Exploring National Greatness
What makes a nation great? An ethnicity great? Where is patriotism in the Bible? When is it worshipping Americana (which is idolatry), and when is America a single word that stands for an entire set of Biblical values expressed in the nation of the USA?
The book of Nehemia is one example of so many on the topic of patriotism in the Bible. It is a history lesson about building a wall around Jerusalem for the establishment of their… nation. That is an entire book dedicated to total patriotism in Scripture. You don’t worship the nation itself or any human leader, but the God of the nation. Evil tries to dedicate every nation to itself — claiming all territory it can, but those of us granted authority to be lawful, dedicate the nation to the Most High. Esther is another of so many examples, about saving the nation (aka about patriotism), the Hebrews, even under captivity, through strategic wisdom obedience.
Some define patriotism as “National pride is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland or the country and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment to create a feeling of oneness among the people.” So yes, if that is what you mean, we don’t love the nation itself — AS IF the nation can personally love or personally provide for us. It can’t. We love the GOD we dedicate the nation to and thus are zealous for it. Like David was Zealous for Zion. that is patriotism because the Most High dwelt in Zion. So we much carefully define terms.
Moses, another example, was zealous for the PEOPLE of God, the Hebrews, for them to have their OWN Nation — a nation free to worship the real God AS God. Is that nationalism or patriotism? Is that patriotism for a theocracy? Moses’ vision was to have a nation that HONORS God, and KNOWS God, not competes with God for glory and power, not strives with fierce independence to establish some fake glory in and of itself.
Some say that patriotism is being proud of your country, not for it itself, but for the GOOD IT DOES. And that nationalism is being proud of your country regardless of what it does. This makes sense, but is also debatable. It depends on how the user is using the word.
Zechariah 8:1–3 Again the word of the LORD of Hosts came to me, saying: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: “I am jealous for Zion with great zeal; I am jealous for her with great fervor.” This is what the LORD says: “I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the LORD of Hosts will be called the Holy Mountain.”…
God is FOR a nation that is FOR HIM. Americana is a set of traditions and cultures, and inasmuch as they don’t center around God (His Person, His Word, His Truth, His Ways/Torah) then God is NOT for the nation/ethnicity. God was not even for Israel when Israel honored God WITH THEIR LIIPS ONLY but not in their hearts. (Matthew 15:8, Isaiah 29:13 , Ezekiel 33:31)
And THIS is the point you making. God can only bless true faith and real obedience, not a nation itself for its own sake, reagrdless of what it was in the past.
The occultists (freemasons and others) have SEWN MANY TARES into the core of America. Does that make the entire field of the nation fruitless? No. But it means that the FIGURE of America, that woman, is A PAGAN GODDESS (a separate study). So evil tried to dedicate the nation of America to total paganism. BUT THE PEOPLE, not those few secret society schemers) are the nation itself, and MANY of them were not about that at all but rater about dedication to God. (Quakers, Shakers, those not of the denomination of the Church of England).
God has many times moved on a specific nation’s behalf. Even pagan nations God loves humans created in His own image. So God cares about nations (nations means ethnicity in the Bible as there were no multicultural nations), and even in the ultimate coming manifested Kingdom of God, there are still nations. These nations are BLESSED by God for the honor God. If patriotism is wrong, then the Kingdom of God would have done away with all nations.
God does give nations GLORY and AUTHORITY. Something reflective of Himself. Even Satan (who was usurping the nations, through a whole network of evil leaders, said) to tempt Jesus that he could give Jesus the Nations AND THEIR GLORY and authority (Luke 4:5–7). We also see nations having glory of their own in the coming Kingdom of God.
Revelation on the New Jerusalem — 21:25 Its gates will never be shut at the end of the day, because there will be no night there. 26And into the city will be brought the GLORY AND HONOR OF THE NATIONS. 27 But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who practices an abomination or a lie, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.…
What we all need is clarity and distinctions on: Nations/Ethniticies, Kingdoms, Glory, Authority Structures, and the right USE of said authority and glory. And also distinguish between nationalism and patriotism. There is much confusion sewn by the Enemy, so much correction and clarification is called for.
We see that God is all about Righteousness and Justice. In the nations, the peoples and that nothing unrighteous gets close to God and God’s Presence. No nation is greater than its “GOD”. We must thus HONOR GOD of any nation is not a nation worth having or supporting. Our devotion and worship and efforts are to SERVE GOD, and how supporting any nation we find ourselves living in… that is a shifting thing as God leads and as the people choose either for or against God and His instructions. However what remains constant is that the JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS that form the foundation of God’s throne — that God is always passionate about establishing in any and every nation.
Wherever and whenever we live, we must be passionate about God Himself — to fear Him and honor His ways. Because the word of God says: “Righteousness makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation.”(Proverbs 3:4). We all know that Trump’s slogan was “Make America Great Again”. And we know that Trump is egotistical and not a humble follower of the true Jesus/Messiah. Louis XIV talked in his day, continually of the “Glory of France”, but by that he actually meant, the glory of HIMSELF. Trump is not much different in that regard.
If you seek to “make America Great Again” because you know that is synonymous with and only possible through Biblical “righteousness”, then you are promoting God. If you seek with politics and the systems of Babylon to find greatness as the worldly define it, you are headed surely for shipwreck and collapse. ONLY God is great and all real greatness is centered and focused on God Himself.
Psalm 89:14 “Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne. Mercy and truth stand in front of You.”
Some are saying that “there is no patriotism in the Bible”. Such a claim can be confusing and misleading. I understand the point, and I think the point can be better said this way: God is not invested in Americana — our way of life. Our culture and our American traditions.
All such things falls away in heaven anyway. The main thing is always about LOVE. We are to love what God loves and hate what God hates. We are thus to LOVE OTHER PEOPLE, not with good intentions, but with God’s actual active love.
We are not to love the lifestyle (apple pie, baseball, big screen TV’s, and so forth) of America. Some mean by Patriotism, and a couple American presidents have said we need to go to war to “protect our way of life.” as a way to rally the people to the cause. No. God does not care about protecting your way of life.
God is about manifesting and installing His Justice and Righteousness throughout all creation — on Earth, just as it is in heaven as the foundation of God’s Throne. God is about His Kingdom, not this earthly culture and values and traditions of the USA.
God cares about people — that they know Him and are free to know Him, worship Him, and glorify Him. THAT is the most blessed life. Americans are soft and fleshly because we have not been faced with many hard choices for several generations. Our flesh loves comfort, convenience and entertainment. Our flesh loves feeling in control. God is not about that. He is about holiness. He is about character that lasts in His Kingdom throughout eternity.
America has had a bait-and-switch pulled on them. They’ve been sold a false freedom. The Roman goddess “Libertas” became the symbol of the French Revolution, and later, French Freemasons (occultists) gave America the Statue of Liberty. This same goddess has morphed throughout the ages under various forms and names. This is not Biblical freedom, but Americans are brainwashed into confusing occult liberty with true freedom. The distinction has been deliberately hidden from most Americans.
Learn more here on how Pagan Libertas, aka Lady Liberty, morphed into our Statue of Liberty today:
So if Patriotism means your familiar “way of life” of habitual materialism and self-indulgence (fake freedom, just being libertine), then no, that is not promoted anywhere in the Bible. If by Patriotism you mean the freedom to love and worship and obey God, and serve people without a tyrannical State getting in the way of God’s intention for humanity, then yes, that definition of patriotism and nationalism is throughout the Bible.
God is about REAL freedom, not to self-indulge, but the freedom to make powerful choices to perform radical acts of love and redemption. America has the false goddess of “liberty” and that has been corrupted more and more to simply mean in modern day to do whatever you want to do and be boss of your own life. This false freedom is the opposite of what the Bible teaches and the opposite of how Jesus lived.
For further study on Patriotism and Nationalism:
https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/righteousness-justice-the-foundation-of-his-throne/A token video, one of many, on Nationalism vs Patriotism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efjH-lSwdNENehemiah and Patriotism