to have this distinction. Our liberty in Christ Jesus is the freedom we did not have without Jesus — the power to be good, to do good, to be LIKE Jesus. THAT is our essential liberty. Being like Jesus means loving as He loved (heroically). It means the power to live righteously. Being LIBERTINE means “do as thou wilt” — anything goes. Being in Biblical Liberty means the power to live as I should.

The freedom that Jesus won for us means the power to RESIST sin (such as getting a tattoo). Christ took the punishment for breaking the law, and then he physically died, killing the power of the Mosaic Law over us to condemn us to hell. Now I just said the our liberty in Christ means the power to live righteousness — that actually means to have God’s heart/nature/character. And that character is the foundation of, and is reflected throughout God’s Torah — his Fatherly instructions.

In Christ Jesus, the law dies — meaning it ceases to be an external code that condemns us for our behavior that falls short, and it is resurrected — it lives anew, repositioned INSIDE our hearts. Why is that? Because Jesus IS the embodiment and full expression of God’s law. When he physically died; the external law also died. When he resurrected, all that he is now can live inside us for real.

We don’t try to be good because we fear punishment (that is legalistic religion and that is the mindset of the occult — appeasing the wicked powers that be); instead in Christ, we ARE Good because Jesus Himself lives in us and through us. We do good because we WANT to (not from fear), because God bestowed his Law, HIs ways, His Instructions INSIDE us, giving us a heart/nature/character like His own. We obey God from LOVE.

This person’s attempted rationalization is full of lies and false justifications. What this article is NOT TELLING YOU, is that the Nephilim (offspring of fallen angels) is where tattoos got their start. They covered their bodies in tattoos.

God does not want you imitating the behavior and ways of the eternally damned (tattoos is one example, homosexuality is another example), and if these people actually knew what they were talking about, they would fall on their face and be consumed by the fear of the Lord. Acting like the damned rebels/haters of God is simply NOT FITTING for a child of God. It is not complicated.

We don’t avoid tattoos because we are in a law-fear relationships with God, but in his Grace we now have the power and internal motivation to live as LOVERS of God, as FOLLOWERS of God, as IMITATORS of God, as ALLIES of God, as AMBASSADORS of God, as CHILDREN of God — not as lawless rebels under condemnation.

This article tried to claim that they are tattooing “for Jesus”, and that makes it OK (how culturally convenient). And that they are “decorating” God’s temple (their bodies) and somehow that is an improvement to God’s work??? Well, using that same logic, is a prostitute that turned to Jesus now “whoring for Jesus” too? Is it fitting to be pimping “for Jesus”? Is it fitting to be sodomizing “for Jesus”? Is it fitting to be dealing drugs “for Jesus”?

When people lack all spiritual discernment and don’t understand the actual purpose of a tattoo, they will fall to the whims of what is merely trending, and claim the Father’s instructions in the Old Testament no longer apply. Has God’s nature magically changed to fit what is trending?

No, turning TO Jesus is turning AWAY from detestable practices, not rationalizing them because a fallen society claims it is cool.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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