Father is the Key to Scarcity vs Abundance
Be a giver, show love, compassion or generosity and those with the wisdom of the fallen world will assume you are weak, gullible and prey to be taken advantage of. They will disrespect you, abuse you, and try to steal every good thing you have.
They don’t know the GOODNESS of God — His generosity and Lavish Grace. They have minds CONSUMED UTTERLY with calculating how to survive, to get the upper hand / leverage / unfair advantage. They are not receiving from a GOOD FATHER that is larger than the crisis in their lives. They are on their OWN — alone in a dangerous world of fellow predators and fierce schemers. So they HAVE to scramble all the time to maneuver and compete against you.
You are too busy LOVING them, praying FOR them, and blessing them to let their schemes and control games dictate your life. They are consumed and dominated with trying to be safe/secure in a fearful and dangerous world.
They live inside a tiny cage called either manipulating or being manipulated. Even when they think they are “winning”, they are utterly impoverished of heart, meager of joy, and slaves to their own envy and fears. They live needlessly in a barren inner world, without Biblical faith, where love is scarce.
As a beliver in and disciple of the real Jesus of Nazareth, you, on the other hand are Walking in the Spirit of God. (Galatians 5:16–18) You are abiding in the Vine Life of Jesus Messiah, (John 15:26–27) in whom you can do all things. You are not competing. You are ENJOYING FELLOWSHIP (the goal of your faith). You have a Good Father they they don’t know. Father wants to invite them into His arms of Grace, but only some are willing to receive true life, true love, and true blessing.
Father is glorious and has a forever Family and a forever Kingdom to BESTOW upon those who trust in His goodness and in the Son He sent to be the full payment for the sins of the world. God invites us into intimacy fellowship with Himself. This is a rich reality that has already overcome.
THANK YOU FATHER, for your love, your grace. Your salvation has a NAME — Jesus of Nazareth — in whom your Fullness was PLEASED to dwell. We worship YOU and we are so grateful for the protection, provision that we need daily. You ARE drawing us to Yourself. Your bosom. We RECEIVE your heart. We RECEIVE your life. We RECEIVE Your Son. We RECEIVE your Holy Spirit. We hand you all our MESS, and transform us into your MESSAGE to this world.
Father, often times it SEEMS hard to find your protection and provision. You seem distant. The predators seem more real. Correct, we pray, our perspective. Give us Your eyes, ears and heart! Increase our faith. Remove the enemy’s blocks and attempts to hijack the blessings from You to us. Fill our cups to overflowing, not just with You in Spirit at Your Side on Your Throne in heaven, but also down here in this life. Make us Your witnesses, martyrs, ambassadors. Let us REFLECT YOUR FAITHFULNESS back to you, Your Covenant Love, as we are more and more like You, from the inside out.
In YOU, we go from life to more life, from glory to greater glory.
1 John 4:13 “By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.”
1 John 5:4 “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith”.
2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image — from one glory to even higher glory — just as from the Lord, the glorious and limitless Spirit of God.” (paraphrase)