Intelligence vs Love
God is not mocked. I interface with lots of “intelligent” people in my job: executives, doctors, lawyers, CEOs, etc.. But intelligence without LOVE is VAIN — useless and empty. Your intelligence is a gift from God to PARTNER with God, submit to God’s Spirit and God’s Wisdom so that God’s LOVE can get through from heaven to their needy lives ALL THE MORE.
We are literally saved. but not taken immediately to heaven. so that we can be intimate allies HERE AND NOW, on Earth. We have a purpose / task / mission / assignment / opportunity to be about our Father’s will here on Earth, still. We are here so that God’s will gets more done, through us as His ambassadors and messengers and vessels. We are here to place all of us in service to Kingdom Expansion Agendas.
Remember that Lucifer was the most intelligent created being of all. Intelligence without love is easily subverted into PRIDE, into being opportunistic, antisocial, arrogant, and predatory. You are not judged by your IQ before the Most High God; you are judged by how much of ALL of you, you used to LOVE and BLESS and SERVE other humans.
God created them; let God decide who is “worthy” and who is not, of love. God loves the Unlovely. The broken and weak. This disadvantaged. The widow and orphan — those who cannot take care of themselves and are economically disadvantaged.
A Babyon-oriented world worships intelligence, status and power. But heaven is already overflowing with more than enough power; instead heaven is looking for how much of God’s love you allow through your life to get to others in tangible ways.
And IF YOU WANT A PLACE WITH GOD, you’re better learn to do the same. I say this for your blessing and wise choice-making. God looks at the Heart and God is not impressed with any intelligence HE GAVE YOU in the first place to use to love all the more effectively.
Stop rationalizing, distorting, and status-mongering, seeking to stroke your ego. The foundation of All of Father God’s laws is the Royal Law of Agape Love. This is God’s actual standard right here:
“And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” — Deuteronomy 6:5