Don’t let your Intended Freedom be Hijacked
We fulfill the Law of God, including what was given by God to Moses, THROUGH the Living Law and Word of God — living in and through us. Americans claim to “love freedom” and “hate tyranny”, although today’s reality is very far from that ideal. And so we hear “commandments” as oppressive, right rom the start. An automatic repulsion, based on the “freedom programming” (and freedom is different from being libertine, but evil confuses that in the mind) BAKED INTO the American culture and psyche.
So anything we Americans are “commanded” to do, we strongly feel like rejecting, even if it is good, we are FIERCELY independent, or so we love to believe, and thus in a very dangerous place — ripe for satan’s manipulations and twistings.
How do we HEAR the word “command”?
Core to this is distorting a loving “instruction” (the original Hebrew understanding of the word Torah) into a tyrannical “command” (the Western church’s hearing the word command as if not only is the possibility of punishment or suffering connected to breaking, but but even so much as a tyrannical authority who WANTS to punish and is just looking for any excuse to do so),
In other words, the Western ear hears the word “command” AS IF, God is some harsh dictator and not a loving Father. Thus we develop a relationship of being afraid to be close to an angry tyrant, when it comes to God, instead of being afraid to play fast and loose with the precious wisdom from a loving Father designed to keep our life from veering off into the weeds, off the cliff, over the guardrail, so to speak.
To the Hebrew mind, an instruction from a rightful authority is the SAME as a commandment. But to the American mind, the 2 words feel very different to us.
The GREAT thing about rejecting tyranny (as the American revolutionary war rejected the intrusive British Empire) is to replace it with something better. BUT THE MASONIC IDEA, their LIBERTY GODDESS, was switched out to us to REDIRECT our RIGHT impulse to be free, right back into Pagan Bondage. God’s real freedom is HIJACKED by satan and substituted with goddess Liberty.
Thus, a RIGHT understand of Commandments and a RIGHT understand of Freedom is required, but mostly lacking in our culture.
God’s command are his instructions from Love. They are important guides to not shipwreck your life! God gave Adam many instructions/commands. God love Adam and FROM LOVE, told him how to live his life. This EXTENSIVE set of instructions for maximum success and blessing given to Adam is NOT recorded in the Bible, but in another book outside of the Bible.
And what we have of that book, and the instructions given by God to Adam, is not complete, it is just a fragment. We no longer have the full written record of just how key, loving, protective, and life-enhancing God’s original commands and instructions to Adam were. So we Western Christians are confined to the 66 books, and kept IGNORANT about how God TRAINED UP Adam for his purpose and to succeed at it with LOVING INSTRUCTIONS = Fatherly training. Father God trains you for success; but satan grooms you for a rebellious relationship towards authority that fights God’s commands.
So is a “command” something to be feared and resisted, or something to be embraced and upheld? It all depends on your understanding of the heart of the law-maker. A command from a tyrany and a command from a good Father are completely different–a different heart, goal, and outcome. Creator God is good and seeks to impart maximum life and blessing to His creation, longing for them to choose to come into harmonious intimacy with Himself, to draw them near to bless them to the full!
Again, the right understanding of both Commands and Fatherhood is ATTACKED on all sides, by the evil one.
Satan has been very successful STRIPPING OUT THE LOVE from how we hear the word Command. With the end goal or making us believe that REBELLION FEELS RIGHT. That “no one can tell me what to do!” That FIERCE INDEPENDENCE should be our goal as Americans. English language defines independence as NOT relying on anyone else. It makes self its own god.
But Father God knows best. He knows that we cannot do ANYTHING in our corrupted flesh-strength. We need HIMSELF alive in and through us. Only in this way can we be free, be empowered, and…
“Apart from ME”, Jesus said, “you can do NOTHING.” But as we abide in the Vine — the LIFE of Jesus flowing INSIDE US, then THROUGH us God produces the FRUIT of all real goodness. (see John 15) In fact we simply CANNOT KEEP God’s commands without his own essence connected to, alive and in charge of our lives. This is true freedom. And in God’s power we can do everything. So we have nothing on one hand, and everything on the other hand. Choose wisely.
“I can do all things as Christ Jesus infuses me with HIS strength.” — Phillipans 4:13 Freedom is an ongoing responsiveness to Jesus, abiding in Him, receiving His life, and letting His life produce real goodness through our lives.
So the Bible shows us the path of FAKE freedom, leading to destruction. And the path of REAL freedom through responsive obedience to God’s commands. The author of Psalm 119 really GOT THIS and expressed it perfectly: the RIGHT relationship to God’s commands —
“I LOVE TO run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding. Teach me, LORD, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and OBEY IT WITH ALL MY HEART! Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.”
Submission to God’s good commands is the key to blessings. The Bible is clear but the minds of men, and I’m talking to Americans here, is under attack to invert this and keep us from real live be keeping us from the HEART CONNECTION that delights to respond, to submit, to obey, to be placed into subjection. Submission to God’s commands is true freedom, and this is what the flesh tights against!
Freedom defined as obedient responsiveness to the commands in Scripture along with the promptings of the Holy Spirit is warped by the devil so that this way of maximum blessing, this RESPONSIVE OBEDIENCE, feels like repression and oppression! This we react in the flesh and gravitate towards immediate self-gratification… sadly and ironically leading us to shipwreck, to real oppression, to literal destruction! Another example of how Satan INVERTS everything good.
These days even our women CRAVE to be “strong and independent”. The good desire is mingled with a HORRIBLE strategy for being “free”. Satan confuses the mind from FREEDOM that God has in His Kingdom, under His commands, to being LIBERTINE in self-destructive ways, that sneakily calls itself “being free.” Satan’s twists everything — ug! Do you see how satan twists even “freedom” into rebellious self-destruction?
By this, and many other ways not talked about here, Satan tries to GROOM each soul for hell 🙁
Freedom is not shipwrecking your life via rebellion and flesh-domination. Freedom is giving Jesus FULL ACCESS to you. And living RESPONSIVELY, moment by moment to the Holy Spirit. This includes the many instructions that God gave Adam, gave Moses, etc. Today he gives us all of this, but also in the most DIRECT form, in words and scripture yes, BUT ALSO more than that (a) in the life example of Jesus — God’s commands lived out (love demonstrated) to help us not misunderstand, and the (b) ongoing promptings of the Holy Spirit — which always POINT US TO Jesus, the perfectly obedient SON of His father — Father God. And in this way is for us the Living Torah.
I hereby REJECT the masonic substitute of the liberty goddess in favor of REAL freedom as the Bible teaches! Teaching on Biblical Freedom is sorely needed. May the Holy Spirit DEPROGRAM (replacing error with truth) Americans from these and so many other deceptions, and into the real life, truth, and freedom in God’s Kingdom. Let it be so, we pray, Father God, Amen in Jesus’ Name.