The enemy wants you for its slave. An energy slave, and the less you are aware of or understand the slave system, the better in it’s evil mind. Jesus wants to free you and restore you.
So the enemy trained men and women in techniques of mind control — of trauma-based control. The enemy has hijacked your life, claiming it has right to do so through your bloodline (sins of forefathers), even before you were born. The enemy’s dark secret is that it has no energy of its own — unlike your soul that a God made in His image. So it has to be a thief, a hacker, to tap into thousands of human energies to construct a little dark kingdom for itself — woven from their collective life force.
So it trained mankind and tricked man throughout history to be its servant — traumatizing, conditioning and programming people into opening up their energy to it. In physical human economy, the energy industry is the biggest industry of all, bigger than military, health, religion, etc. In the fallen spiritual economy, the soul/spirit energy is prized (by demons, principalities, reptilians, etc) to power their illegitimate worlds, since they lost their original world through rebellion against the Holy, Creator God.
God made everything and owns everything. The fallen ones and their demon offspring are like squatters, carving out a niche and hoping to go hidden and unnoticed by both God and mankind, while they suck on and devour the souls of men.
One of the easiest ways into a person, a doorway, is through intercourse. Sex is supposed to be beautiful vulnerability, total openness, secure and without fear between two people committed to giving and caring for each other. And that is fantastic in a world of good, like God originally made. So the sexual response is one of the best and easiest ways to hack into soul energy. To men, sex is that way to orgasm -physical and emotional release, a way to feel more powerful (dominant) than another person. To meet (temporarily) needs for pleasure, significance, a fake kind of intimacy, and physical release in ejaculation.
The enemy has done a fairly effective job at turning mankind into doorways to demons through rampant cultural promiscuity. It looked like thrills and fun, but it’s all a trap — a set up for something spiritual lying the physical pleasure. It’s all deception. In addition to trapping the victim of mind control, the controllers are themselves trapped in codependency with their victim. Evil humans and evil entities need their supply of energy, after all. They need the victim to stay a willing victim, they need release, they are given a false kind of masculinity, a false sense of power. But the entire system is designed to serve the principality. Energy harvesting from the male, through the female as a receptacle, a funnel, a feeding tube back to the God-starved and God-hating principality.
The fallen spirit principality seems so strong, being fed thousands of other’s energies to puff itself up. But it too depends on its food source — human energy. Only God is truly self-sufficient. The principality operates a hierarchy system of trickery, trauma, control, and self-reinforcement programming.
The enemy’s main weapon is deception — deception towards you with sexual violation, rituals to connect you to demonic systems, Babylonian/Egyptian systems, and principalities. Deceiving you into thinking it is not happening or that you feel fine. The men too are all deceived, working their roles as pimps, handlers, programmers, warlocks and so forth. Imagining they are getting power, sexual gratification, and status within some dark, nasty hierarchy, but in actually becoming more and more enslaved themselves, taken over by the demon workers that the powers, the dark middle-managers direct under the mandates of the principality.
Under the kingdom of darkness, everyone’s need is weaponized to be used against them, to do evil and not good. This is the system Satan sets up — use needs against you to lure you into degradation, by attempting to gratify those needs outside of God’s instructions for how to live clean and blessed. Everyone in these dark systems is told they will be GIVEN to, and in reality they are all scammed and TAKEN from. Satan sells its minions on the “benefits” and that you can enjoy now and pay later, spiritually speaking. The dark kingdom has no loving King, only hateful taskmasters.
The Kingdom of God stands apart from all corruption, making raids into the dark kingdom, reassertion its rightful authority of territory — to rescue souls so precious to the King, buying them out of slavery and deception with the ultimate energy — the lifeblood of Jesus Christ.