Everything in this article is a lie. The exact opposite of the truth. Maybe this article is designed to be a pack of outrageous lies simply to get a reaction.
• The rifle is not illegal. Nothing about it, Not they buying, not the using, not the crossing state lines. There were no charges or fines regarding it as nothing was remotely illegal.
• Kyle was going to protect his grandparents store. His mom dropped him off to do that. And Kyle did that. Nothing evil here. Protecting life is the epitomy of goodness.
• What is evil and wrong is that the police were told to STAND DOWN, and not do the job we taxpayers pay them to do. THAT is the illegal and evil part. They cops were not enforcing the law, they were not protecint the lives and property of citizens. They do not have the right to stand down as they are legally OBLIGATED to enforce the law.
• Kyle STOPPED your supposed virtuous people from doing mass harn. These "protesters" (rioters, looters, maraduers, and violent leftists in reality) had set a dumpster on fire and were pushing it to a gas stateion where a lot of people had gathered with thestated intent of blowing it all up and killing all those people. That is the violence and death that Kyle stopped.
• The felons and drug addicts that Kyle stopped had both confessed to both threatening to kill Kyle and then taking violent action to do so. (Hitting Kyle twice in the head with a deadly weapon, pointing and shooting their guns at him, etc etc etc)
Murder is evil but self-defense against those who thretened and acted on murderous threats is not evil, but the protection of life.
It is no recret an not up for debate. You can read the court transcript for yourself. None of these facts stated here was contradicted by the prosecution. It is just that the MSM has an agenda to keep you misinformed. Rittenhouse testified that Rosenbaum threatened his life twice. Your article can only have traction with the misinformed and fact-challenged.
1. He said he had been putting out fires and asking people if they needed medical help when he saw Rosenbaum carrying a steel chain and wearing a mask. Rosenbaum then began screaming at him, ‘If I catch any of you (expletives) alone I’m going to (expletive) kill you.’”
2. When he encountered Rosenbaum again later, Rosenbaum shouted, “I’m going to cut your (expletive) hearts out and kill you."
Later, he was walking with a fire extinguisher after hearing protesters were burning cars at one of the lots his friends were trying to protect.
Rittenhouse said he saw a fire in a truck on one of the lots then Joshua Ziminski approached him with a gun. Rosenbaum came out from behind some cars and “ambushed” him.
We have all this on more, on record - both the live video during those moments record and the trial transcript. Thus your article, the inversion of truth, is what is Luciferian and thus, not just inaccurate, but evil.