How should we respond to this Asbury Revival 2023 — Wilmore Kentucky
If there is one thing that today’s online commenters are EXPERT on, it is criticizing everything to death. There are a lot of SINCERE people there. There is praise, and worship, and repentance taking place. Being in reality, we know that any time and place God is moving, the enemy will mass forces to try to COUNTER anything meaningful happening spiritually.
So join with me in praying for this. To cut down any evil — demons, false spirits, impure motives, etc.. And to anoint and amplify everything good.
We RESIST the devil, having submitted to Father / Son / Spirit first of course in Jesus’ Name. And we speak forth, declaring TRANSFORMED LIVES AND HEARTS by the Will of God on Earth as it is in Heaven. We call forth REAL FRUIT in Jesus’ Name. We REBUKE cynicism and resignation and the critical spirit in Jesus’ Name.
We ask for PROTECTION and PROVISION in the spirit and in the physical for ALL who are there. May witches, satanists, druids, masons and occultists of all kinds be drawn here — ONLY TO BE AMBUSHED BY DIVINE LOVE — ONLY TO ENCOUNTER the Most High God. The King of Kings in all of the beauty and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the GRACE POWER of God flow forth.
May deep, true and lasting change (spiritual fruit) be established. Father God, we know from Jesus’ parable of the seed sower (Matthew 13), that anytime good seed is going out, the evil birds come to snatch it away, the evil weeds come to choke it out, and the shallowness of roots tries to cancel any lasting fruit.
We declare: evil’s agendas shall come to NOTHING. That good seed will produce a good crop of righteousness — a 100 fold, in Jesus’ Name. Sinking DEEP into hearts and being watered with the Water of LIFE. We COME AGAINST all agendas of the enemy in Jesus’ Name. We rebuke and cast them down, according to the expressed Will of Most High God.
We ask You, Lord God and Holy Spirit, to show up and deliver fresh Holy fire, fresh Water of Life, fresh Bread of Life and IMPART YOURSELF to these people, to this generation like never before. We ask for much more than positive emotional experiences. We ask for changed hearts and lives as ONLY You can do, Lord Jesus.
We ask for the Holy Angels and Holy Spirit to go FORTH and strike down the strongholds over people’s hearts, to RESTORE and provide healing for bad decisions, occult involvement, sexual degradation, the fraud and dead ends of this world, and all of the enemy’s plans to steal, kill and destroy from these people. Evil be VANQUISHED in Jesus’ Name! Kingdom of God, SHINE FORTH in Jesus’ Name.
God’s GRACE says: “where sin did abound, I can MUCH MORE abound! Make room in your heart for ME! For behold, TODAY is the day of salvation!”
Let DELIVERANCE go forth. Let RESTORATION show up! Let Evil be OVERCOME with Good (Romans 12:21). Let the Kingdom of God show up in ways not explainable to anyone!
Let any pharisee spirit, or spirit of legalism or religiosity be DISSOLVED and REPLACED with true life and intimacy with Father God! Let the Gospel of the Kingdom COME TO LIFE, right here and now, we pray. Restoration COME FORTH in Jesus’ Name!
We bring, in Jesus Name, the expressed MISSION of the Messiah over these people as set forth by Your prophet, Isaiah: (Isaiah 61 and Luke 4)
“The Spirit of The Lord God is upon me;
therefore he has anointed me
to announce Good News to the poor;
he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned
and renewed sight for the blind,
to release those who have been crushed,
to proclaim a year of the favor of The Lord God!”
This we declare, in faith, in accordance to the expressed will of God on Earth. Let it be so and amen. Hallelujah in Jesus’ Name.