How 501c3 is Anti-American to the Core

Headshot Pros
4 min readDec 9, 2021


The entire point and purpose of “separation of Church and state” was not to keep God out of politics and leadership decisions. Instead, it was to not have a STATE RUN CHURCH SYSTEM. But that is what 501c3 is exactly: a state-run church system.

The 501c3 system tells churches/pastors what they can and cannot say and has them operating as EXTENSIONS of the state’s surveillance systems — reporting to the government on their members. 501c3 defines and mandates obedience to Government policy from the pulpit from its member churches.

“Separation of Church and State” is not in any government of Federal founding document. It is a comment in a personal letter by Thomas Jefferson, on Jan 1, 1802, to the Danbury, Conn., Baptist Association. In the letter, Jefferson used the metaphor of the “wall of separation between church and state.”

The godless Supreme Court has seized upon that phrase as an excuse to say this applies to the scope and meaning of the First Amendment — what can and cannot be said.

The CONTEXT: is that oppressive British Empire had a state church — the Church of England. They simply rubber stamped what the King wanted them to say, lying and pretending it was all God’s will.

America is a reaction AGAINST that fake religion — that pretending that God wants everything the King of the day wants. So America’s founding fathers wanted that to never happen here. Having seen that control system of the Church of England, they wanted people to BELIEVE IN JESUS AND GOD, but not be mandated into a single Denomination, like the British crown only endorsed their puppet religion, the Church of England. Pretending that what the King wants is the same as what God wants is a breeding system for oppression and tyranny.

They wanted us to have the freedom to be in ANY Christian denomination. The did not want the State mandating which Christian denomination was legitimate or given special status in the government, and which was not. The never intended people to not believe in God and what they called “your religion” in the language of their day, we today called “your denomination of Christianity”.

They never meant by “religion”: atheism, buddhism, scientism, secular humanism, wicca, etc etc. They all knew everything outside of following Jesus of Nazareth to be spiritually illegitimate and a recipe for disaster. They ASSUMED everyone of their time also knew this and would be insane to not be a Christian as Christianity was KNOWN to be the truth — just not locked into one brand, or label, or style, of “denomination” of Christianity. To them your faith was of course Christian. And your “religion” was which denomination within Christianity you favored (Protestant, Baptist, Quaker, Shaker, Lutheran, Pietist, etc.).

Thus to have a “wall of separation between church and state” was to prevent the state from CONTROLLING your Christianity. It was never to allow false religion and paganism, as they know those would only result in God’s judgement on America.

Thus, America’s government does NOT recognize or give ANY authority whatsoever to the false religions of hinduism, pantheism, etc. — anything other than Christianity. They only recognize Christianity as truth, but stop there, having NO say regarding which “denomination” (is the language of today, and “religion” in the language of the 18th century) you can or cannot be. Thus, the American Government cannot accept anything BUT Christianity, but cannot give special favor or status to any one, or set of, Christian denominations. After all, it is only through the Creator God of Christianity that:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

The above phrase was present in Jefferson’s original draft of the declaration of independence. It was thereafter quoted and incorporated into speeches by a wide array of substantial figures in American political and social life in the United States. The final form of the phrase was stylized by Benjamin Franklin, where it was called an “immortal declaration”.

The language of their day (in the context of their intent of keeping state and federal control off of religion) meant freedom for each American citizen to pick their own denomination of Christianity, because we the people widely acknowledged that FREEDOM ONLY SUCCEEDS when people live from the morals of Christianity and Christ as your example.

England only acknowledged their own state church as legitimate (how convenient for them), and the results was lies, oppression, corruption, and so forth. The phrase of “wall between church and state” exists within that context, reacting against state control of Christian denominations.

America’s founding fathers did NOT want the State dictating which denomination of Christianity you belonged to because the core of America’s government system is resisting tyranny. In this way, the intent of keeping government control out of christian denominations was to help America be as FULLY CHRISTIAN AS POSSIBLE, unstained by any agenda of the State.

But through the 501c3 system, we have EXACTLY that which is anti-American. We have a state-controlled system behind the scenes as to what is said and done in the pulpit. 501c3 does NOT make a church “legitimate” or “licensed” as government has NO authority to mess with your relationship to God.

But through 501c3 they implement the same old system of lies, with the surface layer of many denominations willingly coming under an illegal tax-and-tax-exempt system. The result is that is LOOKS LIKE on the surface that you are free to choose your own denomination, but the control system behind the scenes MAKES SURE it is the State’s will, not God’s will, that is preached in 501c3 pulpits.



Headshot Pros
Headshot Pros

Written by Headshot Pros

Professional Headshot Photographer in Dallas for business headshots, corporate portraits, Actor and Model headshots as well as commercial photography.

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