His wife asked for a "raise' of her own - more of his time. He divorced her and replaced her in a matter of weeks as well. His ex-wife is an intelligent and articulate woman, but she was also very replaceable. Before all his companies, they were very much in love, or so it seems. Elon got a much younger new wife. Elon did NOT treat his kids as replaceable in any way, by the way.
Both women sincerely felt they were "essential", only to be discarded and replaced. What is the moral of this story? Is Elon heartless and cold to those devoted to him or... is he a man with tons of options and your services are just one of many for a long line of people are begging to take your place.
I know first hand, from being in Hollywood, most movie industry people PUT UP with conditions bordering on and also delving well into abuse. Any complaint and their boss will tell them: there's a line of 1,000 people begging to take your place. And it is very true, there is. Both women felt entitled to "more" and Elon did not feel the same. Is he a jerk who knows nothing of reciprocating loyalty? Is seems so. Is Elon accurately assessing mentally the cost-to-value ratio of every situation? It seems so.
I could argue both cases. So you decide.
He might be a great person to get your technology from. You decide. He might not be a great person to warn up to. Either way he as fantastic reasons for everything he does. He might have "attachment issues" where in one version of attachment theory he simply does not develop deep attachments to anyone. It seems so. He demands excellence and performance. He is not attached to those who believe they are entitled to more, so it seems.
It very much seems to me that somewhere along the line, Elon made a serious commitment to NOT NEED any single person and to keep his options open. If something is not working for him, he looks for a better way. It that a virtue of a vice? You decide. He is determined to not get stuck with a complainer in any facet of this life. What does that make him? You decide.