Global Elites
This video, and so many like it is what I am attempting to summarize.
Civilization started between the Tigrus and Euphrates rivers. It started as City-States which were (in the broadest definition) simply a group of people, of whatever size, that erected a wall around themselves. Only later did rulers envision multiple cities controlled by one person, starting what would later be empires.
We know from the Bible, which most modern scholars refuse to admit matches the archeological evidence far better than their theories, that the Nephilim were half-human hybrids that were bigger, stronger, and naturally dominated the less-violent humans.
There are two main types of Nephilim, with many sub branches and intermixing over the years. First, the Blonde haired and blue eyes. Second the Platinum haired with green eyes. This is an over-simplification, but the point is that these are strongly associated with the Caucus Mountains, from which our word “Caucasian” comes from.
For example, we have red-haired giants in Peru, with non-human skulls. We have very similar red-hair mummies in Egypt (the mother of Akkenaten, Queen Tiye). They are similar because they are both… Aryan, which is to say connected directly to modern Caucasian, which is to say originating from Gentile/Caananite/Nephilim genetics. I believe red hair is a “recessive” gene, which means that for it to express itself, the origin is not random, but rather HAS to be these ancient non-humans and semi-humans.
But prior to Noah’s flood it was literally one continent, one world. It was inherently “globalism” in its culture and genetics. Not uniformity, mind you, but much more homogenous then, than today.
From this we see the truths that are inconvenient to many these days that:
• Buddha had blue eyes
• The Chinese emperors originally had Caucasian features and blue eyes
• The Egyptian pharoahs originally had Caucasian features and blue eyes
• Blue eyes and platinum hair were the gods of the Central America
• Many of the Hindu gods had blue eyes and/or platinum hair
Now, many people were by
Contrary to modern narratives, the truth is that, Caucasian itself stems from the global world leaders.
The actual mummy and DNA evidence totally destroys those with Afro-ceontric fantasies:
• No, civilization of humans did not start in Africa.
• No, blacks did not build the pyramids
• No, blacks were not the tribes of Israel
These afro-centric fantasies are the behavior of someone insecure and without firm identity trying to attach themselves to something else of nobility or worth or status in an effort to annex significance to themselves. But where is the Afro-centric greatness of today? In their culture? Their behavior? Their achievements? Are they known today, or at any point in history for their integrity, their inventions, their peak achievements? Are they closely associated with human excellence? Only in the arena of athleticism.
The Chinese were ruled over by… Caucasians. Which is to say, the original Aryan race that came from the Middle East, then ruled over India, then ruled over… everywhere. This Aryan race is not 100% human, if by that you mean homo sapien sapien. The Aryan race is a nephilim race, that became genetically watered down more and more with human DNA over the ages. The Nephilim, having their ancient “watcher” origins, were stronger, smarter, faster, and longer-lived. They had the technological know-how that mere humans lacked. (mettalurgy, manipulating stones, megolithic fortifications, and so much more, sound knowledge, light knowledge, galactic knowledge, flight, etc.) They naturally thus came to dominate everything and everyone.
The human reluctance to admit and acknowledge that most of civilization is the story of human beings being closer to veritable pets and playthings and worker bees of the many “minor gods” which the Bible identifies as Nephilim (and their sub groups, their genetic branches, many of which the Bible directly identifies) means they refuse to accurately interpret architecture.
The museums in London, in Cairo, in Babylon/Persia, in China and Japan, thus all conspire to SUPPRESS the truth about history, not present it.
But, post Noah’s flood, land is moved around, people and civilization start over, and thousands of years of mixed breeding make the accurate identification of people groups a very complicated story. For example few admit the “Native” American indians are not “native” whatsoever, and had to slaughter the nephilim tribes of the Platinum-with-green-eyed giants and the even more common Blonde-haired-with-blue-eyed giants and a few of the Red haired giants as well — stealing their land before karmically losing that very same land of the “Americas” as the European (think strong Caucasian genetics), in turn, essentially stole it away from them.
These are not theories, but what the actual archeological evidence, the stories of American Indian tribes, and the DNA evidence all present to the open-minded truth-seeker.
Human ego wants to TAKE CREDIT for achievements (math, the zodiac, the calendar, etc, the system of 12–12 months to a year for example, two sets of 12 in a day…the list goes on). Cultures want to take pride (the wall of china, the pyramids, the invention of gunpowder, and so on and so forth) in what the world universally acknowledges as significant. But the inconvenient truth is that these were HANDED DOWN to humanity from the only semi-human Nephilim who got it, in turn from their non-human watcher progenitors. This only underscores what the ancient book of Enoch presented all along. Back then, they were not studying history or pre-history, they were living it, and many things were self-evident to them and need not be explained to modern man — now long divorced from his actual origins.
Also note that only in the past few years were ancient Egyptian documents discovered that tell the story of Troy from the Egyptian perspective, and here we see that the SAME “gods” of the Greeks were well known to be shared with the Egyptians — Zeus/Apollo was openly known to be the same as Ra and Thoth was openly known to be the same “god” as Hermes/Mercury. This is not theory or open to other interpretations as this is verbatim recorded and flat out stated in the Egyptian’s own ancient documents.
Take this video stating many ways, for example that Akhenaten Pharaoh is plainly not human. There is not way to rationalize around this fact. The human genome allows for remarkable diversity, but not nearly THIS level of otherness. The bone density is twice that of human bones. The cranial capacity is over 30% larger than humans, the bone plates of the skull are not in the same position as humans, and the list goes on and on.
ALL of these are essentially ARYAN, meaning Aryan as Darius The Great (of Persia meant and referred to them as, before the deliberate muddying of the term Aryan to limit this understanding presented her). Only in this light does it explain Hitler’s obsession, upon realizing the blue eyes connection to the world’s rulers on every continent, that had him feel emboldened enough to take on everyone in an attempt of the domination of all civilization that, today, we call “Caucasian.” The original rulers of Germany as well as the Goths, as well as the Chinese, as well as some of the Japanese, as well as proto-indio-Europeans, as well as the original Hindi, Hittites/Canaanites are all from 5,000 years back ARYAN blood.
It comes down to this: (1) the homo sapien sapiens, which were later called Hebrews vs the lineage of Cain, which were later called Africans *and the reptilian blood there, but that is a different story), and the Gentiles/Aryans/Caananites which have non-human genetic hybridized origins, being connected to the Annanuki/Nephilim/Rephaim/Zanzumim.
Conclusion: The Global Elites have gone by name names through many eras of history, both Western and Eastern, but are only partially human — hybridized with Aryans — the ancient ruler gods who descended from the even less human Nephilim, which were parented by the non-human watchers.
Today, they continue their traits of deception and domination and pretend to be human in order to better manipulate both minds, global resources, and nations.